Visiting temple

Lilli is up and ready fir her first day at the temple. Running into the boys room she wakes Alex and William with a smack to their foreheads.

"Come on you lazy bones we got to get ready. Shiro's family will be here soon to go with us. It's my first time visiting the temple , I need to make a good impression. " Lili is nervous because it's not just Shiro's family she needs to impress but the monks at the temple.

"Ya , we know you are anxious but you could let me sleep a little longer. I am still recovering from yesterday. " Alex reminds her. Lilli blushes with guilt for not realizing that they may still need rest from using their energy the day before. William throws a pillow at Alex.

"Leave her alone you know that your ok, you just want to have a lazy day. Let's go get ready it's a big day for her. Besides you promised to introduce Kiki to me. " William gets his clothes and heads towards the shower. Grunting Alex gets up.

"Ok I'm getting up. You better make me the best breakfast for this." He says as he shoots Lilli a mischievous look. Smiling she runs out of their room and heads fir the kitchen. Taking out all of the ingredients for French toast with cream and strawberries. Lilli get to cooking. Making a point to make extra for Shiro. Before she is even done Yona and William come into the kitchen.

"Smells heavenly in here. You know I do have a house keeper and cook when I am here. She will be here in less than an hour. You do not need to cook for us." Yona tells Lilli.

"It's ok uncle it is the least I can do. Alex and William put us in danger yesterday having to use their Nephilim powers to help Miko. I know that Morrigan was there to cover the trail and to help. Even though we are not supposed to use them." Lilli looks sheepishly at her uncle hoping that he is not to angry at them. He still hasn't said much yet.

"We will talk about that another time. For now let's eat before Alex gets done or you will need to make extra food . " Yona picks up a plate so he can eat. They make a point of leaving only enough for Alex before disappearing into their rooms. Knowing that if Lilli is not in the kitchen he will eat without asking for more.

Meanwhile at Shiro's house , Miko is rushing everyone to get ready. She knows what those children did for her the day before. She was visited by a celestial being in her dream telling her about the demon. Knowing the danger they put themselves in to save her humbles her beyond words. She wants to know how such young children can be so powerful. Dragging everyone out of the house they quickly arrive at Yona's house. Miko is surprised at how big the house and property is that the Americans own.

Hiroto beeps the horn as they arrive alerting those inside. Lilli is the first one rushing out to greet everyone.

"Good morning everyone, are you ready to spend the day at the temple. I am excited to meet the monks and Kiki. " Lilli smiles brightly at them. Shiro gets out of the car and hugs her in greeting.

"Good morning , would you like to ride with us or must you go with your uncle?" Shiro asks her.

Yona winks at Shiro when he comes out.

"You may ride with us if you like. I have plenty of room. Just know that once we reach the temple Lilli will need to concentrate on her test." Yona reminds him why they are going. Once everyone is in the cars they leave to head to the temple.

Driving up the mountain the four talk about what they will do when they arrive.

"First the head monk will ask us to meditate and then we will have prayers . After that it is up to the masters what we will do." Alex tells them. He knows because he spends several days every visit with the monks . The head monk is waiting for them when they arrive. Alex is the first one out of the car.

"Master it has been to long since my last visit , I hope you have been well" Alex bows to him in greeting.

"I have been very well son, welcome back." The monk replies. He notices William and Lilli smiling he greets them.

"You must be our soon to be new student Lilli and you are William. Alex speaks of you both often. Lilli I hope you are ready to meet our teachers and to be tested?" The asks Lilli. Before she can answer a girl about the same age comes racing out jumping on Alex.

"Alex you have finally came back. I missed you so much." Kiki gushes over him. Yona chuckles knowing that his son is about to reprimand her.

"Now Kiki you know you are supposed to be learning decorum and patience. That is not a dignified way of greeting an elder. " Alex speaks sternly to her. The girl blushes and hangs her head pouting.

"I am sorry but I was just so excited to see you. Also you are only one month older than me how does that really make you my elder." Sticking her tongue out at him she turns and gives William a hug.

"You must be brother William, it is so nice to finally meet you. " Kiki holds onto his arm refusing to let him go. Alex gives her a sour look. Yona introduces the Kaji family to the monk before getting presents for the monks and temple children.

"My wife and sister sent some medicinal herbs and teas for you. They thought you might be getting low . They also sent some bolts of fabric and leather for the children to have some new robes and shoes made." Yona waves at a few of the boys to unload the boxes from the trunk of the car. He takes out a basket and hands it to the monk.

"This is a few sweets from the women of our family for you." Smiling at the monk as he opens the basket to see the variety of sweets they sent along with jars of fresh honey from their hives. One of the teachers comes out to fetch Lilli for her first test.

Lilli waves at the others as she follows to get changed. The rest of the group follows the head monk for a tour of the temple.

When they enter the area where the martial arts is taught they see Lilli going through her paces. The master of this area walks over to greet them.

"I understand you are the young miss's guardian, would you mind if she spars with my best student?Her form is amazing and she seems very strong. I think to have her go against my best student will be the best way to test her abilities." He asks Yona .

"She has never sparred against anyone outside of family. She normally only spars with her aunt and uncle at home. I will leave it up to her to decide." Yona responds with a little concern in his voice. He knows Lilli is the most timid out of all the children.

" I will ask her and will do as she wishes." The teacher nods and goes over to talk to Lilli. Alex afraid she will refuse probes her mind.

"Lilli you cannot refuse the master. This is your test. Whatever you do you must win. You cannot bring Shame to Auntie Jin and Uncle Onacona." Alex mentally warns her. She turns and gives him a glare letting him know that she is not happy about this, but she agrees to the match.

The teacher motions for his student to come forward. Expecting another girl to their surprise a large teenage boy steps forward. Shiro stands to object but Yona hold his hand up to stop him.

"Do not under estimate her, she has learned from Auntie Jin. She can take him , if not she will get him the next time they meet. Lilli is much stronger than she looks. She may be the weakest and most timid but she still has a will of steel." Yona tells him . Jiro looks at him surprised that he is not stopping the match. Alex explains.

"Uncle Jiro you remember meeting auntie Jin , she can take down any man that has ever tried to take her on. She even took out a man that was determined to kill my mama . So I am sure our Lilli can do this. Our girls are fierce when they are messed with. " chuckling Alex and William bump fists wishing they could place bets on who will win.

The two fighters circle each other and the boys goes to flip Lilli. She twists and instead of her on the ground the boys is flat on his back. He looks stunned, Lilli hold out her hand only to have hit smacked away.

"I will not go easy on you just because you are a girl." He hisses at her.

"Then I won't go easy either, " Lilli snaps back. When the boy rushes at her she jumps and kicks both feet into his ribs knocking him back on the ground. Wincing he gets back up and lands a kick and knocks her legs out from under her. Lilli jumps back up and lands a back kick in the back of his knees. Sending him face first in the ground . The head monk comes over to sit with them.

"She is quite impressive I do not think our teacher can teach her much more." He tells Yona.

"She wants to lean swordsmanship, she knows how to fight hand to hand." Yona tells him.

The master on the field calls a halt to the match and declares Lilli the winner. Walking over to the boy she goes to help him up. He glared at her. Alex let's out a whoop.

"Yo Brother if you don't want another thrashing you better be nice and let her help you. She isn't used to not getting her way." Alex yells at him. Lilli rolls her eyes thinking to herself . "So much for making a good first impression."