
Apryl found that the caffeine pills that Callum had given her were good enough to get her through class and focus so that she didn't miss anything or get called out for falling asleep. She could take her notes and ask or answer questions that she needed to do for both her classes which took away some of the tension that she had been feeling.

Houston had only messaged her once to make sure that they were tracking the right werewolf by sending her a picture of Brian which she confirmed was the right person. He at least seemed to be keeping up with what had assured her that he was going to do.

After classes were over though she began to feel kind of odd now that it had been quite a bit of time since she had eaten the caffeine candy. She was feeling rather warm compared to normal as she walked from where her classes were located to back to the admin building.

It was hot outside, but not more than it usually so couldn't count that as reason for her to skin to feel so warm and her head to feel oddly stuffy. Was this one of the side effects that Callum had mentioned? If it was, she didn't know if it would be worth taking more of it in the future even though it gave her an amazing amount of energy.

She wasn't the only who was affected by this odd sensation she found out when meet back up with Keith who was trying to focus on his work but was finding that he felt too warm and odd that to focus after the energy he had felt before began to dissipate.

"Where did they go?" Apryl asked as she sat back down at the table and closed her eyes and took a deep breath.

"They had to leave to go to class and I think had a meeting as well." Keith replied as he took a sip of the water that he Callum had suggested he should have. Something about it causing dehydration from taking it and needing more water to evening them out.

"I'm guessing that I'm not the only one feeling this way?" Apryl asked as he leaned back in the chair and closed her eyes.

"Nope, but Callum said that it would be temporary only." Keith replied as he came over to where Apryl was sitting so that he could give her some water.

"You're really hot. Are you sure you're okay?" Keith asked when he felt her forehead. She opened eyes and looked up at him.

"You feel really hot as well." She replied. His hand did feel rather warm on her head.

"I don't feel that bad." Keith told her as he looked down at her face. Somehow the flush on her face made her seem oddly more attractive to him than she usually was. Maybe it was because it add some color to her normally pale skin.

"Is there something wrong with my face?" She asked when she noticed that he was still staring at her face with an odd look in his eyes.

"No, I was just thinking that you look nice with that extra bit of color on your face." Keith replied honestly as he brushed her hair out of her face. She closed her eyes when he did this, but didn't pull away from his touch. His hand felt as warm as her face so it wasn't uncomfortable.

"I guess I should think that you don't think I look that attractive without the color the rest of the time?" Apryl asked half teasing him with as she opened her eyes a touch of amusement in them.

"No, I'm saying that it makes you look more attractive than usual." Keith replied. His mind was conflicted that moment as he kept staring at her. She wasn't refusing his touch but he was concerned about taking it further and doing what his mind his mind was pushing at him to do.

"Really? It didn't sound exactly like that was what you were saying." Apryl replied, she moved to face forward to grab the bottle of water that Keith had brought her but she didn't get a chance to do this as Keith gently put his hand under her chin to lift her face again.

"Wait, five more minutes. I'm not doing appreciating this." Keith told her softly as he looked at her with an oddly gently look in his eyes that she wasn't quite certain how to interpret. Perhaps Callum hadn't been wrong when he said that the other had feelings for him? How would she know for sure though.

"You can appreciate it another time if you're not actually going to do anything. I would rather drink right now." Apryl replied as she tried to move her head again only to have Keith kept in place.

"Not do anything? What if I did this then? Would it count?" Keith asked before he leaned down and placed his lips against Apryl's causing her eyes to widen, she hadn't actually been expecting him to do any such thing. His lips were just as warm as the rest of his face was but they were oddly soft and pleasant against her own.

The kiss was firm and slightly rough, but not in a bad way and Apryl found herself responding to it even though she wasn't quite certain what her own feelings were simply because it felt right to her in that moment in time.

It was uncertain how long the kiss ended up lasting for, but they only broke it when the both needed to breathe and had started to feel light headed. Keith wanted to take the kiss a step further but didn't push it beyond a closed mouth kiss thinking that Apryl might not appreciate that much of a push.

He was slightly nervous when he pulled away and looked at her face that the expression he would see was one of wrong kind of disbelief or that would indicate that she was upset at him, but that wasn't what she saw when he looked at her. She did seem slightly confused herself over what had just happened, but she didn't look exactly upset about it either. Maybe that was a good sign?