Talk with Yona

Listening to the Yona's presentation on where Kitori's finances are and where they would like to them to be in five years. Kitori was impressed by not just how fluent he was in Japanese but his command of the room and his aura. As a fox being Kitori can see a person true nature without fail. This is a strong man with a kind heart. Kitori smiles at the thought of getting to know him more.

"Thank you for your hard work. I think it's time for a break . Why don't I get the housekeeper to show you to your rooms and you can get some rest. I'm sure that you must be tired after a long drive and getting straight to business." Kitori rings for Sana and her mother. When Sana enters her eyes light up at the sight of Yona.

"Show our guest to their rooms a have dinner ready a little late today so they can rest." Kitori waves them out . He asks Koto to stay.

"I have not wanted to say much because I am not sure if my gifts have all returned. I do not want to cause your family any harm or hurt any of them. Your daughter seems to want a man and not a man to love but one that has wealth. I have always given your family anything they desired for serving me so I do not understand why she is this way. If your children do not wish to serve willingly I can release them, but that will stop all support from me. That includes any help that they would receive from you and your wife as well. What you do with your salary is your business, but I will not allow you to give them your salary and still support you as I have. My generosity only goes so far. Hopefully after the memorial service they will better understand." With that being said Kitori dismissed Koto to check on their guest.

Yona had forgotten something and accidentally overheard their conversation. He did not realize that Kitori had given so much to his servants. Now many of the expenses that concerned him was explained. Now he knows that many of these expenses were not his clients. Knocking on the door to alert Kitori that he is entering.

"Excuse me sir, may I have a private word with you when the others go to bed?There are a few things that I have to show you." Yona asks Kitori.

"Of course I would enjoy having a private talk with you. I am very curious about your life in America and how you came to be here." Kitori smiles at him the awkwardness of finding and excuse to get him alone is gone.

Yona nods and gets his briefcase , he glances at the young man under his lashes. He sees the concern of his face , wondering if he should really show him what he has found out. Once in his room Yona gets his computer and phone out. Calling the office in Tennessee.

"Can you investigate the family of Koto the assistant to Mr Mori. We figured that the gambling and other expenses were his but now I am not so sure. It seems that Mr. Mori has given his assistant's family full rein over his estates and accounts out of loyalty for their service to his family. This most likely goes back generations. Do a thorough check, I want to know just how much this family has helped themselves. " Yona hangs up and starts the investigation on his end . Now that he know that Mr. Mori has blind faith in his employees he wants to see how corrupt they are.

Kitori opens a hidden door behind the bookcase of the office. There are the Momentos from his past. Picking up the journal from when he first met his servant so many years ago. He begins to tear up thinking of all of the hardship they went through together and how they got through it. Hoping that by telling the family of the past they will understand his connection to them. Looking on the wall he sees the painting of his beloved. As if in a trance he walks over and touches the face in the painting.

"My love soon I will be with you I hope you will still remember me." Holding his chest, the tightness is like a ache that cannot go away. Without thinking he rubs the gem that Morrigan gave him. The room begins to go black, closing his eyes against the dizziness Kitori slumps yo his knees. When the swirling stops he is in fox form outside of the farm house. Knowing that his love is inside he races to just catch a glimpse of her before returning. He hears a loud cry , running towards it there in the clearing is Lilli screaming an older woman on the ground beside her. Looking around he catches the scent of something going towards it he sees a copperhead snake beside the woman. Pouncing on it Kitori kills it before it has the chance to strike Lilli. Shifting into his human form he sucks the poison from the woman's leg and uses the healing power of his saliva to heal the wound. Lilli raises her hands for him to take her. Kitori's heart fills with love almost like it could burst. As he holds the girl close.

" I have to leave you again for now, I will be back do not worry. Stay safe my little one." Kissing her forehead in an instant he is back in the hidden room as if he never left. Rushing out of the room Kitori goes to shower for dinner.