
Apryl felt her face heat up after she registered what Callum had said to her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't even think about that." She apologized, feeling guilty that she hadn't considered that before determining on this to be her place of study.

"Um. I don't mind sharing if you would like to split this with me?" She offered. Her lunch that day consisted of chicken cutlets and mashed potatoes, but it was a generous enough amount that she could share.

"You don't need to share, I just thought that I should let you know because some of the others around here aren't so polite about certain things. Since you're offering though, I'll gladly take one of those cutlets and see if it tastes as good as it seems." Callum's voice remained in a soft tone as he spoke, it made him have a rather gracious air about himself as he reached his hand forward and carefully grabbed one of the cutlets, making sure not to mess up the order of the rest of the food.

"Others you said?" Apryl asked as she glanced around. She hadn't remembered sensing the presence of other werewolves around, but maybe it was because it was becoming harder for her to distinguish where exactly the scent was coming from.

"There are a few around. I don't think in the library right now. They usually prefer to hang other places unless they're required to do homework or come here for study sessions." Callum replied before taking a bite of the cutlet. He made a sound that Apryl took to mean he approved of the taste before he continued speaking.

"Quite a few of them actually get into sports as well. Because of our sharper senses, they think that by getting in such fields of opportunity rather than studying that they'll end up becoming more successful." He further explained.

"Wouldn't it be dangerous for them to do that kind of thing though? I mean, it's not like we're trained to know how to hold ourselves back or how to push back against humans. I don't think that would end very well." Apryl replied with a frown. She couldn't imagine that werewolves wouldn't get in trouble if they played against humans. Not likely to be found out, but she didn't think that they would last very long even in their human form because of the amount of injuries they could end up causing.

"Some are trained to learn how to handle those type of issues. Other's learn from trial and error. If they don't care enough to change, they'll end up getting kicked off the team and have to go elsewhere for other opportunities." eating the last piece of the cutlet, he turned back to where his backpack was and pulled out a handkerchief to wipe his hands off on. He didn't miss the way that Apryl watched him do this.

"I am rather particular one if you're wondering. Like this, I don't like to get my hands messy because it feels weird on such soft skin, but in other shifts, I don't mind being messy." Realizing that she had been watching him too intently, Apryl turned back to her own lunch after he had said this.

"Sorry, I don't mean to come across as rude. I'm just interested in seeing what others do or behave while we're like this. Plus, I can't deny that I'm not interested in knowing why someone who seems as gentle as you ended up working with Chester and from what I hear getting along with him." She told him as she went back to eating.

"Oh I see. So you already have a vague idea of who I am. I would expect that to mean you've already met Chester as well." He mused as took the set next to Apryl. He didn't seem to mind the little space that it left between them, but it made her feel a little uncomfortable being in such close proximity with another werewolf who she was just getting to know.

Sitting next to her however did allow for him to see how much smaller he was compared to most of the male werewolves she was used. He was maybe 5'3 which likely meant that his wolf form was of a rather small size as well. He was dressed in a black dress shirt with gray dress pants. The outfit looked too stuffy for Apryl's taste, but she figured it was probably due to the fact that he wasn't just a student but also had professional commitments that he had to take care of. She also didn't miss that he had a ring on his left hand that was similar to the one that Chester was always wearing.

"A lot of people don't seem to like Chester all that much since he's not really that warm of a person. Plus he's got a temper that he hides well but is usually boiling just below the surface and waiting to boil over whenever anyone is rude or tries to challenge him. He's gotten better about it of course compared to the past. It doesn't help him much now though with getting people used to him since he still has a very distant and indifferent attitude."

"It sounds like you two have known each for a while." Apryl commented as she listened to Callum talk.

"We have actually. Probably for about two and a half years now. We don't come from the same group, we just happened to be meet by chance as we started here around the same time." He clarified, he rubbed the ring on his finger as he spoke.

"I didn't get along with him either at first because I didn't really understand his personality and attitude, but after a while you get used to him and you realize that his reasons for doing things aren't bad, he just doesn't always have the best of going about trying to accomplish what he wants to do. What about you though?" He asked looking at Apryl more closely.

"Since it seems clear that you've already known somethings about me prior to this, why don't you tell me about yourself. I would guess that you're new here." Apryl nodded her head when he asked this.

"My family actually recently moved to the area. We're a rather large group, currently living with my aunt and uncle until we can get our own living arrangements sorted out. Still getting used to everything and I can't really say yet if I like classes or not." She replied.

"I haven't met anyone who likes their classes at first. It takes time to to get used to the change and structure. Once you do though, it's not that bad." Callum replied.

"What about where you come from?" This was the first time she had been asked this.

"Um.. I don't know the direction but we lived I don't a hour or more away from here? What about you?" Apryl than asked. This was something that she was curious about as by his appearance, she presumed that Callum wasn't from the area or at least she hadn't ever seen any werewolves who liked him over the years.

"Oh. I don't come from around here. My group lives rather far away from here. So it's just me. I decided that I want to branch out though I can't say that everyone was thrilled about that decision." the color of his eyes shifted slightly as he spoke and she wondered if that was because it was something he was sad over?

"I can relate to that. We kind of had a split off in my group as well over the matter of coming here or staying out there." She told him. It was something that was still hard for her to think about, but at least something she could relate with him on to a certain level.