Things Have Been Changing

Apryl would have to figure out how she was going get her mom to agree to move with the pups to an unfamiliar place. She knew that she didn't want Brian to be around her or the pups at all during this point in time and wanted that distance. That didn't necessarily mean however that a completely new space was going to the right solution.

Jeff suggested as a possible solution that it might work if she took some pictures of the space for her mom to see and show her how safe it was. Chester even offered to speak with her and vouch for the fact that there was nothing to worry about.

"I really do appreciate all the help that everyone is offering. I'm just going to need some time to think about it and talk with my mother about it. It's a tricky situation, but I actually think the best way to approach this would be to have someone else move here first." Apryl replied as she looked around the room.

"And who would that be?" Chester asked crossing his arms over his chest as he kept an eye on the two wolves who were still messing around while they were talking. They were still paying attention, but they also didn't want to just be sitting around and wasting this amazing opportunity.

"There's actually two omegas who are part of our family as well. They've been with us for years so they're like family. Oreo is one of them and I've been trying to find him something to do anyways because he wants to get a job to help out. It might work to have him move here first to show that it is safe. Plus, I think Brian would be less suspicious if they're the first two to move out ahead of everyone else." Apryl wasn't actually certain that the plan would work, but she thought that it might be the best option moving forward.

"Well, you're the one who knows your family best so I would defer to what you think. If you have one that needs work, I'm sure I can work something out for him. We are always looking for some extra hands to help out and we're not looking for any particular skills, just need someone who doesn't mind hard work and is willing to learn." Jeff as he rubbed his hand on his while he tried to think what options he currently had available for someone new.

"I'll ask him about it and see what he says." Apryl said.

"Who's this Brian though really. I know you have mentioned him before and that he's the whole reason that you want to shift things around for your family, but what's that connection between him, you, and Keith?" Chester catching Keith's attention with this question. He stopped what he was doing to pay full attention to the conversation.

"It's kind of complicated honestly. I don't even know all the pieces myself. My mom just explains it as a smell of a wolf who has blood on his hands. As for Keith, I think that it is better for him to explain since it's related to him. I just know based upon my uncle's reaction that they know each other." Apryl replied, averting her gaze to look over at Keith whose expression had shifted from the happy one he had before.

"It's not just those pieces though. Oreo, the omega I mentioned had heard about some things in relation to a wolf named Brian back when he was with his old pack. He doesn't know if he's the same person or not." She added on. To her it honestly felt very complicated to try and explain how everything was connected, especially since not all the pieces were fitting together correctly.

"Can't you find someone who could investigate about him?" Chester asked as he looked over at Jeff who looked just as pensive about the situation as he did. Jeff sighed when he asked about this.

"Yeah, but that would be a lot of complicated business right there trying to do that because you're talking about having to go through different routes and connect a lot of dots from different areas and finding the right people who have the right answers." Jeff replied as he thought about it.

"I have someone that I could get in touch with about it and see what she can do. However, our connection among werewolves in some areas is spread thin in some areas. Apryl looked over at Keith when they were talking about this, the gazes locked as she knew that he was probably thinking the same thing she was.

Jeff didn't technically need to go to a lot of trouble to track down the origin of Brian or what he did because there was someone right there in the room with them who could answer some of the basic questions and giving them a starting point. It was just up to Keith to feel talking about everything that had happened and being willing to give them some of the information they were looking.

"What would doing this accomplish?" Apryl asked, interrupting the conversation that was still going on between Jeff and Chester as they tried to discuss the different options that they had.

"A lot of options really. In the past there wouldn't have been much we can do. But there are certain authorities in place right now would either detain him for exportation to the place where he's wanted if he did commit any crimes and he would be dealt with or another method would be to put it simply- to make him disappear if he's a threat."

"You know that isn't as easy as it sounds." Keith spoke up as he looked over at Chester, the around his shoulders fur was a bit bristled now. Out of everyone, he probably knew this fact better more than most.

"The risk of doing such a thing is too high since we're still trying to keep a low profile with everything else that's going on." Keith continued and was about to say more when Chester raised his hand to cut the wolf off.

"There are a lot of things that have been changing that you're not aware of. It isn't as hard as it was years ago to get it done right and still maintain our privacy. We have people now who know the right contacts would be willing to help for a small price and not breathe a word about what is really going on." He told his friend. He knew why Keith would be against this but he also know the other werewolf wasn't aware of everything that he hand some others had been working on to change things.