What's Going On?

Even though Keith's ears weren't quite sharp enough to pick up on what Callum and Apryl were talking about, he had a feeling that it was probably something to do with him. Especially when Callum suddenly stopped talking when he got closer and opted to waving at him instead.

"I thought that you said it would still be a while longer before you were coming back? I didn't expect that it would be so soon." Callum commented as he got off the counter so that Keith go around behind and get ready to be back at work.

"Things finished early and they didn't need me for anything else so they said I could head back early since I need to catch up on a few extra hours of work." Keith explained as he gave the two other werewolves a suspicious look.

"What were you two talking abut before I came back?" He figured that whatever it was, Callum must've been instigating something since he knew how mischievous and nosy the smaller werewolf could be when he wanted to be.

"Nothing important. I was just catching up with Apryl since it has been a few days since I last saw her in the library." He replied as he put his hand on Apryl's shoulder. She assumed that this meant he was looking for her to back up what he was saying.

"Yeah and I was just explaining that there were some family matters going on that I have been having to deal with that don't allow me to be at the library right now." Keith caught onto to the fact that Apryl sounded rather distracted when she replied which lead him to believe that there was something more going on between the two of them.

"I should probably get ready to go though. If you have time later Apryl, I would be happy to talk with you more. I might even be able to help you with some of your homework if Keith here is too busy for it." Callum told her as he pulled out his phone to double check what time it was.

He didn't technically have to leave. His class wasn't for another hour and Chester was still probably busy with his own work. Callum however knew that if he stuck around the other two too much in his current excited mood, he would end up saying something about the apparently invisible attraction that was surrounding the other two.

Since they were oblivious to it themselves, he didn't want to say anything that could make it awkward between them or push things forward too fast if either one wasn't yet certain what exactly their feelings were. Currently, he had made a bet with Chester that Keith would be the one to admit it first since he always had a hard time when he got eager or became interested in something. Chester didn't think his assessment was right, but that made Callum want to prove him wrong even more.

"That sounds good. I do have some homework that I need to get done and I think that I would be fine to stay a little later today rather than head straight home since things were calmer this morning." Apryl replied.

"Let me swap numbers with you and you can just message me later when you know if you will be able to hangout or not." Callum said as he held out his hand to take the other's phone. He figured it would be easier to put his number in her phone rathe than for her to have to figure out how to do it herself.

"Right! I will see both of you later." After handing Apryl her phone back, he offered each of them a quick hug before leaving. If he could get his mind to calm down he would use his free time to focus on some things that he had been trying himself to get ahead.

"What was really going on between you two?" Keith asked once he was sure that the other was out of earshot. Apryl looked at him as though she was confused what he was asking about before she replied.

"We really were just talking about what has been going on. I had originally come here looking for you to see about when we would have time to talk again, but you weren't here and Callum was so we got talking." Apryl replied. It was close enough to the truth without giving away what the other had said to her. It was something that she didn't want to talk about yet because she knew that she was going to need some time to process and think about.

"If you're sure that is all it was. You seem a bit distracted so I was worried he might've said something out of hand. He is a great friend, but he doesn't always check himself before he says things when he is excited." That was probably an understatement. Callum mostly just didn't care what he said around other people when he was excited. Though, that was a side he mostly reserved for those that he was really close with such as Keith and Chester. Although now it seemed like that also extended to Apryl.

"I'm probably just distracted because I am still rather tired today." Apryl replied as she tried to stifle a yawn that wanted to prove her point.

"Maybe you should've stayed home than rather coming here? You don't have classes today so I don't really think that you have anything to do here?" Keith commented as he brought his computer. Honestly, he wouldn't have been at school today either except that he had meetings and work hours to catch up on. It was hard to get time off in a part time job like the one he worked.

"I actually do have a number of things that I need to take care of today." Apryl replied as she corrected him, coming to lean against the counter so that she didn't have to use so much energy standing straight.

"I have homework to catch up on and things that I need a computer for that I can only do here. Some of that I also need your help with to make sure that I am on point with my assignments, or maybe not if Callum is free. They are getting harder and that is causing me stress." She explained.

And there was going to go more of Keith's limited free time if she did need his help. Not that he minded, he didn't at all. He just was starting to have own things to worry about building up.