
Apryl didn't really like the idea of more wolfs knowing what was going or rather those she wasn't certain that she could trust.

Like Keith had said though, Chester had come over in rather quick time after the other being only a few minutes on the phone with the other wolf. He had to knock in order to be let in the room.

"What exactly is this going on did you say?" Chester asked once he was in the room and the door was closed again. what Keith had said made it sound like an urgent matter to him.

Keith looked at Apryl as an indication that he expected her to explain the situation to the other male werewolf.

She didn't really want to, but she figured that he was probably her best chance after Keith And If he thought the brusque wolf was reliable, she could hope that he was right and give it a chance. With a sigh she went about explaining what she had just finished telling Keith, but in a way that she hoped was easier to understand.

After she had finished, Chester was quiet and she didn't miss the dark look in his eyes as he turned to look at Apryl.

"After hearing that, do you think you have an idea of any resources that might be able to help in this situation?" Keith asked when he felt that the other was quiet for too long.

"I do have an idea and I think that it is one that you don't even know about yet. I've been working on a side project outside of school." hearing that his friend was hiding something from him immediately caught his attention.

"You've been working on something that I don't even know about yet?" he asked somewhat surprised and incredulous.

"Of course. Just because I tell you a lot of things doesn't mean that I tell you everything that's going on." Chester replied before turning his attention back to Apryl who was the one he really needed to talk with.

"Since your mother just had the pups, how long do you think that you could get away with staying there before you'd have to move?" He wanted to get idea of the what type of timeframe they would have to work with.

"My aunt said that it should be at least two weeks before we even think about moving." Apryl replied. If It was up to her they would've been moving sooner, but she knew that her mom needed the rest.

"Two weeks should be enough time to get everything in order. How many people are in your family?" there was the question she didn't like answering because she knew that she had a rather large pack family.

"Eleven without the pups, fourteen with." She replied after mentally making sure that she had the right number.

"And somehow you all fit into that house with them?" Chester asked, writing the number down on his phone so that he wouldn't forget it.

"We make it work. There isn't a of space. but not everyone stays in the main house right now." Apryl replied. Some days she wondered how she was able navigating having so many people in such a small space around the homework and other things she needed to focus.

"Give me two days and I'll be able to tell you if it'll work or not. If I get approval, I'll show you what I've gotten together with some of the other werewolves in the city to work. You can come to of course." Chester said the last part to let Keith to let him know that he was included in that.

"I want to know what it is know though." the other said. hoping to pressure his friend in hopes of getting some idea of what he was talking about.

"You can wait two days to find out. It's still a work in progress so I'm not even sure I'll be allowed to show it to anyone yet. If not, I'll figure out another over the next two weeks that could work as an alternative." he assured Apryl.

He may not have always gotten along with or cared for everyone, but he would never let innocent pups be put in danger regardless of how he felt about anyone else. He would do what he could to protect them.

"I need to get going again anyways. It's almost time for my next class and there are some other things that I need to get taken care of as well." Chester said as he glanced at his watch to see what time it was. He more than most preferred to make it to his classes early so that he could maintain his seat at the front of the class, it made it easier to see what the professor was messing with on the screen at the front of the room without anyone being in his way.

"Um." Apryl hesitated for a second as she got ready to speak, he stopped his hand on the door handle to turn and look at her to see what she was going to say.

"Thank you for being so willing to offer your assistance even though we don't know each other that well." She replied. She was genuinely thankful for the support she was getting in trying to deal with this matter.

"You don't need to thank me yet, I haven't been able to do anything certain yet. You can save it for when everything works out." He told her before he left the room, closing the door behind him as he did so.

"See, I did try and tell you that Chester isn't really that bad of a guy when you get used to him. He only seems like he doesn't care much about others." Keith told her after the other had left.

"His attitude is still a little bit difficult to get used to. I'm not sure what my mother would think of him either. His attitude might be a bit difficult for her to handle wither her current state of heightened protectiveness for my sibling." She replied as she bit her bottom. Still, she couldn't deny that she was slowly getting used to Chester and his attitude didn't bother her as much as it used to. Though she was sure that would change the next time he said something offhanded that was inconsiderate.

"Now though that that part is taken care of, are you going to tell me about what you know about my uncle?" Apryl asked circling back around to thing that she really wanted to know. Keith's face dropped slightly when she said this.

It was something that he really didn't want to talk about, but that he also understood would be unfair to her if he didn't tell since she was only asking out of concern for her family.

"How about I pick you up for lunch and we can talk about it then. Like Chester, I need to get ready for class and do some work before hand, but I promise I will tell you at lunch. I won't blow it off last time." Keith assured her, hoping that she would agree to this.

"Fine, but you better mean it this time. I want answers." She told him with a sigh. She need to finish going over her homework anyways. She would ask him for help with that later after she had finished finding out what he knew about Brian.