
The day at home Apryl was looking forward to was cut short when she found out that it was the day that had been scheduled to get her picture taken for state and student ID. She wasn't thrilled to find this out, but wasn't going to say no to going since Brian and her Lydia had gone to the trouble of setting it up for her.

Her aunt helped her to make sure that her face and hair would look good for the photo since she would be using it for the next four years before getting a new one, assuming that she didn't somehow lose it during that time. Apryl wasn't thrilled about the makeup or stuff that her aunt used in her hair to help it stay in place, but she did her best to fidget too much even though it made her feel like she wanted to sneeze.

Brian took her in their car since the place where the werewolf they knew who did photo IDs was located about a twenty minute drive from their house which meant that it would've taken twice as long to walk there and even though it was only morning, it was still rather hot outside already.

This was only Apryl's second time riding in a car and the first time she was doing it in human. Being in human form and sitting in the front seat felt weirder than it had when she was riding in the back in her wolf form with her siblings. The seats were comfortable and there was plenty of space for her to stretch her legs out, but the vibration that followed the engine starting up disturbed her senses. She made a mental note that if it was up to her in the future, she wouldn't be using a car as a method of transportation unless she absolutely had to.

Brian did his best to be considerate with her about the way that he was driving so as to not scare her since he was also aware of how unfamiliar she was of being in a car. She tried not to move her head around too much, but the way the car moved messed with her sense of space and movement and everything that was moving by so fast outside the car window was catching her attention. It was weird being completely still but seeing things move by so fast outside like they did when was running in her wolf form.

"You'll get used to after a while. It took me a long time to adjust and it was even worse when I had to learn how to drive because even after you get used to seeing and feeling everything being in the passenger seat, it's still not the same experience as trying to figure out how to drive and get used to all the different sensations and feelings that come along with that." Brian told Apryl as he glanced over at her while turning his blinker on so that he could make a right turn.

"I'm not sure that I am ever going to want to try and drive a car. I don't think I can get used to this no matter how many times I ride in one." Apryl replied, her stomach was starting to feel unsettled from watching all the objects they past blur by. She forced herself to focus on watching straight ahead so that she didn't end up getting sick.

"Lydia used to say the same thing when I first started trying to convince her to learn how to drive rather than walking everywhere because it's a touch safer." Brian commented. The car was still right now as they were waiting at a red stop light.

"She was convinced that if she tried, she was going to end up killing herself or someone else because she'd end up panicking and not knowing what to do. Turns out after I finally managed to convince her that she would be fine, she was actually a far better driver than I had been the first time around." He chuckled as he said the last part.

"How did you two meet?" Apryl asked. Brian's face dropped slightly when she asked this question.

"That's a conversation for another time. We're here already." He replied as he pulled up to small building that looked very similar to any of the other DMVs that were used to get IDs. He helped her to unbuckle as he double-checked to make sure that he had all the items that he needed on him still. Everything needed to be done perfectly if they didn't want anyone to suspect that it could be fake.

Stepping out of the vehicle and looking at the building she was in front of, Apryl felt her nerves getting worse again. She was only getting her picture taken, but she wasn't thrilled about doing something that she had never done before.

Brian held the door open for her and the man inside seemed rather nice as he greeted them and took them over to the counter as he went over everything that would be going on with them.

His name was Ralph and he had al of experience with helping werewolves to get their ID faked and thus far had never encountered a problem where anyone found out that their ID was fake. He also assured Apryl as he got her to set down in a seat in front of the small camera that was hooked up to the computer he was behind that she wouldn't have to worry about any flashing lights or anything. After a few issues of trial and error in taking pictures, he learned that if he used the flash to get a better picture, even though they were in human form, werewolves' eyes ended up glowing red which was not great for a ID photo.

Instead, he learned how to increase the lighting to get a clear picture so that he didn't have to worry about this problem and the photos he took of his clients would still turn out well. Not having to worry about a flashing light did help Apryl to relax slightly. Brian stood out of the way towards the front of the office while he waited.

Ralph gave her the three second countdown, but she didn't even know the picture had been taken until he told it was done. It only took him a moment to input all the additional information before he handed her the ID that was printed out from a little card machine. Picking it up, she could at least say that the picture didn't look horrible and she had kept her eyes open.

Brian took care of paying Ralph and thanked him for his help. Next, he had to take her back to the school so that she could get her student ID taken care of. After getting her first picture down, it didn't feel like it was going to be as daunting. The worst part was going to be the drive back to the school.

As Brian pulled out of the parking lot, Apryl came to learn that she hated pulling out more than she had turning and driving forward. It felt like moving backwards while being still and that caused her head to feel weird. At least she had her ID now which took her one step closer to being able to get a job.