After months of just taking on the phone, Lilli is finally on her way . They have spent many nights talking till the wee hours about what is happening in their lives. Shiro has told her about his worries over Miko and her condition. Miko has gotten worse and barely leaves her room. She doesn't even hold his sister anymore. When his worry would start to consume him, Morrigan would teleport Shiro to Her garden. This way, he can learn to control his powers. In the past, it had never really been necessary because he only put the needs of Koto's family first. His emotions, for the most part we're not involved. This time his feelings are those of Shiro, and he cannot escape them. He must deal with them. On the days that his mood was the darkest, Morrigan would have Lilli there with him. Knowing she always could calm him and make him focus. By having the two together, they both unlocked new powers. Shiro not only can control earth but now fire as well. Lilli can control earth and time. The two work seamlessly together as if they are one. On a few occasions, Lotus would join them; since Lilli and she are twins, the three together are unstoppable when it comes to earth and firepower. Luckily Lilli still doesn't realize he is the fox from her younger years. Now that she is eleven, her mark will start to appear more. It will warn other foxes that she is chosen and not to be bothered. As she grows older, it will also make their bond stronger. This is why he cannot tell her who he is until she is older. Pacing the airport, unable to contain his excitement that Lilli is coming today, Shiro waits by the gate, his heart racing in anticipation of her arrival. The announcement comes over the speaker that her plane arrived.
Akio smiles, watching his son waiting for his guest . Hiroto laughs behind his brother's back at his nephew.
Yona is the first one through the gate, smiling at seeing his friends. The three children followed close behind. The moment Shiro sees Lilli , he forgets where he is and races to her. The two hug each other tightly. The three adults look on humorously.
"Oh lord, I did not come all the way to Japan to play chaperone. Break it up, you two. " Alex smacks Shiro on the shoulder . Shiro looks at Lilli shyly now but doesn't let go of her hand.
Shiro asks Lilli.
"Did you have a good flight? How is your mama and baby brother doing?" They hear the uncles laughing while Akio shushed them.
"Yes, the flight was good, and mama is ok. The baby is perfect by the way he looks most like my daddy." Lilli tells him as she opens her phone screen to show him pictures.
"I was beginning to think Yona would never bring you. I'm so happy you are finally here. " Shiro's voice is soft so that only Lilli can really hear what he is saying.
Turning to his father, Shiro smiles and introduces Lilli to him.
"Father, this is Lilli; she is the one I told you that I wanted to teach me how to ride. She is Yona's niece . " Shiro holds his breath, hoping his father does not say she can't stay.
"It is very nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you from both my son and my brother Jiro. My brother tells me that I have you to thank for my son's interest in riding and archery. I hope that I can watch during your lessons . " Akio smiles at the two .
"It would be an honor to have you join us. Mr. Jiro had a lot of fun when they were at my home. I hope that you will enjoy watching Shiro's progress. He will be a master in no time." Lilli smiles at Akio . The group is not aware that as they walk through the airport, they are being watched. William feels the eyes on them but cannot tell where they are. Looking at Alex, he opens his mind to him.
"Do you feel the eyes watching us?" Alex asks Willam mentally.
"Yep, but I can't tell where they are at. Maybe Lilli can pinpoint them" William sends a gentle breeze towards Lilli, signaling her to open her mind to them. Lilli squeezed Shiro's hand; he looks at her, and she blinks, letting him know to open up his mind for them to talk.
" It feels like someone is watching us. Though I do not feel as if it has evil intentions." Alex lets them know what he is feeling.
" I agree, but I still do not like the vibe I am getting from whoever it is. Lilli, can you pinpoint them ?" William glances at Lilli.
Lilli shakes her head, not sure where it is coming from. Deciding that it is safer to look without others' curiosity, Lilli freezes time so that they can move about looking.
Shiro smiles brightly and nods towards the entrance of the airport.
"My goddess mother, why are you lurking about worrying them?" Shiro asks the goddess sitting on the window ledge.
Imari glides down to them and hugs Shiro.
"My darling little fox , I am just checking up on you and giving you a little news." Imari glances at Lilli smiling and thinking to herself . "So this is Morrigan's seed. Very pretty and strong. She will be perfect for my little fox." Sensing that Shiro is not happy, she smiles.
"There is a fox who has his eye on this little one. I'm sure you can guess who it is. Just keep her close and be careful of the entity that has its hold on the mother at home. It is dangerous to her and those around her. Make sure that you do not listen to what it has to say. It only knows to lie ." Imari smiles at them and shimmers away. Shiro looks at his friends, wondering what they are thinking.
"So that is Morrigan's friend. I knew that I had seen her before. I felt her presence at the hospital." Lilli releases time, and they move along as if nothing had happened.