Baby blues

Kitori shifts into his human form when Aisling puts the girls down for the night. Staring at the two girls he wonders which is his love. Holding lotus first, he sits in the rocking chair.

"Are you my love? You have her coloring and I feel a deep warmth towards you. Though my gem is not reacting strongly to you. I think though we will not be lovers we may become great friends. " Kitori whispers to lotus snuggling her for a few more moments. She opens her dark eyes and giggles at him pulling on his long silvery hair.

Smiling at the child he places her back into her crib. Picking up Lilli his gem glows brightly and the warmth fills him completely. This child is the one he has waited three lifetimes for. Softly kissing her forehead Kitori whispers to her.

"You are the one, I will wait for you to grow up and then I will come to you. I will find a way to visit you from time to time as you grow. With my kiss you will be protected and a lotus birthmark will gradually appear. When it becomes fully visible the time for us to be together will arrive. Take care my love ." Kitori puts her back in the crib and shifts back into a fox curling up under her bed to sleep.

Aisling and Astila comes into the room to say their good nights to the girls.

"Why is there a fox under Lilli's bed?" Astila asks his wife curiously.

"Morrigan brought him today . He is not just a fox, he is a magical creature. He will protect the girls , Morrigan says he will become a big part of our lives later. He does not seem to want to leave them so I have left him be. He will only be here a few days. You know earlier he shifted into a very handsome man. " Aisling tells her husband teasing him with the thought of the fox being handsome. Astila pulls is mischievous wife into his arms.

"Hmm really as long as he knows his place and stays away from my wife I will trust Morrigan." Lowering his head Astila kisses Aisling deeply. The couple turns to leave Kitori raises his head and gives Astila a look of annoyance.

"Little fox watch over my girls while they sleep. I'm trusting you with their safety only because Morrigan trusts you." Astila leaves and Kitori lays back down to sleep .

When dawn breaks the sky Kitori is awakened by a loud noise. A girl with striking blonde hair comes rushing in. Behind her is another woman who looks similar to her.

"Mama look I told you there was a fox here. I saw him when I came in during the night. " the girl chimed.

"I see Crystal your aunt Aisling has already explained to you that Morrigan brought him. That he is only going to be here for a few days. You are not to bother him unless he wishes to bond with you. " Remi crouches down and puts her hand out to the fox.

"my you are a handsome fellow. Don't mind my little one she is excited to meet you. " Remi tells Kitori. He hears his language being spoken outside of the door and goes to see who is talking. A large man similar to Astila is on a device speaking to someone. Following him around he finds out that he is going to his home country. Kitori decides that he is going to go back and meet this man as a man. Slipping out to the clearing Kitori calls for Morrigan.

When she appears he asks her.

"There is a man who speaks my language, he is on his way to my mountain area. Can I go back and meet him there?This way I can possibly become friends with him . That way it will be easier for me to visit my love." Kitori's eyes plead with Morrigan.

"He is actually someone who will protect your wealth from those who wish to take it. He is an investment attorney and has worked with Sato and now Koto. If you are ready I will take you home do that you can prepare for his visit. I will let Aisling know I am taking you back. You can trust him he is a good man. He will ensure that you will be well provided for do not worry. He is your loves uncle and is very protective of her. "Morrigan shimmers into the house to talk to Aisling before sending Kitori home .