Meeting his love

Morrigan arrived in Kitori's garden; sitting by the koi pond, she waits for him.

Kitori feels the presence of the soul bead and shimmers to the garden. There he sees Morrigan sitting by the pond.

"Goddess, why have you come?" Kitori bows and goes to sit next to her.

"I came to take you to meet your love. She has been born, and I came to take you to her." Morrigan holds out her hand to Kitori. Taking it, she teleports him to a clearing near a large farmhouse. Kitori looks at her, confused. Morrigan smiles and nods towards the porch.

A young woman is sitting with two infants; their clothing very different, but you can tell they are sisters. The gem around Kitori's neck begins to glow; he knows one of the girls is his love. With a wave of her hand Kitori shifts into the form of a red fox. Morrigan picks him up and carries him to meet his love.

"Aisling my dear, how are they doing?" Morrigan asks.

"They are growing quickly, what a cute little guy you are holding. May I hold him?" Aisling asks. Morrigan hands Kitori to her. Aisling holds him close to her chest. Kitori looks at the two girls as he is in their mother's arms. His eyes are drawn to the girl with light-colored hair. She is staring at him with such beautiful green eyes.

"Is she my love my gem is reacting but I can't tell which one it is because of? Both of them are such beauties either will be a good choice. " Kitori thinks to himself blinking and turns his head to look at the mother. She reminds him of the goddess. Aisling looks deep into the fox's eyes and knows that he is not what he seems. Looking at Morrigan with a puzzled expression.

"You will see him around from time to time. He is not a threat to them, he will protect them; One day he will become a big part of your life. I brought him to meet you all so that his heart will be at ease. " Morrigan tells Aisling. Aisling knows yo trust Morrigan's words so she snuggled the little fox.

"Can I keep him here for a few days so that he can get to know us?" Aisling asks her.

"If he agrees then yes but he cannot be from his home long for now because he has preparations to make." Morrigan hugs Aisling and rubs Kitori's head.

"You be a good little fox and I will be back in a few days. Do not stir up any trouble while you are here." With that said Morrigan leaves Kitori with Aisling.

Aisling smiles at the little fox and tells him.

"So I know you are not what you seem. Can you show me what you really are?" Aisling asks him. In a blink Kitori shifts into a Snow White fox showing her his nine tails. Seeing her smile and not afraid he then shifts into his human form. Aisling gasps at how handsome he is and giggles.

"So you are a not a red fox at all. I am Aisling and these two little ones are Lotus and Lilli. I'm not sure why Morrigan brought you but she always has our families best interest at heart. You may stay in any form you choose no one will hurt you here. Though I would not show off your nine tails to much as for some it could be alarming. " Aisling thinking of her Aunts and Uncle. Kitori nods and shifts back into a small red fox. He is not sure what she had to say as he could not understand her language. Afraid of doing something wrong he decides to stay in the form that Morrigan chose for him. He curled up at Aisling's feet and fell to sleep.

Morrigan watched from the clearing for a short time her heart warming as she watched the interaction between the two. Hearing a rustling behind her she turns to see Inari.

"I see that you are protecting him in this life as well. What is it about him that you like so much." Inari asks Morrigan.

"He is an innocent and gentle soul. When he saved the family all those years ago and sacrificed his chance at becoming human then. He did so without hesitation. He is not deserving of hatred and torment. When this little fox was brought into this world he was not like your other mischievous spirits. He was born with a kind heart one that is drawn to others. I want him to be happy." Morrigan sighs as she turn to leave. Inari looks towards the house and sees the kindness in Aisling towards the little fox.

"Maybe you are right, this one has sacrificed himself more than once for the good of a human. I won't cause him trouble but I won't help him either. He is still one of mine and I am not sure I want to let him go." Turning with Morrigan, Inari shimmers away into the dusk of the evening.