Visiting Lilli

Jumping out of bed quickly Shiro races nervously to the bathroom. He is going home today and he will finally get to meet the rest of his family. Sad that they will not have time to go meet Lilli but excited for the new beginning. By the time Shiro comes out of the bathroom the bodyguard is already getting his suitcase. Wondering if his uncle prepared the gifts he asked for Shiro follows the bodyguard. Smiling happily Jiro is handing each of the staff the gifts that Shiro asked for. Each member received a red envelope containing a card with money inside. When Jiro started to give the head nurse hers she gave him a stern look.

"Now Mr Kaji you know we cannot accept these. It's against the rules. We appreciate it the gesture but it's not ethical for us to accept." She gives him a sour look. Jiro laughs and looks for the department director. He hears her and answers before Jiro can.

"Mr Kaji asked if he could give you a gift for taking such good care of them. Since it was Shiro who asked and it was the money that shiro had been saving . I could not refuse him. So this once you may accept." The department director informed the staff . A loud cheer goes up and Shiro is surrounded by people giving him hugs and wishing him well. Jiro hears shiro sigh smiling to himself he hopes that shirio will like his surprise.

Shiro looks out the window his heart aches for he does not know how long it will be before seeing Lilli again. Dreading the turn to go to the airport Shiro turns towards his uncle when they pass it.

"Uncle where are we going? The turn to go to the airport is back there." Shiro is afraid to hope that they could be going to Lilli's home.

"I thought that it would be such a shame to miss out on the chance to meet Yona and his family. Jiro smiles at his nephew. Seeing his face light in joy brings a wave of gratitude in him. His nephew since coming to this place has changed in so many ways. Before he rarely played or smiled. Now he has become more mischievous and playful more open to be adventurous.

Shiro's thoughts are all over the place. He is going to see his love. Will she be happy to see him? The closer they get to her the more excited he becomes ,Shiro is finding it hard to sit still . Wishing he could just shimmer to where she is. He sees the mountains in the distance, knowing they are getting close to her.

"Uncle look at how the two rivers meet. The water is beautiful." Shiro's eyes are shinning as he looks out the window. This place is truly beautiful, with the mountains on each side of the river . The town in the center. They notice the driver is taking a left and going up the side of the mountain. The trees are dense and make it hard to see where you are going. They turn into a tree lined drive , Shiro's gem is heating up . His love is close. Recognizing where he is Shiro becomes unable to sit still. There she is standing near the driveway waiting for him. As soon as the car stops Shiro's jumps out to greet his love.

"Lilli I'm so happy to see you. I was sad this morning thinking we were going home without getting to visit." Shiro bowed his head in greeting. When he looks up he sees the kind woman that allowed him to stay with Lilli as an infant is there.

"Good afternoon, I am Shiro. It is nice to meet you." Shiro's introduced himself to Aisling. Wondering if she can see past the mask he wears.

"Welcome to my home. We are happy to have you here. Allow me to take you to meet the rest of the family." Turning towards the house. They hear the loud laughter of everyone playing before they see them. To Jiro and Shiro's surprise the yard is overflowing with people. Some Shiro recognized from when he was here as a fox. He sees Crystal all grown up now . Though she still has that shinning aura about her. Shiro sees Yona coming towards them .

"Mr Kaji I'm Yona , I am the attorney helping your company with the legality of your mergers. Yona gives Jiro his business card. Jiro takes it and bows to him in greeting.

"It is nice to finally meet you . My brother speaks highly of you. " Jiro lols around at the big house and yard. He notices that Shiro's has already made his way to the other children . They are all sitting around on motor bikes of various kinds. Hearing Lilli tell shiro which one is hers.

"There are a lot of children. I know my brother told me your family was large but this exceeds my expectations. " Jiro is mentally counting how many people are here.