College Tour

The one thing that Apryl found rather quickly as Keith led her on the tour of the campus was that he knew a lot of people.

She had lost count after ten tried to stop him and talk until they realized he was busy. He didn't mind all the interaction, he seemed to eat up in fact. Smiling and replying in what she would refer to as his overly happy manner.

Despite all the people that had tried to stop him and talk, he never once let himself get distracted and if someone really seemed intent on trying to chat, he'd promise to catch up with them later once he was done.

One thing Apryl did take note of was that none of them smelled or felt like werewolves. It could've been because they spent so much time around humans that their scent became indistinguishable. She got the feeling however though that this guy who was leading around campus had more friends among humans than he did of his own kind.

The one positive was that it was a nice day outside. Spring was being friendly this year which meant comfortable temperatures and a nice breeze.

"Sorry. I don't want to bore you with all the walking and dull scenery, but the business buildings on located on this far end of the campus along with the library." Keith explained, apologizing to a group of students as they moved out of the way so they could go past. "I guess you don't drive?"

"No.. and I don't think that I will be learning how to any time soon." Apryl replied, dipping her head slightly as they walked past another group of students, this one was watching them much more intently than she would've liked, but didn't try to stop them or talk.

"That's going to make things a bit harder on you then. If you could drive, there's a parking lot closer on this side of the campus that would help cut down your walking time by almost half." Keith explained as they approached a set of buildings that looked the same as the rest she had seen when they were walking past. Humans either weren't that creative or they liked consistency too much.

"There's not a different way I could go?" he shook his head.

"Not really. You could learn how to ride a bike if you're certain that you're not going to learn how to drive soon. It's faster than walking but not as scary driving." Apryl nodded her head as she listened to what he was saying while looking up at the building in front of her.

It was as large and dark blue as every other building that she had passed.

"That would still cost money though." She pointed out as she turned to look at him.

"Actually, once you're accepted into the college, it won't have to cost you anything because there are bikes here you can rent for as long as you need." Keith told her. "But we can focus on that later. There's still a few places to show you left."

Apryl sighed as she let him lead her back in the direction that they came from.

She felt very certain of the fact that if she wasn't a werewolf who was good with her sense of direction and smell that she would have a hard time remembering where to go.

"I don't understand how you're able to navigate this place like it's nothing." She told him as he lead her down a different sidewalk than the one that lead to the admin building.

"Oh. Trust me, it isn't as easy as it looks. It took me over a year to learn how to correctly navigate this campus and know where I'm going. You only think it's easy because you've met me after I've been here for a while." He laughed.

"You say that. Right now though it feels like it'll be impossible to memorize everything that I'm supposed to know. I don't even know half the names for the stuff we're going past."

"That's what dictionaries and books are for." Keith told her, flashing her one of his smiles again as they reached the front of a building.

He held the door open for her so that she could walk in. The moment she did, her sense of smell was assaulted by overlapping smells of food. Most of which she wasn't quite yet fond of.

"Sorry, you'll get used to the smells eventually. I just felt that it would be important that you knew where this place was." Keith told her as he lead her further into the building around all the people who were lining up or being impatient because their good wasn't ready yet.

She could understand the impatience of some of the people around her, the smell of food was starting to make her hungry as well. She skipped breakfast again this morning as she was too nervous about having to come back to the college that she couldn't even think about eating.

"It's called a food court he told her as he stopped a short distance from where all the people were gathered. "You probably don't have much money yet, but this place will be a life saver when you're stuck on campus and can't go home for food." He told as she took her time taking everything.

"It's a rather large place with perhaps too many options. Are there always this many people around?"

Keith shrugged in response to the question. "It depends on the time of day really. Usually breakfast and early lunch are pretty crowded like this. People have to pick food around their class schedules or deal with not eating anything if they don't take it when they can."

"Does that include you as well?" Apryl glanced at him when she asked this question.

"Some days. But often. I usually bring something with me unless I'm too tired or know something pressing is waiting for me."

Apryl couldn't deny that even if she wasn't very fond of him, Keith had a number of good qualities that ended up being helpful to her.

"Well that's all I got time for today. I'll be late for my job if I spend too much more time standing around talking. I'll take you back though since we're heading in almost the same direction." He told Apryl as he motioned for her to following him through a different door from the one that they had just come in from.

"It's easier to take this way out and then walk around when it's busy like this. People can get rude when they're hungry." Keith made a displeased face when he said this. So it was possible for him to make other facial expressions than the smile that always seemed glued to his face."

"That's why it's easier to be a wolf, we're better mannered overall." Apryl commented as she looked around at all the people they were passing.

She had only been shown half the campus which meant that there was a whole huge section that they hadn't stop at as he was showing her around.

"It depends on where you come from really. But anyways, here we are. That concludes today's tour. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything later on I can do for you." He told her again as they stopped in front of the building.

"Thanks. I'll let you now maybe. I'll be back whenever I get accepted a guess." She replied

With an exchange of temporary farewells, Apryl started heading back home. She got a feel feeling that even though she wouldn't likely need Keith's help anymore after she had been admitted to the college that for some reason or other she would still end up seeing a lot of him.