Yona is sitting in the garden waiting for Kitori when his phone rings.
"Remi, is everything ok?" Yona was surprised by the call.
"Yes, I just needed to hear your voice. Today Maureen was bitten by a copperhead, and I was anxious. The snake is dead, and she is ok." Remi's voice still has a quiver int as if she is about to cry.
"Everyone is ok, and it's early spring, so the snakes are just waking up. Most likely, she stepped on it without knowing." Yona soothes her.
"It's just so strange though; I snake was dead on the ground beside her when she came to. She was bitten and had passed out. Lilli was the only person with her. How can an infant save someone from a snake bite and kill a snake? There was not a scratch on Lilli. " Remi explains her confusion is apparent in her voice.
"Who knows, maybe one of the elders came or sent someone to help, and they had to leave before she came too. " Yona looks up into the night sky, giving thanks that they are ok. Hearing Kitori coming, he tells Remi goodbye.
Kitori hears Yona on the phone, relieved to hear him say that the woman and Lilli are ok. Though feeling slightly guilty for evading his conversation, he makes a noise to alert him of his presence.
"Sir Yona, thank you for meeting me in the garden. I am afraid it is one of the few private places in my home. I did not know if you would have been comfortable meeting me in my room." Kitori greets him while motioning him to sit by the pond. Yona sits on the bench, looking at the reflection of the moon on the water.
"I wanted to talk to you because there are some expenditures you should be made aware of. They amount to a great deal of money, and I now know they are not yours." Yona hands the file to Kitori and watches his face as he reads.
"How has this been possible? Only my assistant Koto is to have my seal. How has his wife and children been able to spend so much without detection?" Kitori becomes agitated from what he has read. His heart sinks with the feeling of betrayal.
"I think that since you have never met with anyone in the past that it became easy for them to fool the people at the bank. Koto's son has signed your name for the last five years, and most believe he is you. I can have him arrested at your command." Yona tells Kitori, not knowing how deep his relationship goes. Kitori sits quietly, trying to process what Yona just told him. His anger building the longer he thinks about it. There is only a red haze of anger in front of him.
Yona can feel the anger emitting from Kitori's body. The heat is suffocating as if the very oxygen has been sucked out of the air. Feeling the earth vibrate around him, Yona looks at the young man. Who is he? Yona thinks to himself. In a flash, Yona hears a familiar voice.
"Kitori San, calm down! You will bring the mountain down on your house if you do not breathe and let your anger go." Morrigan and Uktena are walking towards them. Yona stands in shock that they are here.
Uktena raises his hand to silence Yona. Behind them, a small but wonderful woman walks towards Kitori placing her forehead on his she whispers.
"My sweet little fox, do not be angry. We are here to help you. What was taken shall be avenged but not by you. My little fox, let me bring you peace ." Inari kisses Kitori's forehead, and he shifts into his fox form. Leaning down, she picks him up and cuddles him until he is asleep.
Turning to Yona, Inari smiles.
"We were not expecting you to find out this soon. I am the goddess Inari. This little one is my most treasured of children. He is also treasured by my dearest friend Morrigan. I understand you know them." Inari chuckles as she snuggles Kitori. Morrigan takes Yona's hand and sits next to him.
"Let me explain. A little over a hundred years ago, this little fox saved the family that serves him. In the process he lost his love and was enslaved by a very mean person. That person is someone quite powerful and evil. This little fox, not knowing that I was immortal, gave me his soul bead, thinking it would heal me. Since that day, we have been connected. You will learn more about his story at a later date. He was not expecting for the family who he has grown to love to betray him. Though this generation he has not gotten to know. The last two generations he was able to trust completely, so it is quite a shock to him. I hope you will take good care of our little fox and not let any harm come to him; he is family after all. You also have him to thank for the mishap of earlier today at the house. He is connected to us, and when Lilli was in danger without knowing, he was there in an instant to help them. If you all had lingered even a few extra moments, you would have seen him vanish before your eyes. I do not think your boss would have understood. Now, what do you plan to do about this thieving family?" Morrigan asks
"Well, I do not think the father is involved, but the other three are. I have already placed locks on the accounts they use and frozen their fathers as well. I have already contacted the banks and filed fraudulent claims against the accounts. When any of the three try to use the accounts, they will be detained immediately. The only accounts usable are the household ones and only for the barest of necessities. I will monitor them for a few days before springing the trap. This way, Kitori will not be blamed in any way and Sir Koto cannot give them any warning. You know how much I hate dishonesty. " Yona tells her of his plan. Morrigan nods in agreement. Protecting Kitori is their priority in all matters. Inari is cooing at Kitori and listening to Yona's plan. It's a good plan, but Koto's family may still hurt her little fox.
"I suggest we wipe their memory when it is done. I do not want them to tell others what they know of him. He could still be hurt. What if they tell others of his long sleep and that he has just awoken. There would be many questions " Inari sits on the ground with Kitori in her arms.
Yona thinks for a few moments and smiles.
"We could alter their memories, not wipe them completely. We can give them false memories of Kitori. We can give them a memory of him arriving from abroad somewhere to take over the family business. I have a friend that could hack the airline systems and place his information there. He could even invent a background for him somewhere so that if anyone checks, it's all there. That way, anything they say would seem like they are just covering for their crimes. " Yona pulls out his phone to give Marshal a call. Morrigan and Imari smile at each other knowingly. Inari gives Kitori to Morrigan and shimmers out to visit another little fox. This one though, has lived in this world a long time.