The rain is just a drizzle making for a gloomy dark day. A small group of people are gathered under a canopy saying their last goodbye. The monk is saying a few words about the man they laying to rest.
"Today we say goodbye to a dear friend. I have many memories of Koto . We grew up together running through these mountains. Exploring and talking of our futures. He told me once that he was destined to be like his father a man servant . I laughed at him thinking who would want to do that. He told me that it was his family's duty to serve the family Mori. That to him it was not a big deal because the family was generous and treated his father as if he was family. He said that he wanted to be like the man his father was in service to. Giving of himself freely and to see the good in those around him. I believe that he not only accomplished this but exceeded him. Koto gave generously to those around him, making sure that no one went hungry. He would open his home to anyone in need and they never left empty handed. He remembered every child's birthday at the temple and made sure that they had a small gift on that day. He will be remembered as a loving generous man who gave of himself, without asking for anything in return. May he Rest In Peace until his next life is to begin. " the monk begins a prayer for his friend as each person lays a flower on the coffin. Kitori stands off to the side watching the procession of mourners.
"Koto you thought your life meant nothing but look at this. You have many people from different walks of life here to celebrate your life and mourn your passing. You were kind and gave willingly to others . You helped many people without asking for anything in return. You were the best example of what being human is to be. Thank you for the years you watched over me and took care of me. I promise that I will become a man you will be proud of." Kitori vows to himself and to Koto as he lays his flower on the casket. Turning away from the others he sees that the goddesses have come. Walking towards them the sky breaks up and a patch of sunlight shines over the funeral area. Smiling Inari opens her arms to Kitori.
"My little fox you chose well in your friend. He will have a rich and happy next life. He lived by the dictates of the Father and will be rewarded for it. Look even your loves family has come to pay their respects." Inari nods towards the cars that are arriving. Yona has brought his family with him. To Kitori's surprise he has brought his love and her family as well. Morrigan goes to greet them smiling at Kitori as he stares at a young Lilli.
Lilli looking around she sees a handsome man standing by the edge of the clearing. Smiling she lets go of her mothers hand and runs to him.
"Hi I'm Lilli it's nice to see you again." The child holds out her hand to him. Smiling up at him as her green eyes sparkle.
Kitori squats down so that his face is even with hers.
"Hi I am Kitori, it is nice to see you as well. How have you come to be here?" Kitori asks her.
"My uncle said that there was a special man that was going to the afterlife today and that we needed to send him off properly. So we are here. Sorry we are late though we had a hard time in traffic and my mom said it would not be proper to portal here. Can I ask you a question?" Lilli leans closer to him and whispers.
Kitori smiles and nods his head.
"Which spirit are we sending off? There are three gentlemen behind you." Lilli looks behind him shyly.
Kitori turns and he sees Koto standing with his father and grandfather. Bowing in respect Kitori waits to see what they want. When he looks up the three are bowing towards him . Koto walks to his side looking at Lilli.
"Master the little one sees us. They came to greet me and to accompany me on my journey. " Koto tells Kitori. Though Kitori cannot hear him. Lilli can though.
"He says that his family came to greet him and go with him on his journey. " Lilli tells Kitori as she waves at the spirits.
Koto smiles at Lilli and asks her.
"Can you tell Kitori San thank you from all of us for his care of my family. That we all are grateful to him and hope he will find his happiness." Waving at Kitori the three spirits turn and disappeared into the mountain.
"They said thank you and hope you find your happiness. " Lilli tells Kitori and takes him by the hand and leads him to her family.