Waking every day in this gloomy quiet house is worse than a prison. Kiri decides to go to the city to explore and get to know the era he is living in. The list of assets that Yona gave to him was a set of keys to a house in the city. Frightened but ready to be around strangers Kitori takes one of the cars and leaves his home.
Once on the road, he calls Yona to let him know.
"I am heading to the house that is just outside of Kobe. I am scared as this the first time I have left my home in the mountains. Is there anything I need to know ?" Kitori asks Yona. The worry in his voice is clear to Yona. Kitori is still very childlike in many ways despite being centuries old.
Yona chuckles at his question and begins to tell him what arrangements he has made.
"Do not worry, when you arrive there will be a couple to meet you. They are your new driver and housekeeper. I have already explained their duties to them. Leave everything to them. This is just the first step you are taking it will be ok. Once you get used to being around others I have hired a tutor to come and teach you what you will need to know. Think about what you want to learn and I will make the arrangements. If you do not like this arrangement and decide that you want to shift to a child. I can arrange for you to attend regular school. That way you can make some friends. We have lots of time you do not need to rush." Yona reminds Kitori that he no longer has to hide away that times are not like before.
When Kitori turns into the drive of his house. Before he pulls his suitcase out of the car the couple that Yona arranged to take care of him was there to help.
"Mr. Mori, I am Kinta Ito and this is my wife Hana. Mr. People's company sent us to help you. " Kinta takes the suitcase from Kitori and shows him into the house.
"Wow, this house has so much sunlight compared to the mountain home. Does it have a garden?" Kitori walks through the house taking in the quiet but bright style of it. Large windows and plants everywhere. The house itself feels as if it is living. Following Kinta, to his room, he is in awe of it. He had always used the smallest room in the mountain house. Letting the family Koto use the larger ones. In this house, his room is huge with large windows to let the sun in. His bathtub surrounded by house plants resembles a small pond for bathing.
"My father built the house with strict instructions from Mr. Santo that it is to resemble nature in every aspect. So he made each room resemble either a season or place in nature. Your room mostly has the feel of a mountain Forrest with lush plants and sun. The living room and kitchen are more of an ocean. While the other bedroom has the feel of spring. The garden in the back is designed to always be blooming." Kinta explains to Kitori the design of the house and grounds.
"Thank you for your kindness, do you mind if I rest for a bit? I am not used to driving much and am tired. " Kitori thanks the couple for showing him his house. Now he just wants to enjoy it on his for a short time.
"Yes, of course, I will have Hana place your meal in the oven for you to eat at your leisure." Kinta turns and leaves the room. Smiling to himself thinking that this young man is a kind person though maybe a little shy. He goes down to help his wife get things organized for the young master of the house.
Kitori puts his clothes away and decides to take a bath before taking a nap. Sighing as he slips into the warm water.
"You can come out now they are downstairs," Kitori called out to the goddess, Imari giggle as she shimmers into the room.
"Do you like your house?" Imari asks Kitori as she sits on the side of the tub.
"Yes very much, why are you here? In all of my centuries, you have never checked up on me so much." Kitori gives her a quizzical look.
Imari smiles and strokes his hair.
"You have never been alone before. When you were in your fox form I took care of you. Then when you were able to take a human form you had others. This is the first time you are alone. If you decide you want to become a child I can take human form and become your mother for a short time." Imari teases him.
"I do not know what I want yet. When I learned to shift I put human needs before mine. I lost the chance at being with my love for so long because of that. This time I think I need to find out who I am and what I am good at. That way I can be worthy of my love. So I think I will travel around and observe other people and try new things to find out. " Kitori closes his eyes and sinks into the water letting Imari that he doesn't want to talk anymore.
Sighing Imari kisses his forehead and shimmers away leaving him to his thoughts.