Desperate maneuvering

When Kitori and Yona left the room, Koto's family began to panic. Koto looked at them with disgust.

"I will serve him until I die; he allowed my father to stay with me until he died. For that, I owe him a great debt. He also allowed me to give you a life of ease. One that you never had to worry over where you would sleep at night or if you would have food. You always had nice things because of his generosity. You may do what you want, but I will not leave him ."Koto stands and leaves without even looking at the papers that Yona gave him.

"I will call the bank manager and give him a heads up that someone new will be handling the accounts. I will also ask him how much we can get before that change takes place. Since most believe that you are the owner of the accounts, it should be easy." Sana tells her brother. She looks at her mother and asks.

"What are you going to do?" Looking at her mother's bowed head.

"I will finally leave this place and let Koto pay back what is owed. " getting up, she leaves the room, letting her children plan their next move. Not knowing that the room is under a spell and bugged, they lay out their plans. Yona sits in his room, listening to their plan. Disgusted by what he hears, Yona calls Zea and his team. Yona vows They will not get away with this, and Kitori will not take the fall for them this time.

Yona rises early the next morning, letting the family think they have them all fooled. The siblings leave as if going about a normal day. The wife goes out after the morning meal to go grocery shopping. Yona's phone vibrates; it's Zea.

"The siblings have entered the bank and, without stopping, went straight to the manager's office. We are getting ready to move in. Is Kitori ready?" His text inquires. Yona looks at Kitori and asks.

"Are you ready?" Watching him closely, waiting to see if he will go through with it.

"Yes, I am ready; no matter the outcome, I need to do this." Kitori straightened his tie, and they go into the bank. Walking towards the manager's office. The secretary stops them.

"May I help you?" She asks the two gentlemen.

"We have an appointment with the manager. I am Yona peoples, and this is Kitori Mori. I believe that he is expecting us." Yona informs the secretary.

"Oh, you must be mistaken. Mr. Mori has already arrived and is in with the manager." She nods towards security as if to have them escorted out. Zea and his men arrive and ask for everyone except bank employees to leave. The secretary is panicking, not knowing what is happening. Zea walks over to Kitori and Yona.

"Mr. Mori, several sources have informed us that an imposter has been using your name for the last few years. May I see your identification papers?" Zea winks at Kitori as he hands him his papers. The secretary gasps and interjects.

"Sir, I am afraid you are mistaken; Mr. Mori is in with the manager and cannot be interrupted. This man has never been to this bank before." She stands with her eyes glaring at the three men. Zea turns to her and smiles.

"Miss, I am afraid it is you who is mistaken. Mr. Mori has just returned to Japan after spending most of his life abroad. He has never come to this bank because of it. " Zea motions for his men to enter the office. The manager yells out over the intrusion.

"Who are you, and how dare you enter my office with being announced!!!" He bellowed in outrage. Zea walks in.

"I have here arrest warrants for the three of you. You are under arrest for fraud, embezzlement." Zea watches the manager as he looked at the siblings.

"Mr.Mori what is the meaning of this?" Trying to deflect the blame to make himself look innocent.

Kitori walks in and looks at the three of them.

"I am Kitori Mori; these two are my assistant's children. They have no legal rights to anything of mine. Since you know this already, why are you muttering like you are clueless? You have known since day one that only their father has the right to use my accounts. Only their father has a power of attorney. So why have you allowed them to use what was not theirs? " Kitori knows that Yona has the pouch from the woman that cast a spell on his office. They will be compelled to tell the truth.

"I did it because of their mother. She married that worthless fool, thinking he was rich. Later, when she found out he had nothing of his own, how could I allow my children to be brought up in such luxury, and it never is theirs. We had planned to get rid of the fool thinking she would inherit everything. " the manager breaks down and tells them everything. Kitori is relieved that his judgment of Koto was right but saddened because he lived most of his life thinking he was these twos father. That he loved them, sacrificed for them only to be fooled by them—one of the officer's whispers in Zea's ear. Zea turns to Kitori.

"Their mother was caught trying to use Koto's credit card to buy a plane ticket. We have her in custody. We have picked up Koto and are now being shown the evidence that we have against the four of them. Including the report from the hospital showing that these two are not his children. Kitori, I think that Koto may need your support for now. This is going to be harder for him, and his health is not good." Zea nods at Yona and Kitori as he walks the three out of the bank. Kitori stops him before they get to the door.

"I must really be stupid thinking that as long as I was good to those who served me that you would be happy. I have never denied the Koto family anything. What was mine, I willingly shared. I only asked for them to watch over me and be loyal. What you took if you had asked and been willing to be loyal, you could have had. Why did you have to be deceitful?" Kitori asked them

"You truly are stupid who wants to serve someone else and never have anything of their own. " Sana glares at him. Yona puts his hand on Kitori's arm to stop him.

"You know I have a sister just like him, and these two are the same. My sister gives everyone everything, and they are never satisfied. Kitori gave your family everything, and it was not enough. The problem is not them. It's you. It's never enough because you know nothing of suffering or sacrifice. You have no Gratitude for what you are blessed with. I bet if you asked anyone else, they would be happy to work for him. Especially when so little was asked." Yona tells Sana as they get ready to place her in the car. He then turns to the secretary and hands her a stack of papers.

"This is what the bank owes my client for allowing them access to his accounts. I expect repayment immediately." Yona nods to Kitori to follow him. Taking him to meet with Koto to ensure that his assistant is alright, at least physically.