
Apryl only spent about an hour longer in the library before she decided that it was time to retreat to home. She liked studying there while it had been quieter, but since Oscar and a few other students had appeared, there peacefulness in the library had become less over time.

The fact that she had a high level of hearing compared to humans didn't help with this because even if they were speaking in a lower voice, she could for the most part still hear them talking.

She didn't bother messaging Keith before she headed him as she hadn't responded to the last message she had sent him which to her meant that she had no reason to message him again until she heard back from him. Like she was, she presumed it probably was because he was busy and had a lot going on.

Being back home was at least better because she was around her family and that made her feel more at ease rather than being around so many strangers. Her sisters had apparently decided to join her mother and aunt in the main part of the house in their human forms rather than hiding away in their room. They seemed stiff at first when they saw Apryl, probably because they didn't know who to expect, but once they realized who it was, they relaxed almost immediately.

Her and her sisters looked a lot alike in their human except neither of them had the same birthmark that she did on and one had deeper black hair than she did while the other's hair was more of a dark brown than black. Nova, looked the most different as her hair was a much lighter brown and her eyes were a deep green unlike the brown in wolf form they usually were. Height was similar as well. Unlike her, they were also much more quiet and nervous about what they were doing even though they seemed to be holding their human form fine.

They interested to listen when talked about college to her mom and how her classes had gone, even asking questions about a few things that they didn't know about. Her aunt helped her to explain some of the things she didn't have the right words for.

Not being that fond of history herself, Lydia had also agreed to help Apryl with this assignment. Going so far as to explain to her that sometimes even if professors did assign a lot to read, students often times didn't read everything. Just what was relevant to the assignment.

"That sounds like cheating though." Apryl replied in disbelief when she heard this causing her aunt to chuckle.

"Some do think that is the case, but in general classes like this, most of what you're learning aren't things that are important to the degree you're getting or they're stuff you're only going to need to know for this class and never touch again when you're done. Thus, it is better to save your brain the space and only read what you need to unless you find something particularly interesting." Apryl pouted at this.

She had actually been happy that she had managed to get through so much of her reading even though she had begun to highlight some of the many words she didn't know to go back and figure out later. Now though, it just felt like she had been sinking too much time into reading and perhaps had even wasted some that she could've used to work on her assignment.

"See you two, you're going to be able to learn about all this stuff that your sister is figuring out on the spot before you even get into college. Make sure you remember it so you don't have to deal with the same problems as me." She turned to look at the other two who nodded their heads earnestly at what she said.

The conversation was cut short through by Brian coming home. Amber and Faith seemed nervous by his presence, but Nova like Apryl didn't seem to mind as much. Brian seemed to be a bit uncertain about the situation that greeted him as well. He wasn't used to seeing the table so full when he came home.

He didn't comment about it when he greeted everyone, but Apryl picked up on that there was something a little weird about him compared to most other days. She also felt that there was something a little bit off about Brian that she couldn't quite place and maybe it was just because had come home from work, but whatever it was, it made her more hyperaware of him than normal.

Lydia greeted him with a hug as she always did when he got home and asked him about how work had went and what was going on. Brian returned the hug and gave the simply reply that things were starting to get busy, but work was going as well as could be expected. He left then to go and change clothes but said that he would be back shortly to join everyone since it was rare to see them all together with the exception of the younger pups and the two omegas.

Apryl gave Lydia a look when Brian left but she other didn't see it or purposely avoided making eye contact with her. She couldn't tell which it was since he aunt was focused on watching dinner and finishing up the dishes. She was going to have to set up more places at the table tonight since it seemed as though the other three would be joining them for dinner.

Apryl was happy about this because it meant that as long as her sisters kept getting more comfortable being in their human form, there would be someone else to help keep an eye on her mom while she was at school all day so she wouldn't have to worry about her so much. The tension continued to rise as each day went by and it got closer to her giving birth.

Apryl also disappeared to go and change her clothes into something more comfortable. She liked the clothes that her aunt had given her, but she wanted to wear something that wasn't so form fitting and would allow her to breathe better than what she was having to wear to college. Tomorrow at least she wouldn't have to most likely go to college, which meant that she could spend the day focusing on the homework that she needed to get done.