
Apryl ended up being the one who had to bail on Keith before they could have lunch to talk everything over. Her aunt needed her back home to help with a few things while she went out to do some shopping.

Although Nova did her best to try and do what her twin sister did to keep an eye on everything while she was away at school. She still wasn't as comfortable or composed as she was when it came to being in human form and understanding everything that she needed to do.

"I'm sorry I couldn't be more help." She apologized after Apryl had come home and was helping to get lunch together. Although her mother still wasn't all that interested in eating, the pups needed food as did the others.

"It's no big deal. You'll get the hang out it the longer you try and get used to everything. There are still some things that I'm not used to yet either." Apryl reassured her sister as the other watched what she was doing. She did want to learn so that she could be more helpful.

Their other siblings though being a year younger didn't put as much of a priority on assimilating to being more human than wolf despite the circumstances which did make certain things a little more challenging. If all of them were working together, everything that needed to get done would take less time.

Oreo was even put more effort into than they were. Although he still chose to stay with the pups and Summer. He was spending more time as he could as a human and getting used to what it felt like and learning how to not be so nervous about everything that was going on around him. Doing this seemed to even give Timid a little bit of confidence to consider trying to work towards being comfortable in her human form as well. Though, she was a bit nervous about how the pups would react than Oreo had been.

Apryl would ask when she saw Chester next if he knew someone would be willing to give Oreo a job since it seemed like he knew people outside of school who might have connections for such a thing. Although Keith had agreed to help with this, he only had connections to help provide resources such as extra clothes, food, and similar things. He didn't know anyone who was looking to hire another werewolf.

Apryl didn't want to push the timid male wolf into getting a job before he was ready for it, but she couldn't deny that having someone in their rather large family who was able to start bringing in some money would help significantly.

"Right now until we get everything sorted, I just need you to be here to make sure that mom and everyone else is safe for the time being." Apryl told her sister as she finished portioning the meat up. Although the younger wolves' teeth was more than strong enough to break up the meet themselves, she need to separate it before they could eat in order to make sure that everyone got their fair share. Rationing was hard to do, but they needed to for a little while still until they had enough money to afford more food.

Nova was happy to help with this part as she enjoyed spending the time with the younger pups. Summer and Apryl both hoped that soon they would be ready to be taught how to turn into humans and easier to teach since they were still at the more inquisitive stage of life rather than being uncertain and timid as some of their older siblings were.

"With the way that mom has been behaving though since she had baby siblings, do you think that everything will be okay?" Nova asked on their way out to the building with the food.

"What do you mean?" Apryl asked giving her an odd look. She figured everyone knew that her mother didn't want Brian around even if they didn't know the reason. Not all of them felt comfortable around him either so they didn't mind this. Nova was like Apryl in such matters though - calm and calculating how best to deal with a situation without saying anything to anyone else or out loud.

"I mean, I have never seen mom react this way to anyone else before. Certainly I don't feel comfortable around Brian myself because I can tell that there is something off about him even if he is Lydia's mate." Nova explained as they stopped right outside of the building to finish speaking before they entered with the food.

"If she's reacting this strongly though, I just worry that something might happen. I wouldn't know what to do if something happened and we ended up losing her as well." Nova said the last part in a lower tone of voice. Of course Apryl wasn't the one who was affected by the absence of their father, the head of the pack.

"Don't worry so much about that. You know how strong mom is. Besides, she's not alone, she has all of us to watch out for her as well. I don't think that there is anything serious to worry about. I'm working with someone anyways who says that they need a few days but should be able to help us out." Apryl reassured her sister.

"Since we don't really know what it is we need to be worried about in the first place, it's best to just keep aware of everything that is going on, but not to make a big deal out of it. Lydia said Brian was very understanding anyways about the fact that mom didn't want him near any of the pups right now." Apryl continued to explain as she opened the door.

"As long as we don't act like there's anything going on aside from mom being protective of her pups, I don't think we have anything that we need to worry about either." Or at least that was what Apryl hoped would be the case. She would need to text Keith later and see if they could meet tomorrow instead since she couldn't do it today even though she really had hoped to come home with some type of answers to what she was dealing with.

Right now though, she need to focus on taking care of the pups and making sure that everything was okay with her mother. Her homework still need more fixing as well. She would have to do it herself though since Keith hadn't been able to help out with how quickly she had to leave and she hadn't mastered sending emails with attachments yet.