First visitor

Sitting on the rooftop looking at the stars, a warm feeling washes over Kitori. He knows that the Goddess is coming. He can feel his soul orb getting closer. He teleports to the garden to meet her. When he arrives there, she stands by the koi pond—her red hair gleaming in the moonlight.

"So my little fox has finally awakened from his sleep. Come sit with me and tell me what your plans are." The goddess sits next to the pond running her fingers through the water. Kitori sits at her feet; his head is resting on her lap.

" I want to find my love; I looked for her during the last three cycles and could not. I'm lonely by myself with only servants around. After the last two times being exposed and tortured, I only want to find a family. One that I can be a part of. " Kitori looks at the goddess with sadness in his eyes. A sadness that flows to the depths of his soul.

"Your love is to be born in a few months. Your journey to her is a complicated one and will require a sacrifice of you. This time I know, you will find happiness; you need to be patient. " the goddess strokes his hair as if he is a child.

"If it means that I can find her, then I will be patient. I have another question. Koto's son seems to be unhappy with working here. Can I trust him to leave and not cause me harm?" Kitori asks the goddess.

She smiles at him and nods.

"You have several businesses now, even ones that he knows nothing of. He will learn to be grateful, and his father will ensure that you are safe. Take this; it will let you know when your love is close. I will take you to her when she is born. She will see you as a fox at first, then later, when she is older, she will see you as a human. Be prepared for anything until that time; do not rush things, or all will be lost. " she hands him a pendant with a pink gem in it. Kissing Kitori on the forehead, the goddess stands to leave. Kitori looks up at her and then bows his head.

"What is it that you want to know?" She asks

"What do I call you in this era? Is your name still the same?" Kitori looks at her, waiting for an answer.

"I am still Morrigan; I will never change though your love will call me by another name. I am still the same. Do not worry about her; you will not need to hide anything, and you will be accepted. Prepare yourself. I have sent books for you to learn until I come for you again. Be a good little fox, and do not worry." In a blink, the goddess is gone, and Kitori is sitting alone in the garden. Sighing, he gets up and goes to see what she brought him.

On his way to his room, he sees Koto's daughter. She looks at him shyly.

"Master, is there anything you need?" Her voice is quiet.

"No, I am just heading back to my room. Your name, please. I am sorry, but my memory has not fully returned, and I have trouble remembering things at first ." Kitori looks at her sheepishly, feeling slightly embarrassed.

"I am Sana. May I ask a favor of you?" She looks up at Kitori with flirting eyes.

"Yes though I cannot promise you an answer," Kitori replies.

"Please do not be hard on my brother. My father told us so little of you. My grandfather was whimsical and full of stories. We never really believed him when he would tell them." Sana wonders as she is taking to the handsome man in front of her if he could look at her as his mate. Then all that he had would be hers, and her brother would not need to leave.

" I understand that may be the case but did your grandfather tell you the debt that is owed. Your family has been serving me voluntarily because I saved your family from death. I have kept them close and protected them from harm since that day. I have provided for them, and they have never been without. The only thing I have asked for is loyalty and respect. It was not just once but several times. I will help your brother find what he wants to do, but I will only do so as long as he does his part. He has a month to decide what he wants." Seeing the girl sigh and nod, Kitori knows that she understands now. He turns and heads to his room, leaving her watching his back walking away from her.