Lilli is surprised when they arrive at Shiro's house. She can still feel the presence of the goddess mother. Wondering exactly what the goddess had to say to Shiro, Lilli nudges him.
"Is everything ok with the goddess? I know that it was her at the airport. I have felt her presence before when Morrigan was with her. Do you think she would be willing to let me see her?" Lilli asks Shiro.
"I will ask her the next time she appears. She does not always appear, sometimes she is just near to watch over me. Do you think they will be able to help mother?" Shiro asks earnestly. He wants to have the mother that loved the original Shiro back. That is the only way he can be reborn.
"I know they can , their gifts come directly from the father . If anyone can besides the father they can. Do not worry you will have your brother . The father does not break his promises. " Lilli bumps him playfully giggling at his sour face. She lets go of his hand for the first time since seeing him. She looks around the garden and sees a wilting plant. Walking over to it she uses some of her earth power to heal it. Watching her heal things fills Shiro's heart with warmth.
"This girl is truly worthy of my little fox ." Imari tells Morrigan as they watch from the garden pool. Looking at the young couple the two goddesses smile.
"She is of the blood of not just one but two celestial beings how could she not. I personally like the little fox ever since he unselfishly tried to save me . He was such a small little thing but stood up to someone three times his size. It was truly a sight. I have always thought that all of your children were just mischievous little annoyances. Not him he has the purest heart worthy of being anything he desires. " Morrigan teases Imari. Laughing at her friend Imari tells her a secret.
"He gets that from his father, he was a kind hunter that only killed when necessary to eat or if an animal was injured. He rescued me when I was in fox form. I was being chased by a fallen one and took fox form to hide. When I was injured he nursed me back to health instead of skinning me for my hide. When he would sleep I would shift back and clean or cook for him. One night he woke up while I was cooking. It was an instant attraction. Our passion for each other raged out of control for months. He gave his life to save mine from the fallen one that was hunting me. When I returned to my temple I found I was pregnant with my darling little fox. I know my other children are jealous of him , but I cannot help loving him when his father was the love and light of my life. " Imari runs her hand through the water of the pond. There she shows Morrigan her loves image. Turning away from the pond Imari shimmers away leaving Morrigan to her thoughts.
Thinking to herself Morrigan wonders if this man is the reason Imari left her native land and brought her little fox to this one. Sighing she watches the youngsters a little longer, she sees the closeness between them . "My darling ones I hope the darkness that is coming does not change you to much." Whispering into the wind Morrigan shimmers to protect the children for what is to come.
Entering the house Akio calls for Miko. The nanny brings out his daughter and his brothers come from the office.
"Yona and children welcome, I'm so happy to finally get to meet some of you in person" Hiroto exclaims shaking Yona's hand. He notices right away that Shiro is holding Lilli's hand. Nudging Jiro to see their little nephew . The body gaurd brings in the packages from the car.
" my wife and sister in law sent you some gifts. If you don't mind we will wait for your wife to open them as a few of them are fit the baby." Yona tells them as he graciously accepts a cup of tea from the maid. Akio slips out to go into his room to get Miko. She is sitting in the dark as if hiding.
"Miko we have guests please come out. They came from America , they brought you some gifts for the baby. Come now we must not embarrass our son in front of his friends." Akio coaxed Miko to come out . Quietly she walks beside her husband into the living room. Shiro nudges Lilli and gives her a sad look.
"Excuse my wife she has not been feeling well. " Akio explains as he gets her to sit on the sofa next to Shiro. Lilli looks at Miko and nods to the boys. Each of the come to take her hand in greeting. William knows the moment he touches her hand that she is not ill but under the influence of a demon.
"Alex she is possessed by a demon, if we can release her than she will be able to live a happy life. We must try to see when she came in contact with it. Only then can we figure out how to vanquish it and free her." William opens his spiritual eye to probe her mind. Linking his with Alex so they both can see why she was possessed. Alex looks at Lilli giving her the signal.
Lilli nods and closes her eyes freezing time so that the boys can do what they came for.