Ahead of Schedule

The conversation Callum had brought up mates changed to homework after Chester had messaged him and asked where he was as he would be finish in half an hour and would be coming over to join him in order to work on his own homework.

Apryl said she didn't mind this in the slightest as long as it wouldn't take away from her being able to focus on her own homework. The smaller werewolf assured her that he would still help her with what she needed to get done and even allowed her to use his computer so that she could work on it more easily.

In fact, he ended up doing a lot editing for because as he had put it 'it was a complete mess' of which he wasn't sure how she managed to keep her grades up if that was how all her assignments looked when she turned them in. Apryl felt mildly offended by this comment even though she was aware herself of how badly most of her work looked.

It was only her history homework though which part of that was due to the fact that she was so focused on putting all of her effort into her English homework where formatting and proper usage of words counted for most of the grade that she didn't have enough energy left to put the same effort into her history homework. The teacher hardly ever complained thought about Apryl turned despite how messy it was because she always followed the instructions for the assignment and turned in what the professor asked for.

"Doesn't Keith help you to make sure that everything is in a better order than this?" Callum inquired as he typed away on his computer, fixing some misspelled words and adjusting punctuation as necessary.

"Not really.." Apryl admitted hesitantly as she watched Callum at work.

"He fixes a few things, but mostly just makes sure that the spelling is correct and adjusts my format on occasion if it is really off." The smaller werewolf shook his head in response to this.

"I guess his work ethic hasn't changed all that much over the year. It makes me wonder how he hasn't had to retake any classes if he's still turning in assignments similar to this." Callum lamented. At least he was almost doing looking through her homework.

"Is it really that bad? My grades are usually in the high eighties or mid nineties after I turn assignments so I thought that it mustn't have been that big of a deal." She told the smaller werewolf who looked up from his computer as he replied to her.

"Of course it is a big deal. Right now you're just taking your first semester here, so professors are going to give out a lot of passes and high grades because they understand it takes students a while to adjust plus they like to keep their passing rate as high as possible." Callum replied.

"But once you start taking high level classes, what you're writing now would be lucky to get above a seventy-five. You need to put equal amounts of work into every assignment you turn in regardless of the class you're taking." He continued.

"This isn't to be a harsh. I'm speaking from personal trial and error after making similar mistakes thinking that college wouldn't be that bad until I got my first grade below an eighty. I recommend if you really want to keep your grades up and do well while you're here that you come study with me more often and I'll help you fix things up faster than Keith would." Callum told. Apryl was about to thank him for his offer when a third voice suddenly cut into the conversation.

"Callum, you wound me. I may not be as good as you are when it comes to studying, but the work is good enough for me to keep my grades up." Keith said with mock offense as he came over to ruffle the smaller wolf's hair just to annoy him. Callum swatted his hand away though while he was trying to finish the editing in front of him.

"That's most likely only because you have professors who are generous to understand that they should just pass you along because you're not going to change no matter how long you're in college." Callum commented glancing over at the other as he typed away. He noticed that Chester was standing not far behind him.

"I thought that you said you would be closer to thirty minutes? It hasn't even been fifteen." Callum questioned to the other taller werewolf who had the same look of indifference on his face as he always did. H tilted his head slightly.

"I ended up finishing up even earlier than I had expected to so I thought that there was no point in staying around any longer than necessary. Keith just followed me over because he knew that Apryl was here." The small jab wasn't missed by his friend.

"Hey, it wasn't just because Apryl is here, there's a more important reason why I came along that has to do with the fact that she's here." He corrected as he looked over at the female werewolf who was looking at them rather confused.

"Perhaps you should explain Chester since this is your thing?" he suggested to the taller werewolf who had turned his attention to see what Callum was busying himself with.

"That thing I told you about before Apryl that would be safe place for your family." He looked over to make sure that she was following what he was saying before he continued to speaking.

"We can go look at it today if you want. The process has sped up a bit after I explained the situation to them and they said it would be alright to grant early access even though not everything is fixed since it's a bit of a difficult situation." Callum looked up about ready to ask what they were talking about when Chester glanced over at him in a way that he knew meant the other werewolf would explain things later.

"You mean as in right now now?" Apryl asked surprised. Chester nodded his head.

"You would still probably have to wait to move until tomorrow, but it's worth looking at now I think so that you can go back and discuss the smaller details with them." Chester explained.

"It's a bit of a drive from here, but I don't think that you should have a problem with that?" He then asked causing Apryl to make a face in response to his question.

"She isn't much for driving." Keith replied for her.

"But consider the circumstances, I don't think that she should have a problem with it." He then said as he looked over at her. It wasn't like she had much of a choice even if she did. By the sound of it they were going to have to drive when she helped her family to move anyways.

"Alright." She agreed.