Was that Your Uncle

Apryl had tried to assure Brian that she would be fine to go on her own to get her student ID taken care of, but he insisted on coming with her on the premise that he hadn't been to the college in years and wanted to see what had changed. She didn't argue with him about it after he gave her this reason even though she still would've preferred to go on her own.

Brian did seem genuinely interested though in seeing what had changed. It had been about six years since he had graduated from the college and since then, many changes had been made. One of the first ones that he picked up on but didn't verbally comment on was the fact that he could tell that it was true that more werewolves were going to this college, he could both smell and sense it.

In six years though, a number of the employees that had previously worked there had already changed and there were many new faces that Brian didn't remember working there when he had been a student.

While Apryl didn't care if her uncle wanted to take a look around the campus and see what had or hadn't changed, she was focused on getting her student ID taken care of so only vaguely paid attention as to whether or not he was still with her as she approached the admin building. She remembered that Keith had told her there was a little booth on the second floor of the building that took care of issuing IDs for their students.

She decided to take the stairs rather then the elevator as he didn't like the weird way it made her feel when she went up on it. Reaching the second floor her uncle stepped out first to look around and she focused on trying to figure out where the ID booth was. Her uncle said that it had been in a different building when he was here so he wasn't familiar with where it was on this floor.

It wasn't as hard to find as she thought it was going to be however when she noticed that there were black arrows with writing printed on the wall indicating to students what direction they should go in on the second floor depending on what they were looking for. According to these directions, the ID booth was located to the right of where the elevator had dropped them off at.

It really was a small booth like Keith had told her it would be. It was put in a smaller corner of a large room that had a sign hanging above it that read 'Admissions'. Apryl wasn't thrilled to see that the room was fairly packed with what looked like either students or those who were interested in applying for the college, some of which had come with a family member. Thankfully though, it didn't seem as though there were that many who were waiting to get their IDs like Apryl was.

She showed her uncle off to take a seat or look around while she waited for her turn. The lady who was manning the booth seemed rather friendly based upon her interactions with those who were in line ahead of her to get their IDs made or replaced for one reason or another. Apryl wouldn't have minded waiting in line so much if it wasn't for the fact that there was so much other noise and activity going on around her, it was making her nerves worse and giving her a little bit of a headache.

Once it was her turn, the woman greeted her with the same kindness she had greeted everyone ahead of her and asked her what she could do for her.

"I was actually hoping to get my Student ID. I just recently enrolled here and this was the first chance I had to come and get my ID taken care of." Apryl explained as she handed the woman her ID.

"No problem, give me one minute to pull up your information." The woman replied as she took the card and began typing away that the computer.

"Apryl Dark is it?" The woman asked to clarify and make sure that she had pulled the right person's information.

"That's correct."

"Alright then give me one minute and I am going to have you look this over to make sure that everything looks correct to you." The woman typed a few more things on the computer before she turned the screen so that Apryl could see what she had put down. She felt a little uncertain at this part since she hadn't memorized all the fake information that her uncle and aunt had come up with her for her fake ID.

"It looks correct to me." Apryl finally replied as she looked over it once more. She was pretty certain it was right and even if anything was incorrect, she didn't think that it would be too hard to get it fixed later on.

"Alright, then if you would please take a seat right there and I can get your photo taken care of." The woman pointed to a stool that as set up in front of a small camera that was attached to a post. Apryl did as she was asked and tried to position herself so that she was in a comfortable position though it felt a bit awkward to do so as the stool was up rather high and the seat was small.

"No on the wall across from you, you should notice a blue line, I will ask if you can look at that and smile. It'll make sure that I get the best centered photo possible." The woman told Apryl as she looked up from the computer to make sure that the other was following her directions.

"Perfect." She said with a nod of her head when she was happy with the way Apryl had positioned herself.

"Before you take the photo, can you please turn off the flash. I don't react well to it and it tends to make my headaches worse." Apryl asked, remembering what Ralph had told her was a good excuse to get others to be willing to turn off their camera flash if she couldn't get another werewolf to take a photo for her.

"That's not problem, the picture might come out a little darker than you might like." The woman warned before she gave the countdown and snapped a few photos of Apryl. Once she gave the okay that she was done, the other woman got off the stool and came over to see the photos and pick the one she liked best.

She pointed to the third one, she couldn't really see any real difference between any of the photos the woman had taken, so she just picked one. It didn't take long after this for the woman to fix up all the information on the computer and add the photo before she printed off the ID. The machine made an odd clicking noise as it printed that Apryl didn't particularly like and when it was handed to her, the ID was oddly warm.

She thanked the woman for her help before she went over to where her uncle was sitting and waiting for her and let him know that she was done and ready to leave. He was happy to leave with her. He seemed a bit agitated compared to before, but Apryl took this as maybe the fact that like her, he didn't like being around too many people for too long even though he was more used to others than she was.

The walk back to the car was also much quieter with Brian seeming as though he wanted to have left there five minutes ago if he could've. Apryl asked if anything was wrong and he shook his head no, simply saying that he was ready to get back home because there was something that he needed to get taken care of for work that he had forgotten about.

She wasn't sure whether to believe him or not, but she dropped the issue when she felt her phone vibrate in her pocket signaling that she had gotten a text. She had expected it to be from her aunt or mother since she had forgotten to update either of them because she had ben so preoccupied. Instead though the text was from Keith.

'Was that your uncle with you today?' was the text he sent.