Kitori sees a dejected Koto as soon as he enters the station. Clutching his chest Koto begins to sob like a child.
Tears fill Kitori's eyes as he watches Koto. Compelled to comfort him, Kitori sits next to him and pulls him into his arms. Allowing the man to cry quietly.
Koto feels a pair of arms pulled him into their embrace; the moment his head touches Kitori's shoulder, he can no longer hold his emotions.
"Master, I am so sorry for what they did. I had no idea what they did. I was too naïve to think they could do such a thing. I knew they could be greedy, but I never imagined that they would go to such lengths." Koto sobs.
"I am not worried about material things as much as how are you doing. What they took from me can be replaced. What they did to you there is no replacing. I am here to help you in any way that I can, even if it's to shelter you to cry." Kitori tells Koto as his heart breaks for the man. These people stripped him of his entire world and tarnished his every memory. How can anyone get over this kind of blow? Koto pulls away from Kitori and wipes his eyes.
"You know my father tried to warn me about my wife. He said that she was not what she seemed. I could never see her as anyone other than a refined kind woman. I loved those children so much that I could not bear to deny them anything. It is my fault for how they are." Koto bows his head in shame. Zea came over and interrupted the conversation of the two.
"Koto, you are cleared from any wrongdoing, but I am afraid I have one more piece of news for you. When in our investigation, we have found that the illness your father died of resulted from long-term poisoning. We found the same poison at your house in the kitchen. His wife mixed the poison with some tea leaves. When we confronted your wife, she admitted to killing your father. She also admitted to poisoning you. Your illness is a result of the damage of the poison she used. I am sorry, but according to the toxicology report, you are beyond saving. The only thing we can do is extend your life by a few short months." Zea feels bad for this man. He has not hurt anyone and had lived a life of always doing the right thing. Kitori looks at Yona.
"I want him to have the best of everything from now on. I will stay with him until he is gone. Then I will do what we talked about." Kitori takes Koto's hand and leads him out of the station. Zea and Yona watch after them.
"I feel bad for Kitori; he has always sacrificed his happiness for that family. I do not understand it." Zea tells Yona.
"My sister-in-law is the same. She told me once that it's not a sacrifice when you are willing. That sometimes, showing others the best of ourselves can help them see the best in themselves. I think Kitori is that kind of person. He only sees the best of others and hopes to be his best person. To some, it is a weakness, but in reality, it's the greatest strength. When the time comes, he will be able to overcome great obstacles because of it. " Yona pats zea's shoulder and nods him goodbye.
On the way back to the house, Kitori and Koto stop by the family burial place. Kitori watches as Koto pays his respects.
"Father, I am sorry for bringing such a person into our home. I had no idea that she caused your death and now mine shortly. I am sorry that you loved those children; that was not meant to be ours. My life has amounted to nothing. " Koto begins to sob again. Listening to the pain in the older man's words was nearly Kitori's undoing.
"Koto, you are not responsible for anyone's actions but yours. What that woman did was her fault and only hers; as for those children, you were the best father to them. One that loved unconditionally, you gave them your love. That is more than anyone could have given them. Your memories are yours. Think of the love and joy you gave them. The joy you had because of them. No one or anything can take those memories away from you, for they are yours. Koto, your chidren will not forget your love and kindness. They will remember it. You may not see it now, but you did make a difference in their life, and someday they will ask for forgiveness." Kitori quietly tells him, vowing to himself that this man will have a good life from now on.