Meeting with advisers

Waiting anxiously for the advisers to arrive Kitori calls for Koto.

"Master what can I help with?" Koto smiles at how anxious the young man is.

"I'm all my centuries I have never had to meet many people. I am meeting a very special man today and I am worried about his impressions. Also the goddess says not to call me master in this era so just call me Mr. Mori or sir Kitori. I do not want to make anyone suspicious. How is my english will it pass with the advisers?" Kitori's fidgeting is comical to Koto. Trying hard to hide the amusement in his voice Koto tries to calm him.

"Sir your English is coming along well. You do not need to worry all of the advisers speak Japanese. You look very handsome and they are here to serve you. I will be beside you so do not worry. This meeting is just so they finally meet who they have been working for all of these years. They are most likely more nervous than you are. " Koto tells Kitori as he straightened his tie.

"Really , I cannot imagine the American being nervous. He seems so confident and assured of himself. " Kitori off handedly says , forgetting that this is supposed to be his first meeting with Yona.

Koto looks puzzled at his boss wondering when he could have seen the American. Noticing Koto's expression , Kitori smiles.

"I have imagined them from the reports I have read. I hope that my intuition has not failed me after such a long sleep. Have you spoken with your son? Has he made a decision about his future yet?" Kitori quickly changed the subject.

"I have not ever told my family of the circumstances of how we came to be indebted to you. So he does not understand why we serve you the way we do. I will tell them of the story at the memorial dinner for my father." Kato bows his head in sadness at the thought of having to expose such details.

"If it will be ok I would like to attend. I had great affection fir your father and would like to pay my respects. I can take the burden from you and explain myself if you like. With my gifts I can show them instead of just telling them. It will make it easier for them to understand." Kitori offers to Koto, a broad smile crosses Koto's face at the offer.

"Thank you sir Kitori, I would be most grateful. I have worried about having to reveal details that I did not know first hand. As you know things have away of getting distorted over time." Koto bows his head to Kitori. Kitori smiles and slaps him on the back with affection.

"Think nothing of it. We are family after all this time. I know you do not know me well as of yet but your father and I were more like brothers than master and servant. I hope that we can cultivate the same relationship." Koto is touched by the sincerity in Kitori's voice and begins to tear up hugging him.

"I would like that very much." Koto tells him. The two leave the bedroom and head down to the office. Sana is waiting hoping to get Kitori's attention with the sexy dress she picked out for the day. Kitori barely glances at her as he gives her his instructions.

"Oh good you are already here, can you make sure that a tea and coffee is set up in the corner so that we will not be disturbed. Also an assortment of pastries and fruit. " Kitori's voice has a cold edge to it leaving Sana disappointed. Koto seeing his daughter's face filled with embarrassment fills him with unease. He knows that only one person holds the masters heart and that his daughter is not her. He also knows that his children have been coveting the masters wealth. Hoping that the memorial dinner will put them in their proper places. He waves her out of the room with an angry look. Sana knows a lecture is coming when the guest leave.

Yona is surprised that the owner of Mori investments wanted to meet. No one has met with him in over 50 years. He has been reclusive for so long that most believe that his assistant made him up. Looking at his boss as they turn on the mountain road he notices that the older man is uneasy.

"Sir are you feeling alright?" Yona asks him.

"No one has met this man and all of a sudden he wants to have a meeting. I am concerned that he is looking to replace us. My family has done business with him since the beginning. He was my grandfathers first client. I'm just concerned that we may have gotten to comfortable with his hands off approach. He has always just left things to us with no real input as long as we made a profit. " the older man shifts in his seat and sighs. Yona wonders why the sudden change. He is surprised when they pull up in front of a traditional style house surrounded by trees and the mountain slope as a backdrop. It is breathtaking in it's simplicity. Getting out of the car he is even more surprised that a young man with long silvery hair comes out to get them.

" welcome to my home, I am honored that you could come on such short notice. I am Kitori Mori. " Kitori introduced himself to the two gentlemen. Not taking his eyes off Yona , he notices that this man is more impressive than when he saw him before.

"Is your grandfather joining us?" Yona asks .

" I am afraid that there is only me. I know that my family has always been very secretive in the past and let people just do their jobs. I wanted to at least meet those who have taken such good care of the families affairs these past years. " Kitori quickly covers for the fact that he has not aged. Knowing that the older gentleman had inherited his business from his grandfather. That he would expect to be met with an elder. Hoping that they will ask no more questions. Yona looks closely at the young man . His demeanor is that of an older person all the while his looks are very childish.

"It is all right, I should have known that I would be meeting a younger generation since my grandfather started working fir the family so many years ago." Yona boss spoke up quickly.

"Come this way we have everything prepared for a quiet afternoon of just getting to know each other." Koto motions for them to enter the house.