Forming The Plan

The drive back was a quiet one after Apryl had thanked Jeff for offering her the space to use for her family. The quiet was at least not as tensed as she had expected it to be even though Chester and Keith hadn't really made up over the argument they had.

Apryl hadn't been around when this had happened before, so it was harder for her to be as calm about it as Callum was being. This type of thing from what she was used to generally resulted in to physical fighting at some later point in time which was never pretty.

"When do you think you'll get the chance to talk with your mother and this Omega you mentioned. Do they have a name that I missed?" Chester asked when they were about half way back to the school pulling Apryl out of her worried thoughts and back onto the present.

"Soon, I hope. Depending on what Brian's schedule is. I think we could do it tomorrow or the next day? And there are two of them. Oreo is the one who's more comfortable being human. Timid is the other one who's the shy though very attached to Oreo so they might have to move together."

"If you know what time exactly and can figure it out- we can use a van I have. Might be safest way." Chester suggested.

"You actually got the van back? I thought that thing was going to be dead in the shop forever." Keith asked surprised.

"Sadly, it's not the same one. The mechanic did say it was a lost cause, but someone else offered to give me at a discounted price if I agreed to hand it over for the scrap metal. It wasn't a bad deal, and a working van is more useful than a dead one." Chester explained. The tension almost seemed to vanish at this point when they started talking. Maybe their friendship was more complicated than Apryl understood.

"The windows are also darker on this one and I think it's a touch bigger than the previous one plus it doesn't make as much noise when I drive it long distances." Chester continued.

"The color is black as well which would make it stick out less when it's darker outside. Making moving even those who aren't comfortable in wolf form easier without getting caught.

"I'll try to let you know as soon as I'm aware. It might take longer to convince Timid since she's not used to unfamiliar wolves and didn't have the best of times when she was trying to find a pack before ours." Apryl replied.

"I might be able to help with that." Callum offered as he turned back in his seat to look at Apryl.

"I'm pretty good at getting people to open up because I'm not much of a threat or at least they don't view me that way because of my energy and size.". Callum had never really met a wolf that he couldn't get to open up to him easily since he had been in college. Not everyone wanted to be his friend, but most didn't get aggressive with him or reject him even if they didn't care much for him being around them.

"Yeah, but sometimes your high energy can come on as a bit too strong for some and that can make those who are timid nervous." Chester pointed out causing the other to pout.

"It's not my fault that I didn't learn to mellow out as much as my peers did. I just somehow maintained my younger wolf energy despite being older." He huffed.

"I know that, I'm just saying that you might want to be careful about how approach those who are more timid and not so great around new wolves." Chester replied as he reached over to ruffle the smaller wolf's hair but stop when he saw a look that told him the other wouldn't hesitate to bite him if he went through with that action.

"Take what time you need Apryl, we'll work something out that works best for everyone. I wouldn't recommend though putting it off too long since we don't know what this Brian is capable even if he doesn't seem to be a threat to his own mate or pups. Some of us can be odd like that." Chester told the female werewolf who just nodded her head in response to what he said.

She already knew that. Honestly, if it wasn't for her own mother's change in reaction to him, she would've blown off her own uncomfortable feelings she got when she was around. But considering how strong Summer began to react and feel after she had the pups, Apryl couldn't ignore it any longer even if it didn't seem like Brian was intending to do anything.

Apryl also trusted Lydia to a certain degree to be honest if he started doing anything suspicious, but she didn't actually know if she would pay attention enough to notice if anything was out of character for him. Brian already worked odd hours from what Apryl could tell since he worked in marketing and there was regular meetings he had to attend and places he needed throughout the week that left him coming back most days late. At least that was what he was saying.

She didn't want to upset Keith by suggesting, but a part of her would've like to have someone who was capable of trailing him and making sure that there was nothing to worry about. She glanced over at Keith who was looking out of the opposite window with a pensive look on his face. She had a feeling that there was a genuine reason why he was against taking the method that Chester had proposed. Perhaps because he had been betrayed in the past when he had relied on humans before or someone he knew had. He didn't seem irrational to her at least for that to be a reason as to why he would so strong object to working with humans even though it sounded like werewolves were working on a deal with them.

It was something that she might consider asking him about later but right now didn't feel like the right time since the car had just stopped back in front of the school.