Is It True?

The next day even though Apryl had gotten to sleep at a decent hour and nothing else had happened after her conversation with Brian while he had been eating dinner, she still wasn't ready to get up. She was tired and wanted to sleep more, but knew that she needed to go to campus if she wanted to get any studying done for her classes the following day.

It would be too easy to get distracted at home with her family around and everything going on if she stayed there. Thus even though all she wanted to do was sleep with her family and put things off to the next day, she needed to get up and around.

Since she had the time today, she decided to eat something quick for breakfast before she left in hopes that it would help give her energy to wake up. Lydia had brought back something called beef jerky from her last shopping trip that she thought her niece would like and she had been right. It was a bit odd at first to Apryl but she was really coming to like the chewiness and smoked flavor that came with it. Probably some of the best cooked as it were meat that she had tried.

It was around nine before she had made it to campus which she had hoped would've given Keith enough time to already be there ahead of her so that she could talk with him about figuring out when the next time they would have to finish discussing matters would be.

Instead, she was met at Keith's usual workplace by an overly eager Callum who seemed like he had been waiting for her to come simply so that he could talk with her. Why exactly, she wasn't sure since she had only spoken to him briefly that one time.

"Is it true?" He asked as he waved at Apryl to let her know that it was safe to come over.

"Is what true?" She asked with hesitant confusion as she had no clue what he was talking about. The wolf shifted his position so that he was sitting on the edge of the desk with his legs dangling down as he replied to her question.

"Is it true that Keith told you about his past?" He clarified, a certain shine in his eyes as he asked this question. What exactly was he so excited about this early in the morning that she was missing? Apryl glanced around to make sure that no one else was nearby before answering his question.

"Yes.. but I'm not sure that's something to really talk about here." She replied cautiously. Keith had told her he didn't really want a lot of other people to know what he had told her and Apryl wanted to respect that which meant avoiding saying too much to the smaller wolf.

By the way his face light up though, she could only imagine that if his tail was out it would've been wagging back and forth rather quickly. This personality shift was a stark contrast to the quiet, studious, and focused wolf she would always sit near in the library. Seeing this side of him made her wonder how he and Chester got along so well since they seemed to have quite differently personalities compared to what she had first thought.

"I knew it!" His voice was low as he exclaimed this, most likely trying to make sure that he wouldn't disrupt many of the other students who were in the same area as them.

"Even though he didn't really want to commit to giving me a proper answer, I knew he told you more than he let on." Apryl gave him a confused look as he beamed at her in a rather pleased way that she didn't understand.

"Wait, you know about it as well?" He nodded his head in response to this question.

"He didn't actually tell me though. I figured it out based upon the small facts he let drop about himself and the detailed information I have learned about from the past history of stuff I looked up in the library." Callum explained as he let his legs swing back and forth from his perch. He knew that it would a while still before Keith would be coming back, but he hoped that Apryl would stick around enough for him to give the other werewolf a hard time.

"I guess if he told you willingly that must mean he really does like you." He could tell that his comment caught her off guard by the expression that was on her face when he said this.

"You can't mean to tell me that you haven't felt that there's anything going on between you? You know that aside from me and Chester who I told that Keith hasn't willingly talked with anyone else about it?" Callum asked feeling a touch exasperation. Maybe Keith and Apryl would be a good fit for each other, they both seemed a touch dense when it came to recognizing the feelings he sensed that were going on between the two of them.

"Maybe you're a bit confused about that.." Apryl replied trailing off a bit as her mind tried to register what Callum had said. Was that why Keith had blushed yesterday after comment, because he liked her? She didn't think though that they knew each other enough for that.

"I wouldn't exactly say that he told me willingly. It was only because of stuff that was going on with my family that he agreed to tell me because of that." She explained, hoping that it would clear up any misunderstandings. Instead, Callum just rolled his eyes from where he sat and made a noise of annoyance.

"Keith is like Chester, stubborn in his own way and won't do anything that he doesn't want to do unless there's a good reason for it. He wouldn't have brought it up so casually with you over a simple reason like that. I'm sure it was an aside anyways to what he really was talking about." That was actually true she realized as she thought about it. Callum motioned for Apryl to come closer to where he was sitting. She was a touch taller than him and wasn't as comfortable with sitting on the desk the way he was, but she didn't mind stepping closer and standing near his side as they continued talking.

"Keith tried to deny it as well when I brought it up with him yesterday after hearing it from Chester. I really have a hard time believing that there's nothing going on between you two even if it isn't out in the open." Callum put his hand on her should as he spoke.

"Can you really tell me that there's nothing on between you two? Even a little something like you feeling more comfortable around him compared to others? I can't imagine that you wouldn't be aware of that?" The smaller wolf insisted as he probed to uncover the answer that he knew was already there but that the other two seemed rather unaware of. Apryl was quiet as she thought about this for a moment.

"I'm not honestly sure about that." She admitted after a moment longer of silence.

"I don't quite know how to answer that because I never really thought about it before." Certainly she didn't mind his company and appreciated his help and would rather say compared to many others, she enjoyed being around Keith because he wasn't a difficult person, but beyond that she wasn't exactly sure what her feelings were. Callum was about to say something else in response to this until he noticed that Keith had come back and was walking back towards them with a confused look on his face.