Painful memories

Kitori sits in the dark room with only his memories. Wondering what is to become of him in this era. Things are not as easy as in this era as in the past. With technology everything is at your fingertips and what you believed is not always what it seems. He wants to become a man worthy of his love but how can he when he knows nothing. In the past his gifts never failed him. He shimmers to stand by his loves bed. Just seeing her brings him joy. Her mother Aisling comes in.

"Thank you for saving her from the snake." Aisling speaks softly as to not surprise him or to wake the girls. Turning to her Kitori bows his head in Shame.

"I am sorry but I do not know if I am worthy of her. I have a hard time with facing others in anger. I can bring a mountain down when I am angry. Though often times I just fade away into nothingness because I do not want to hurt others. How can I protect her if I cannot bring myself to fight." Kitori feels tears falling from his eyes. He has not shed a tear in over a century. Aisling smiles and hugs him.

"Come with me and we will talk." Aisling takes Kitori's hand walking him to the balcony.

"You are sensitive and never really had to grow up. You have always had the option of disappearing from others sight. This made it easy for you to keep your innocence. The world is not so easy and we cannot always hide. I know that you are hurt right now in your heart over betrayal. I have been there as well. I felt like if I wasn't who I was then things would be better. That is a lie we tell ourselves, it's a way to blame ourselves when we are not the problem. You can take any form you want ,right?" Aisling looks at him with compassion. Kitori nods.

"Maybe you should start at the beginning in this era. Learn things you have forgotten. Look around and find out what you want and learn to do it. Once you know what you want and not just do as others tell you, you will find your own worth. In doing that others will see it as well. I am not talking about material wealth , I'm talking about self worth. You have always allowed others to deal with the world while you have stayed hidden. Explore the world this time and if it brings you back to us then it shows you are worthy." Aisling hugs Kitori and tells him

"I look forward to meeting the new you in the future." Aisling hugs him tightly knowing that she could be sending Lilli's future away but this person needs to be able to stand on his own first.

Kitori hugs her back and then shimmers back to his home.

Yona is waiting for him in the office when he comes from the hidden room.

"So you have one of those to. My sister-in-law has one in her house as well." Yona tells him with a chuckle.

"Your sister-in-law says I need to learn from the beginning. I think after this business with Koto's family I am going to explore this world and learn what I want and need. That way I can be strong for Lilli. I want you to handle my affairs from now on. I want to become a man worthy of Lilli. If that means I need to become a child again to learn what I need to do so be it. Will you do as I ask?" Kitori looks at Yona the yearning in his eyes to become a worthy man shines through them.

"Of course I will. I can enroll you in school and you can be a child by day and yourself by night. At least until you find what you want." Yona grins at Kitori , this isn't what he was expecting but since he has never actually went to school or interacted with others this could be just what he needs.

The two go out to meet up with the others for the memorial to begin.

When they enter the room Yona can feel the anger that Kitori is trying to hide when he sees this family. Yona had Moll teleport here earlier in the day to cast the knowing spell. This will help Kitori in showing them the past. It will feel like they are there in the past.

Kitori bows before the alter of the man he called friend for so long. When he rises he turns to the family.

"There was a time when my kind was hunted and enslaved. We were expected to steal and do horrible things for those that enslaved us. It's was during this time I met your ancestors. They were poor and unable to even feed themselves. The man stole just to eat and even killed for a few coins. He was kind to me , he shared his food with me and did not ask me to do anything bad. He was the first human to do so. One day he got caught for his crimes and was about to be executed. I hid him away and shifted into his form knowing that I would not die. I allowed them to hang me to save him. To save him I gave up my love and the life I had started . In return he promised to serve me unconditionally and honestly. He kept that promise . His son your grandfather Koto continued to serve me and I protected him. When it was his time to serve in the military I shifted into him and served for him , while he stayed behind and took care of my home. Your father Koto was already grown when I awoke last time and we became quick friends. He got into some trouble with the law and was to go to prison. Since he had your mother and you to take care of I shifted into his form and served his sentence. That enabled him to stay here and take care of you and your mother. When it was my time for sleep again I had just gotten back out of prison. You were just a small child at the time. It is because of these instances that your family has always served me. Since I have made no such sacrifices for you all I will not hold you to the family promise. Though you will need to leave my home and everything that my money has bought will need to be returned. Koto , Yona has a list of what your family owes me and what they used that was not for them to use. This is the only chance you have to fix the situation. " Kitori tells them with no emotion in his voice as to show that he means what he says.