
Apryl had no intention of what happened between her and Brian impact what her plans for the day was. She had a lot to take care of if she was going to make sure that moving the rest of her family went smoothly. She hoped that once Oreo and Timid showed that it was safe to be there after a few days passed without incident, her mother would be more likely to agree to join them.

With midterms coming up and having papers to write, she also needed to spend more time with either Keith or Callum, whoever had more free time and was willing to help assist her with her studies without it being a detriment to their own. She had a feeling that it would end up being here and the smaller werewolf working together a lot over the last half of the summer semester.

By the time that Apryl came down, she was somehow not surprised to see that Brian had already disappeared. He wasn't around often on the weekends but she didn't really know why. As far as she was aware the other only worked during the weekdays and had the weekend to himself. In her mind it would've made sense that he'd want to stay home during that time considering how many late days he was gone for during.

Lydia who was working on finishing up breakfast when her niece came in gave her an odd look as though to ask what had caused the other to seem so upset. Apryl just shrugged her shoulders in response to the questioning look but had nothing else to say on the matter. There was no rational reason in her mind for the older werewolf to have responded the way that he did.

She would try not to focus on it for the time being though as she needed to help her aunt get breakfast ready for everyone so that she could eat her own food before getting in touch with Chester to see if he knew how things went for the first night.

Two werewolves moving out of the space that her family was occupying didn't really do much to give extra room to those who were left behind. The only benefit would've perhaps been the fact that the pups could move more freely around the room without having to worry about disrupting the omegas and stressing them out.

That morning as she helped to give everyone their food, it was her sister Nova that surprised her by the sudden question she asked while everyone was eating.

"Do you think if this werewolf you mentioned is willing to hire Oreo that he might also have something that I could do?" Apryl gave her an odd look when she asked this. Her mother didn't outwardly show her surprise as much as he daughter had but she still fixed Nova with a curious look out of the corner of her eye as she waited to hear what the other's reason is.

"I don't mind staying here and doing the little bits and pieces I can to help out, but I want to do and honestly.." She paused as she considered how to say the next part that was on her mind.

"With the way you talk about it and the things that I've looked up, I'm not sure that I want to go to college. I understand where the need for knowledge in these areas come from. It helps to get better places in life because it can help generate more money which is important to all these humans around here." She paused again, taking in soft breath from all of the talking she was doing.

"I honestly don't know that this is where I want to end up staying for the rest of my life. I know it is safer and by the way things are going outside of where the humans live there soon won't be much for us to go back to without the risk of being found out or getting into trouble. I want to believe though that there will be a point in time that can happen and because of that, I would rather go straight to working rather than taking time to get an education that I will probably never use." Apryl could tell by the look in Nova's eyes that this was something that she had given a lot of thought to.

She knew their mother wouldn't object to whatever her children decided upon- at the end of the day it was their life after all. Plus, college was a good starting point but that didn't necessarily mean that it was the right starting point for everyone.

Apryl would've preferred if that was the place Nova was willing to start only because she knew that she could help her to navigate everything that was required for the process. A job on the other hand was something that she had no experience with yet or knowledge on how to make everything work out. Despite that, it wasn't like she could deny her sister from doing what she wanted to.

"I can ask and see because I'm honestly not sure. If he doesn't have a spot, he might know someone who does." Apryl replied.

She didn't have the heart to tell her sister that it was moving towards a direction where more than likely they wouldn't be able to go back to how things were and the little space in the hotel was the closest thing they were going to get.

Nova thanked and asked her to let her known as soon as she had heard anything. It might lead to things being more complicated depending on who they would get the chance to move next.Apryl was certain they could figure it out though.

What she didn't know at that time though as was trying to work things through in her mind was how much trouble Brian was going to end up causing with what she was trying to plan and how much more complicated things were going to be because of him.