
Even after hearing his friend say this, Keith still didn't like the sound of it. He felt that there were too many risks involved in doing such a thing. Of course, considering what had happened to him in the past, he had every right in his mind to not agree with the statements that his friend was making.

"I know that you say that, but I still don't like it. One wrong move and everything could turn into hell. We're talking about the fact that a war could start here because of this kind of thing." Keith warned.

"If you're concern is over a war starting, I think there's more to worry about by letting a problem like this Brian sounds like he left to be free and do as they please than would happen if we reported to the right authorities." Chester argued. It wasn't something that he had just decided to do on a whim and because of that he felt like his friend wasn't giving him enough credit for how he had already thought a number of things through.

"I'm not saying that we shouldn't do anything about the situation. What I am saying is that we should handle it like we always did things- between us and not dragging humans into this." Keith growled back.

"I know you think that is the best way to handle things, but right now we're sticking living among humans and we can't do things the way that we used to do them at this point. I know you don't like that but that's what the facts are right now." Chester replied back firmly as he crossed his arms over his chest. This had always been the one sticking point between the two of them- how they should deal with matters among their kind while living with humans.

"There are still plenty of ways for that to work without relying on people." Keith insisted.

"How about the two of you stop arguing over this point for the time being and just focus on taking care of what matters at this point- helping Apryl get her family sorted?" Callum interjected. He had heard this argument one too many times in the past and thus far it always ended the same way- the two friends would argue, get pissy with each other, and make up about it later and agree to not bring it up again until events like this happened.

"Fine, you're right. We'll deal with this later." Chester agreed, he wasn't thrilled about the note that the conversation was ending on, but he didn't argue with the smaller werewolf since he had a point- that was something that could wait for longer. Plus, it wasn't like he needed Keith permission to investigate into the matter in the first place.

Keith made a huff sound in his wolf form but didn't argue because he also knew that the other was right even if he still felt frustrated about this situation.

"Yeah, we'll get this sorted out first. I should go anyways otherwise I'll get yelled at for being late at work." Keith agreed. Callum looked a bit disappointed when he said this. He had hoped that they would get a chance to spend more time together because they were having so much fun.

"I thought that you weren't supposed to be working tonight" he asked in disappointment.

"I wasn't, but then someone called in sick and asked if I could cover. It would be a bit of extra pay and I get a choice of being able to get the whole weekend off instead if I did this." Keith replied. It was only reason that had agreed to fill in. He couldn't remember the last time that he had a full weekend off to himself.

Even though he worked at the school, because of the evening job that he had picked up at the lab, he frequently had to come in over the weekend to help with certain things or just to clean up.

"You can come back over the weekend if you both like." Jeff suggested. It would give him a few extra days to make some additional renovations to the second underground floor like the one they were currently on.

It wasn't quite as well put together as this one was, but that was simply due to the fact that Jeff had shifted his focus to put more finishing touches on this room after Chester had given him a call and explained the situation to him.

"I might have time if I get my studying done during the week." Keith replied. He really did want to come back again. It was exactly the kind of place that he need to help release the tension he frequently felt after being around people so much. He had gotten used to it over time because he had to and due to where he lived it wasn't like he could go out and shift whenever he wanted. Only on rare nights when he was absolutely certain no one would see did he shut everything down in the apartment he lived in and shift forms.

Even if him and Chester were arguing about how to deal with issues such as Brian again, he wouldn't let it stop him from hanging around the other. They would just do what they always did and push it to the back of everything and not bring it back up for a while.

"Next time though, you two have to join us." Callum said as he looked between Chester and Apryl. His tail wagging slightly as he said this.

"You know that I'm not one much for shifting between my forms." Chester replied as he looked the smaller werewolf more gently than he had before.

"That's only because you worry too much about someone spotting you because of your size. Here you don't have to worry about that." If the white wolf had been human form, he would've rolled his eyes at the other. For someone who was always so imposing it came as such a surprise that he worried so much about people seeing him if he shifted out of his human form no matter where he was at.

"It's a valid concern." He argued, his tone indicating that he felt justified about his worries even though nothing had ever happened the few times that he had shifted.

"Apryl at least won't say no." He commented as he looked over at the other who had become rather quiet after the arguing had started.

"I think that I'm in the same boat as Keith though. With everything going on I think that it would depend on how much I have done by the weekend." Apryl replied hesitantly. Right now at least she a lot to think about and put into place.

Once her family was sorted however, she felt that this would be an amazing place to study. It was peaceful here and even though her family would be around, she could always go to the floor below if the pups made it hard to focus.

"We'll get it sorted." Callum insisted.

"It's been such a long time since I was last around pups I'd actually be eager to meet them. That is if your mom wouldn't see me as too much of a threat." One of the biggest things that he had missed about being around his pack was playing with the younger pups. Most of the other werewolves as they got older hadn't maintained the same amount of joy for life and energy that Callum had and never really wanted to play with him when he bugged them. The pups however loved it, especially because it gave them someone older to play with rather than just those who were their same age.

"I don't think she'll mind once she knows that there's nothing to worry about with any of you. She's pretty accepting of most we've come across in the past as long as they don't poise a threat." Apryl replied. Her father had been the same way, which was why they ended up accepting Oreo and Timid into their family even though they weren't relatives.

After this conversation everyone decided that it was time to leave for the day. Which meant that Callum had to leave whether he was ready or not since Chester was the one who drove everyone over.