For the first time in centuries Kitori feels like he is truly free to live. Though now he must bury his true name and truly become Shiro. Starting that process he must start calling those around him by their names. Saddened by the thought that no one will ever call him his name again. He wonders if he can truly do this. His uncle walks in with a big smile.
"Shiro the Doctor says that you may leave soon. He says the the drug therapy has worked and you may no longer need a bone marrow transplant. I'm so happy that you are doing so well." Jiro tells his nephew.
"Uncle I am happy that I may no longer be a burden on everyone. I just want to make you all happy." Shiro tells the older man. His voice is soft and sad Jiro picks up on the tone and sits beside him on the bed.
"We live out our lives not just as individuals but as a part of a connected family. You are loved and needed in this family. If anything were to happen to you we would have a very hard time . There would be a hole that nothing could fill, not just for your parents but for your uncles as well. You know most think I have given up on having a family but it's just I have not found that right person yet. The person I want to have in my life is someone that makes me want to protect them more than myself. So far the only people who make me feel that way is you and your sister. When I meet a woman that makes me have that kind of passion and need to protect them then that will be the woman I will marry. Until then I will follow my heart and protect and love you ." Jiro hugs his nephew knowing that he is going to be ok now fills his heart near bursting with happiness. Smiling down at him Jiro decides to tell him his surprise.
"Your uncle Hiroto has decided that he wants you to meet someone from the firm that is working with us. He lives not to far away in the mountains and wants us to visit him before we return. So you will have some time to explore before rushing home if you are up to it." Jiro ruffles Shiro's hair before standing. Turning to go find the Dr they hear a knock on the door. Turning towards the sound Shiro is taken back. There standing in the doorway is his love. Her red hair tied back in a decorative braid she looks nearly grown. Shiro quickly stands and gulps with nervousness. A tall man comes in behind her , his reminds him of Yona.
"I'm sorry to just barge in I am Astila Peoples, my brother Yona is working with your company. I am giving a lecture today and thought I would stop by . Yona wanted to invite you to a family picnic when your nephew is well enough to go home. My daughter will be going to Japan with Yona on his next visit. So I thought maybe they could get to know each other beforehand. That way hopefully they can become friends ." Astila shakes Jiro's hand while introducing themselves. Jiro smiles at the doctor and agrees .
"That sounds wonderful I assume it is your family that my brother wants us to meet. I was just telling my nephew about the possibility of us spending the day together with your family." Jiro replied as the two men left the room to leave the two youngsters alone. Looking longingly at Lilli Shiro's heart pounds loudly.
"You need not be nervous, I will keep your secrets. I am the one that Morrigan sent to help. I am happy that you and Shiro was able to resolve the problem with moving on. Maybe when you trust me enough someday you can show me who you really are. I am curious about how things worked out. I will be the one helping you to learn to control your powers and to blend in with this world. I hope that we can become great friends in time." Lilli smiles brightly at him. She knows that there is something very familiar about the spirit that took over Shiro's body, not being one to like loose ends she hopes that he will trust her soon.
"I am sure we will become friends and I look forward to having you with me. I know the goddess trusts you completely so I will also. When we are older I will reveal what you want to know, only when the time is right." Shiro puts his hand out for her to take. Shaking hands in agreement the two decided to go for a walk in the hospital garden to enjoy the beautiful day.