Shiro goes missing

The sound of drums banging is all I hear. Trying to stand only to retch everything in my stomach. Kitori is confused since he has never been sick before.

"What is wrong with me why am I wet with sweat and so weak?" Kitori thinks to himself as he struggles to stand. Looking around he can't find Shiro. They both left the museum together but what happened after that. He is in his hotel room but how did he get here. Kitori calms himself and focuses on Shiro. Feeling his fear he understands why he is sick , he is suffering the Same as Shiro. Concentrating on Shiro's location Kitori is able to shimmer to him. Entering the room he sees Shiro weak and sick on the dirty bed. Going over to him Kitori puts his hand on his shoulder giving him enough strength to wake up.

"What has happened ?how did you get here?" Kitori asks Shiro. Seeing the surprise in his eyes Kitori knows it's time to tell him.

"I am kitsune. I can shift into anyone I want. I saw you in Japan as myself ." Kitori smiles and shifts into his normal human form. Shiro smiles as he recognizes him as the kind man in the park. Kitori picks Shiro's up into his arms and cradles his head on his chest.

"Tell me what I can do ? I can shimmer you to a hospital or I can try to heal you then go." Kitori is more afraid of Shiro not liking him anymore than anything else.

"My uncle , it was the body guards that brought me here. I need to know if he is behind this. I will be fine but can you take my form and go to the hospital that they were to take me to. Find out if it was him , I need to protect my father if it was." Shiro's voice is raspy and weak . Kitori's heart aches at how weak he sounds. Giving his body a jolt of healing energy to sustain him till he returns. Kitori hugs his friend and takes his form.

"I will take your form and find out if your uncle did this . I will return as soon as I know what is happening." Not wanting to leave him but needing to make sure if he returns that he will be safe. Kitori shimmers out as Shiro and into the hospital bathroom. Walking out he sees the body guard taking to uncle. Taking a deep breath he walks towards them.

"Uncle sorry I am late , I got separated from my group at the museum. I remembered that I was to meet you here today so I took a taxi." Bowing his head in apology Kitori tries to gauge the man's reaction.

"That is fine my boy , I am just happy that you remembered and made your way here. It shows that you are truly on your way to be a responsible man. " motioning to the Dr uncle takes Kitori into the exam room. Leaving an angry and confused bodyguard.

The Dr begins the exam immediately. His body will be in what're shape Shiro was in when he touched him last. Kitori uses all of his concentration to ensure that there is no difference between him and Shiro. When the Dr is done a nurse comes in with a wheelchair to take him to the room he will be staying in. Kitori is jittery as he anxiously waits to go back to Shiro. He feels that Shiro's body is getting weaker, pacing the room not knowing what he should do. The Dr comes in to talk to him and Shiro's uncle.

"Shiro has diabetes as you know but he also has a rare blood disease that can cause more severe problems. Myelodysplastic syndrome is when your bone marrow doesn't produce proper blood cells, it can cause premature breakage of red blood cells. This can cause problems with clotting which has caused the problems with his heart. Eventually he may develop total marrow failure. We need to test for a donor and start treatment. The sooner treatment starts the better. " thinking the boys anxiety is do to waiting for his results he hopes he will calm down now. Leaving the two alone to make the necessary calls the dr excuses himself. Looking at the sadness on the older man's face Kitori knows he had nothing to do with Shiro's kidnapping. Waiting for him to leave Kitori pretends to fall asleep. Hoping the man will leave do he can go check on Shiro.

Shiro is laying on the bed he can feel the life draining from his body. Crying out to the empty room he hopes someone will hear him.

"Help me please , I know my uncle loves me . He would not hurt me or my family. Kit where are you ? What have you found out ?" Closing his eyes as he takes his last breath.