
Callum made a hum noise as he nodded his head slightly.

"Considering we aren't really adapted to live like this, I don't think it's that much of a surprise that there's argument that take place over what the right decision to make about how to live occurs." He replied thoughtfully.

"Even though we are all almost family in our groups, it's not like arguments and differing viewpoints can't happen that causes fractures in what should be a solid system. Unlike these people here though, it's rarely ever or anything petty or something that cannot be resolved through communication." He said the last part as he looked out over all the students that were sitting in the library.

Callum had the point though. Apryl's family had had a number of arguments over the years. Not just about how the best way to live was, but over where to hunt, family structure, taking in Oreo and Timid, and similar things, but there had never been an issue with resolving them before this one big hang-up with choosing to go live among humans rather than trying to survive scavenging the limited amount of food that was left.

"It seems like you two are having a nice conversation here, but Callum it is almost time for our meeting and we still have that presentation to go over." Callum tilted his head back to look up at Chester who was standing behind the chairs where the two other werewolves were sitting.

"Oh. Is it really almost that time? I thought for sure that we still had another hour before there was anything to worry about." He replied with a slight tilt of his head.

"It was supposed to be later, but they had to move it up because something came up and if we had it any later, not everyone would be able to be present. If you had checked your phone, you would've known that from the messages I sent you." Chester replied. Apryl didn't say anything as she watched the two interact. She was rather surprised that even though Chester was being his usual brusque, rude self that the smaller werewolf really didn't seem phased by it.

"I probably didn't hear you message me because I left my phone over there at the desk where I was working. We can go back over there to finish this for the meeting. It shouldn't take too long to go over. You should also have one of these, I don't think Apryl will mind if you take one right?" He looked over the other for permission before he grabbed one of the croquets to hand to his companion.

"I don't. I still have plenty left and plus, I will probably heading home soon to get ready for dinner." Apryl replied as she shifted the lunch pack closer to the other. Thinking about her family had made her appetite disappear anyways thus she didn't really care if they wanted to finish the rest of the food.

"Thank you." Chester replied as he took the item of food from the other werewolf. His expression said he didn't know what to make of the morsel but he didn't object to eating it which made his smaller companion happy.

"Thank you for sharing your food and the nice conversation. Sorry I have to cut it short for work. I hope we get a chance though to talk again soon if you'll be continuing to occupy this location often." He offered her a small smile before he turned his attention back to Chester who waiting quietly for him to finish so that they could focus on their presentation.

Apryl also hoped that they would get more of a chance to talk, but didn't voice this out loud since the other two were already back at the table Callum usually sat at focusing on their presentation.

Putting away the rest of her lunch, Apryl decided that it was about time to head home where she would be more likely to get her studying done with less distraction. At least that was what she had thought.

Apryl hardly made it out of the library before she felt her phone buzzing in her pocket. It was a unfamiliar feeling and sound to her, but she knew at least that it indicated that someone was trying to get her attention. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she saw that it was a call from her mother. This was quite unusual for her.

"Is everything okay?" Apryl asked after she answered the call which took her a few seconds to remember how to do it.

"Oh. Um, this is Apryl right? I'll assume so at least... sorry it's me Oreo. I'm not really good with this thing but Lydia said I should call you." Apryl felt her heart rate pick up when she heard Oreo's voice.

"What's wrong?" Apryl asked as she quickened her pace. If it wasn't for the fact that she was around people, she would've shifted into her wolf form so that she could sprint home faster to be there for whatever the problem was.

"Nothing is wrong, I'm sorry." The other wolf quickly apologized. She could tell he was trying to compose himself.

"Lydia said I should call because your mother is having the puppies now." As though to prove what he said, Apryl could hear the sound of the shrill, high pitched howl that only a new born pup was possible of.

"Everything is going well. Your sisters are there with her along with Lydia. Even though you'll be home soon, she thought that I should call and let you know ahead of time. It's kind of packed in here right now, but your welcome of course." Oreo continued to explain keeping his voice audible around all of the background.

"I will be there in just a few minutes." Apryl replied as she hung up without bothering to end the call. She doubted Oreo would understand that formality anyways.

Apryl had to hold herself back from running home and instead moved at a quick jog. It was one of the few times she was truly thankful that she lived not too far away from college. She didn't have to wait long before she would be able to see her mother and her new siblings and really tell how they are doing.

When Apryl got home, everyone with the exception of Brian was in the sound proof room with her mother and the new pups. She had given birth to three rather large dark red and black pups who all seemed healthy but very hungry. Her mother on the other hand looked exhausted like it had taken a lot out of her.

Apryl took off her clothes and shifted form when she came inside to decrease the stress on everyone else since they were all shifted into their wolf forms as well. Coming over, she nuzzled her mother's face, the other returned the gesture though much more gently. Apryl then turned to Lydia who was the only one still in her human.

"Your mom will be fine. She's just a bit more exhausted because of how big they are compared to previous litters she had." Lydia explained, giving a smile to her niece to let her know she was being honest when she said this.

"And the pups?" Apryl then asked as she gently licked each of her wriggling siblings that were trying to get some milk.

"It's hard to tell since they were just born, but they all look to be healthy. Your mother doesn't seem to think that there is anything wrong with them." Lydia replied as she looked them over.

Her sisters were keeping the other pups away since they didn't know better what was going on and didn't want them to end up hurting their new brothers and sister. Oreo was also helping while Timid was curled in the far back trying to stay as far out of the way as possible.

"Sorry, I know it is a bit cramped down here. We never built it with the intention that so many wolves would be using it at once." Lydia laughed softly as she looked at everyone. She only had to use it for a few pups at at time which was plenty of room since they only needed it for a year before they would understand how to shift into human form.

"It's not your fault, we also didn't expect to be occupying it for such a long time either." Apryl replied. She really did feel bad that she was having to impose on her relatives so much.

"There's one little thing." Lydia's voice lowered as she spoke in attempt to make sure that Apryl was the one who heard what she was saying. Apryl moved closer so that she could listen better.

"Summer said she doesn't want Brian to come anywhere near this room until the pups are older." Apryl titled her head slightly when she heard this. Her mom didn't want Brian near her?