Helping Shiro

Waking lazily to the sound of Shiro's erratic heartbeat in his head . Kitori sends calming waves of energy to Shiro. Wondering what he is dreaming about Kitori enters his dream. It's dark and raining Shiro is running through a lush Forrest frightened by whatever is chasing him. Kitori looks around he knows this place, Shiro is dreaming of his past life. When they bonded not only can Kitori see and feel Shiro's feelings and memories but he can feel his as well. Kitori never knew that the bond went both ways since Sato never said anything. Feeling guilty for causing Shiro discomfort Kitori manipulates his dream to a more pleasant time. A time when he was loved and cared for. Thinking of the time before he could take human form Kitori shows Shiro who he really is.

Nestled deep in the mountains in a far away land a small silvery fox is sleeping. He is much smaller than the others in the temple garden. The goddess stays close keeping eye on him.

"My little one someday you will become a great man. One that can enter both the human world as well as the celestial realm. You will change the lives of those around you. Someday you will not just have the protection of myself but of the father as well. Always be true to what your heart tells you. " the beautiful woman snuggles the fox as his gaze warms her heart. Sighing the goddess continues to talk to the fox about his future.

"You will meet a girl one who is descended from the celestial realm. She will have many abilities like you. You my dear little one will become more powerful than all of your siblings . Some may fear you while others will want to use you for their own ends. You must try to know the difference. You will grow and age very slowly compared to the others. You will live for many lifetimes before you find the one you are destined to be with. You must be patient and stay true to the father that way you will fulfill your destined path. Now my little one it is time for your long sleep. I will be here when you wake and you will start your journey to be human. Kissing his nose before placing him into a special den . One that will protect him while he sleeps.Shiro's heart has calmed and Kitori smiles mischievously. Tickling Shiro's nose he makes him sneeze awake . Shiro looks around confused at first.

"Your finally awake , it's time to go down for breakfast. Hurry we are going to be late." Kitori rushes Shiro .

"Shiro hurried to get ready for the day. Wondering why his dream seemed so real.

The two stayed close together while in the museum. Kitori notices the teachers glances at them wondering what she is thinking. He sees her talking to an American woman for a long time. Slipping into the restroom he takes out the pendant that Imari gave him. Disappearing into the backdrop he goes to stay close to the teacher.

"Do you have everything ready?" Nothing can go wrong. I got an email from his uncle his appointment is Friday . If he goes missing before arriving at his appointment then we can avoid suspicion. His family is one of the richest in Japan. They will do anything to ensure his safe return." The teacher tells the woman The American woman lights a cigarette taking a deep breath.

"I have a few of my brothers friends pretending to be his bodyguards. They will take care of getting him to the holding place. " flipping her dark hair the American woman gets up with a nod and leaves quickly. The teacher looks around making sure no one noticed her with the woman. Kitori slips back to the restroom and slipped the pendant off. He is sure they are talking about Shiro. Determined to stop them he rushes out to find Shiro. He is standing in front of a display of an Arctic fox.

"Hey Kit this fox looks like the one from my dream. Except the fox in my dreams eyes were black with shades of silver in them. " Shiro stared at the fox not wanting to go to the next display. Kitori takes his hand and drags him away. To look at the next display. It's a display of the native people of America. Kitori is surprised the people in this display looks like Yona . A mischievous glint comes into his eyes as he snaps a picture. Smiling secretly Kitori sends it to Yona. With the caption.

"I found your long lost twin."

Waiting for his reply Kitori follows Shiro.

Yona sees the text and grins .

"You little imp." He pics a picture from his phone . It's one of him and his siblings together at a tribal wedding.

"Yep I see you did. When you are ready call me I will come to get you for a visit." Yona texted him back. He is secretly very proud of Kitori for being brave enough to explore the world finally after so many years. Understanding why he needs to stay away from Lilli but missing him at the same time.