Mom and Dad

Shiro looks longingly out the window as they leave Lilli's house. Sighing Shiro wonders how long it will be till he sees Lilli again. Happy for the fact that in this form they are near the same age. That way they can be together more.

Jiro watches his nephew closely wondering what he is thinking.

"Did you enjoy your day?" Jiro asks him

"Yes very much, they are quite a close family. I had lots of fun, thank you for taking me there." Shiro's smiles brightly at his uncle

Shiro's eyes begin to droop with tiredness from all of the activities today. Falling into a deep sleep he slept until they landed in Japan . Jiro smiled at his nephew knowing how excited he will be to see his parents after so many months apart from them. When they disembarked Jiro watches Shiro's face when he notices his brother at the gate. Oddly Shiro did not notice his father at all and walked right past him. Even though they videoed chatted frequently Shiro was still not sure who was his father. The two brothers looked at each other puzzled.

"Shiro ! Are you not going to greet your father?" Akio looks down at his son. Shiro thinks quickly to cover for not recognizing his father.

"Father I am sorry I was thinking of something. I was a little disoriented because of sleeping on the plane. I just woke up and was not paying attention. Please forgive me?" Shiro holds his breath hoping the man will not question him to much.

"It's ok son, your mom is the same way when she wakes up. It takes her a few minutes to fully wake up." Akio hugs his son tightly. Closing his eyes enjoying the warmth of Aikio's arms.Shiro for the first time in centuries feels loved . Grateful that the father is allowing him to live this life with a family, Shiro hopes that he can make everyone proud.

When they arrive at his home Shiro looks around the room that is supposed to be his. There is a soft knock on the door. His mother comes in holding his sister.

"I'm so happy you are home and healthy. I'm sorry that I could not be with you. Your sister is to small to leave ." She hands Shiro the baby .

"She is a lot like you when you were small. I have missed you so much. Now that you are back I hope you and Niko will become great friends. Tell me how are you really doing. I want to know everything." Miko asks her son. Shiro feels something is off about this woman. Not wanting to cause problems to early he decides to talk to Lilli when they chat.

"I am happy to be home mother. I was lonely in the hospital but uncle took very good care of me. I met some wonderful people when I was there. Especially this one family and there is a girl that I think I will become great friends with. She will be visiting soon. I hope you will like her. " Shiro tells the woman beside him. Her eyes are dull and lifeless. She seems more of a robot than a person. This must be the real reason that the parents stayed behind. Standing he leans down and kisses the woman's cheek.

"Mother Niko has fallen asleep why don't I take her to her room. You should go rest for awhile. Lili told me that babies do not sleep a lot and can become very cranky. So you must rest when she does." Taking the baby to her room Shiro watches Miko as she listlessly walks to her room. Hearing her door close Shiro opens his computer to video call Lilli.

"Shiro! I'm so glad you called. My mom is in labor having my brother . Lotus and I are in the waiting room area. I don't know how long I will get to talk today. I'm happy to see you are home safely." Lilli excitedly answers his call.

"Congratulations to everyone. I just put my little sister to bed. I will call again when she is awake so you can see her. Hopefully by that time I can see your new brother as well. Can I ask you something?" Shiro smiles at her .

"Of course anything."Lilli answers curious what it could be.

"My mom seems sick but not physically. She seems withdrawn and sad. Do you think that you could ask your dad what can I do to help her?" Shiro asks shyly.

"I will do better than that. I will bring Alex and William with me when I come. They have a special way to help. " Lilli sees the concern on his face and decides to ask Morrigan if she can take her to meet him soon. They chat fora while longer before Shiro notices Lilli yawning. Laughing at her he tells her goodbye.

Staring out his window at the sun he knows it's night where Lilli is. Whispering into the wind.

"Sleep well my love hopefully we can be together again soon. " Shiro hears his father in the next room. Going out to greet him he notices the worry on his face.

"Father why do you look so worried?" Shiro asks.

"I'm fine just haven't gotten much sleep since the baby came. Don't worry all is ok." Akio tells him.

"Father you know that I am not a small child anymore. I will be a man soon you do not need to hide things from me." Shiro's voice is stern letting his father know he is serious. Akio hugs his son and tells him.

"It is my job to take care of our family but I will let you know when I need your help I promise. Now how about we go out to pick up dinner so that mom can rest" Akio motions for him to go with him. They head out of the house together.