What He Didn't Know

Keith left with a quick thanks as she glanced at his watch knowing that if he didn't hurry he would end up being late for his shift. More than five minutes and he would get written up which was something that he had been trying to avoid since he got there. They were far more strict about work schedules than his day job was.

Callum and Chester didn't seem to be in as much of a rush to leave as he was and that made Apryl hesitate since there were some questions that she wanted to ask.

"If you have something on your mind, you can just ask about it rather than sitting there looking so perturbed." She hadn't realized that Chester had been paying attention to her expression through the rearview mirror even though he and Callum were talking about what they should do next.

"Is it about the argument that just took place?" Callum asked, fairly certain that he already knew the answer to the question. Apryl hesitated for a second before she nodded her head.

"It's really nothing new." Chester replied cooly as though it wasn't that big of a deal even though it did seem that way to her.

"Keith tolerates humans and gets along with most of them on a surface level and doesn't mind helping them out and vice-versa when it comes to smaller things. When it comes to our issues however, he doesn't like to involve them." He explained.

"I'm sure that he has good reasons for feeling the way that he does, he has just never bothered explaining them to anyone so it just comes across as though they are unjustified when I bring a firm argument up to him as to why it would be beneficial to do it in certain circumstances. I'm not anymore fond of working with people than he is, but sometimes it's better to push that feeling down when the threat on the other side is bigger than the ones that human poise."

"I can't say that I disagree or agree with your way of thinking, but I would feel better if I could actually know what Brian is doing when he isn't at their house." Apryl admitted after listening to what Chester had to say.

"I don't want to put my faith in the wrong people, but I also don't want something happening to my family because he's more trouble than he seems to be."

"Chester is capable of asking someone to investigate what is going on, but you would need to get permission from the rest of your pack and family in order to do that in case something goes wrong." Callum told her as he put his hand on top of Chester's.

"Chester has got a good judge of character so I don't think that you would have to worry about who he would reach out to help with this. That doesn't mean though that Brian wouldn't notice, or something could happen before everything is set up. Keith probably shouldn't know about it either otherwise he might back out of this whole situation simply because it would make him too uncomfortable."

"Maybe though it has something to do with his past?" Apryl suggested. Keith had stopped talking to her before they got to that point in the conversation, but she could see that as a reason for him reticence in wanting to rely on people.

"That would only be something that one or the other of you would know. He's never talked with me before about his past and the only bits I do know about it come from this one here talking about things he can't keep his mouth shut." Chester tilted his head in Callum's direction as the other gave a sheepish smile in response to being outed.

"It's hard not talk when I find out exciting and unexpected things." The smaller werewolf admitted. Apryl took note of this mentally as something to remember so that she didn't accidentally tell him anything that she wouldn't mind anyone else knowing about. Not that there was much she could think of off the top of her head that she would mind talking about.

"You know about his lineage then as well?" She asked tilting her head slightly. By the way Chester looked over at Callum and the expression on his face, it was evident that was one thing that the other hadn't talked to him about.

"No, because it was the only thing that I swore I wasn't going to talk about no matter what after I approached him about it and he agreed to tell me but only on those terms." He replied quietly.

"But I don't think Apryl was bound by that agreement when she found out so I'm sure that she would be happy to explain it to you." He said quickly after this, putting her on the spot before Chester could get annoyed with him for keeping such important information from him.

Instead, the taller werewolf turned back and looked at her expectantly as though waiting to see if she was going to be willing to talk about what she knew or not. The situation suddenly felt uncomfortable to her even though she had been the one to bring the topic up.

"Care to explain what you know? Perhaps it would help me put more pieces together about why Keith is so against working with people even if nothing was said directly." Chester said to the other after she was quiet longer than he was happy waiting for her to give an answer.

After another long pause, she conceded to tell Chester about what she knew and just hoped that he was better than the other about keeping secrets so Keith wouldn't get upset at her if he found out.

Callum would owe her for this later since he was the one who put her on the spot rather than just letting the conversation drop or directing it elsewhere. Most likely though she would only use it to cash in on getting him to help her with her homework further since she still had quite a bit of the semester left to go.