When Yona gets back to the house he finds his wife sitting with Aisling. Deciding to tease her a bit he walks over to them.
"So you want to go motorcycle riding, if you want to go I will take you. It will be in the Harley with the side car though." Yona gives his wife a sly look knowing that she hates that bike. The only reason they have it is because when Alex was little he would not let them ride without him. Remi gives her husband a little punch in annoyance. Smirking Yona goes to see what the kids are doing. He finds them in the field target practicing. As usual Crystal is showing off trying to out do everyone. Yona stands beside his brother and Jiro watching them.
"It amazes me that they are so good at this. You know the bows they are using are like our Yumi bows . The kyuba no michi, the way of horse and bow, is when samurai would shoot from their horses at the enemy. The craftsmanship of the bows in your weapon room is amazing. " Jiro smiles as he watches Lilli help Shiro aim her bow.
"Our uncles made them in the way of our people. The children can shoot both bows and rifles from horseback as well. We have taught them a little from all of the traditions in the family. I hope someday you can see them when they are not just playing around . They can be quite impressive. Remi's younger brother has already earned several awards in the military for his skills in combat both marksmanship and hand to hand. He has not been in but for a few years. I would not be surprised if he follows in my brothers and his uncles footsteps. Though his cousins are not too shabby either. It is one of the reasons I said you would not need a body guard today. My brother and the commander is from an elite force in the army, marshal the marines , Dude the Air Force and the older gentleman there . That is John he is from the navy seals. Not to mention my uncle is also a highly skilled warrior and Shaman." Yona tells him proudly watching his face as he looks around the yard at everyone he pointed to. He sees a petite Korean woman smiling at the commander. Yona noticing his gaze laughs.
"I almost forgot that is Aisling's Auntie Jin, she is the commander's wife. You do not want to get into a fight with her. She can take a man three times her size down. She has taught all the girls how to defend themselves. Just as Yona turns to see Alex shoot one of the boys that came with Brayden is laying on the ground with his face bloodied. Brayden is holding lotus back to keep her from hitting him again. The two men walk over to see what happened.
"Lotus! What happened?" Astila bellows at his daughter. Turning to her father she gives Brayden a backwards kick in the shin , making him yell out.
"That stupid pig pinched by butt when I was about to take a shot. He is lucky that I only his him. If I had turned with my bow he would be dead. I told Brayden not to bring him here that he was trouble but like all stupid boys he doesn't listen. He hit on Lilli earlier and she went to find Yona and Shiro to get away. If that pig doesn't leave now I will hurt him." Glaring at her father with a look that could kill she refuses to back down. Astila turns to Brayden
"Son , you know that you are always welcome to bring your friends, but if they cannot be respectful to the others they are not welcome her. I think it's time to take him home. Especially before John's grandsons get here. If they find out what he did I am afraid he will wind up in the hospital." Astila let's Brayden know with a look that everything is ok but the boy needs to leave.
"Yes uncle I was holding lotus back from hurting him. I was holding her back to keep him from her. He has a nasty temper and I was hoping that if he was around the family , that possibly he would learn to mellow out. I did not expect him to lay hands on her , I am sorry he will never come near the girls again. There is no need to see him home Crystal already called his dad and he will be here soon. His dad will take care of him I promise ." Brayden takes lotus to her mom so she can calm down. In a matter of minutes a police car pulls up and Terry gets out seeing the boys face he face fills with anger.
"Young man get in that car and be grateful you are only getting grounded. " Terry tells him. Shiro looked on confused. The officer did not know what happened but was angry at the bloody boy. Lilli giggles and motions for him to come with her.
"That man has known my mom since she was a child. They were best friends for the longest time. He knows that if the boy was hit then he was at fault. He is just lucky that Lotus was the one who hit him. If Crystal had gotten a hold of him he would be going away in an ambulance." Lilli motions for Shiro to come pet her horse. Shiro's senses are heighten since he is a fox. Not wanting to get close Lilli takes his hand . Dragging him nose to nose with her horse.
"He needs to get used to your smell. That way he will not get frightened by you. He is afraid of foxes. Only one fox has ever been able to get near him. A beautiful white one that came around when I was small. When the fox was near he would be calm like now. If any other fox came near he would stomp. That's odd he acts like he already knows you." Lili lays her head on the horses neck rubbing his mane. Staring into Shiro's eyes they turn a slight silvery color making his dark eyes look like a swirling pool of water. Lilli can't seem to look away from him as if she belongs to him. Hearing Remi yell snaps the two out of their gaze.
Remi is clutching Yona . She has gone into labor and Terry has the siren going for a police escort.