Giving presents

Yona on his way back to the living room stops and picks up the suitcases that hold the Kaji family's presents. Hopefully Miko will enjoy them now. Rolling them into the living room Lilli stands excitedly taking the largest case. It's a long case not one that you normally see. She bounces over to sit on the floor between Jiro and Shiro. Gently opening the case she pulls out a Cedar box.

"Uncle Jiro , my uncles knew how much you admired the long bows that we had at my home. They made one especially for you. This one they made from bamboo and the box is a handmade Caesar. The quiver for this bow I made. It is from the skin of a large buck. Since eagle and hawk feathers are to rare to find these days they used the feathers from a duck on your arrows. " Lilli hands the box to him and holds her breath while he opens it. One the outside of the box Jiro's name is etched in Japanese. When he opens it the inside is lined with velvet . Taking the bow out Jiro sucks in his breath in awe.

"My goodness! This is gorgeous the detail they put into it is amazing. What are these symbols beside the dragon carvings?" Jiro asks

"They are the symbols for friend in our language. They hoped that you would not mind that they wood burned the design. Lilli wanted to go find shells to inlay it with mother of pearl, but my uncles said that this bow is a warriors bow. That it did not need to be flashy. " Yona laughs as Lilli punches him in the arm for tattling on her.

Jiro pulls out the quiver and notices that she embroidered the dragon design on his quiver. Looking at her Jiro asks.

"Did you do this yourself or did someone help you.

"I did it myself , it is a skill that we are taught since we old enough to hold a needle. I drew the dragon for the uncles. So I just used the same one for your quiver. " Lilli bows her head as if she is embarrassed by the praise.

"Now uncle Jiro , just so you know Lilli also killed the buck she used to make both yours and Shiro's presents. It was her first kill and as per tradition the skin from our first kill is saved for something special. She chose her skin to be used for the two of you."Alex quips furthering Lilli's blushing.

"That makes this even more special to me . Thank your uncles for their hard work on my behalf. Lilli I am impressed by your skill and your sacrifice of your precious leather. I will treasure your gift always. " Jiro passes his gift around for his brothers to see. Lilli hands Shiro's gifts to him. He notices that his box is the same as his uncles. So he knows it's his long bow. Opening it he notices that his bow and quiver has small foxes on them smiling he thanks Lilli. He notices that she is handing him a small leather sack . Opening it he pulls out a pair of moccasins. Looking at her he smiles and hugs her tight. Whispering into her ear.

"Thank you do much, I wanted a pair since I saw yours. You even embroidered a fox on them for me. I never thought that you made these yourself. I thought you bought them. " shiro tells her. He hands his present to his mother to see.

While everyone is admiring Jiro and Shiro's gifts Yona has pulled out the rest of the gifts..

"First Jiro here is something that the ladies knew you liked. So they made a point of making some right before we left. "Yona hands Jiro a loaf of Irish soda bread. Chuckling Jiro opens the tin to get a taste right away. Hiroto steaks a piece before his brother can take it away. Yona then hands a soft crochet blanket along with a few other bags to Miko .

"This Lotus , Lilli's sister made for the baby, my sister and wife made her some clothing. My sister made her some swaddle clothes in the style of our tribe. My wife made her a few Irish lace dresses. Aisling my sister in law made her a dream catcher in traditional manner. It is customary to make one for all new babies. " Yona watches wondering if Miko is ok with her gifts. They are not traditional Japanese gifts so he hopes she is not offended by them.

"They are beautiful and greatly appreciated. I was not expecting anything from your family so I am most grateful. I am afraid I did not prepare gifts for the new babies in your family. I understand your wife sister and sister in law all had a baby or babies recently." Miko tells Yona softly.

"Yes they did. It is ok that you did not prepare gifts. You have not met them after all. They prepared these because they enjoyed Jiro's visit so much when he came . They also know that Lilli has become close to Shiro. Hiroto has FaceTime many evenings with us at dinner time that they feel he is apart of the family. So there is no need for you to worry. Which brings me to Hiroto here is your gift . As promised my Crystal made you a shamans bracelet like the one she wears. She made yours of citrine and jade." Yona hands his friend the box that holds his gift. Hiroto smiles hoping to meet Yona's daughter someday in person. Smiling broadly he puts his bracelet on and snaps a photo sending a thank you text to Crystal. Yona decides that it is time for them to leave since it is evening already.

"We must go , we have an early appointment at the temple tomorrow. Lilli has her first class tomorrow." Yona stands bows thank you as they get ready to leave. Miko asks Yona as they are leaving.

"Do you mind if we join you at temple tomorrow? I would love to spend the day with your family. " Miko blushes as she asks.

Lilli bobs her head up and down in agreement. Smiling at her uncle to say yes.

"Of course it will be our pleasure. If you like we can meet at my house in the morning and we can go from there. " Yona and the children take their leave to go to their home here in Japan. Shiro watches them leave happy and grateful for what they were able to do for his family. Sighing he get ready to go to his room. Miko follows him and closes the door behind her.

"Thank you for helping to free me from my misery. I have been trapped inside my grief for so long that I have not been the best mother to you. I do not know what exactly happened. I only know that the four of you helped me. I love you more than my life but I have not been able to show you that in the past. I will make it up to you from now on. That family is not a normal family are they? I feel that they are special, I hope to get to know them better . " Miko hugs Shiro tightly her face wet with tears . Her emotions are mixed but the stone in her heart is gone. For the first time in longer than she can remember she is looking forward to a new day. Kissing him on the forehead she says goodnight.

"Goodnight mama I am glad that you are better, I promise I will make you proud. That you will never regret that I am your son." Shiro's hugs her tighter crying into her neck. Miko hears the baby cry and goes to check on her. When she leaves Shiro gets ready for bed when he notices a note on his desk.


I hope that you will not think of me as to weird. I know that my gifts can be kind of scary to others. I am hoping that since we are not that different that you will understand and not change your feelings for me.

Your friend


Smiling at her note Shiro falls asleep dreaming of Lilli.

Lilli is laying in her bed at her uncles house drifting off to sleep. Thinking of Shiro's she smiles as she slips into his dream to just walk in the mountains with him holding hands. Coming to the courtyard of Shiro's house in the mountains. They lay on the ground staring up at the stars holding hands .

" thank you for my gifts, I have never received something so special before. I also am happy that you are not a normal girl. If you were we would not be able to meet each other in our dreams. " Shiro lifts Lilli's hand to his lips kissing her palm. Lilli smiles and kisses his back.