Taking a deep breath Lilli grounds herself and calms her mind . She recalls auntie Jin's words in her mind.
"When meeting an opponent bigger than you always look for their weakest spot. Let them come at you a few times while dodging them. This way you can see where they are unguarded. When the time is right you can strike. " opening her eyes she finds auntie Jin in the stands. Seeing her nod at her she knows she can do this now. Taking her stance she watches her opponent intently. The boy smugly launches at her. Lilli dodges his strike seeing he does not follow through on his swing. He thinks his strength is enough that he doesn't need to finish with his swing. If he does that it leaves his ribs and elbow both open for a strike. Testing her thoughts on the next hit. Lilli blocks and strikes the boys ribs. Hearing them crack she knows he is hurting. The boy let's his anger color his next punch and he rages like a bull. Lilli kicks his legs from under him and he falls on his back. Dodging away giving him a moment to collect himself she takes her stance again. Waiting for him to get up. He comes at her again mid swing Lilli blocks and bends his elbow back and strikes his ribs again. This time his arm cracks. When he goes down this time he refuses to get up. Lilli looks at him with concern, the referee stops the fight declaring Lilli the winner. The boys teacher comes out to check on him. He bows to Lilli and goes with his teacher. Lilli hangs her head because she knows she dislocated the boys arm and possibly broke his ribs. The head monk comes to the field.
"The winners of the competition are as follows. Alex People, William People and Shiro Kaji second, Lilli People third. I hope that you all enjoyed our first competition of this type. We look forward to having this competition again next year. " the head monk bows to the crowd dismissing the games. Everyone from the edge of the field comes to greet their children. Lilli goes to check on her opponent.
"Are you ok? I am sorry if I hurt you it was not my intention. I have not learned how to hold back my punches as of yet." She bows to the boy as she apologizes.
"Think nothing of it young miss. We are taught to not hold back our punches. If you held back I would have hurt you till you were unconscious. It is our way, I am glad you did not hold back. It makes you a worthy opponent. Though you do not seem to attack your opponents you only use defensive moves. You should learn to attack not just defend. If you do that your talents would be complete. You may find a time when you need to be on the offensive. That is your weakness you only know to be on the defensive. You have a lot of skill worthy of a true warrior. If the weapons master were to teach you the way of the sword you would be unbeatable. " the boy bows to her showing her respect for the fighter she is. Lilli nods to him in return thanking him for his words.
Lilli slowly makes her way back to her parents when a shadow crosses her path. Looking up she sees the weapons master.
"Do not worry I am not going to hurt you. I came to beg mercy and forgiveness from you. If I had known who you were connected to I would never have tried to hurt you." He bows his head in shame. Lilli looks at him confused and then decides to say something that she held back before.
"You should not be so quick to judgement. Not every person is the same. If I judged people based on only one single incident or kind I would have no friends. I come from a family of great diversity so I have been taught to take each person on their own merits. I know you sensed my fox mates mark. If you had taken time to find out about it instead of just judging and trying to hurt what you don't understand. You would have found out that he has sacrificed his life over and over for human kind. Not out of selfishness but out of caring about those around him and out of loyalty. He has never harmed a single human in all his centuries of living. At least not without a reason. I would have never allowed you to harm him. He has a pure heart and is as innocent as a child. Before you hunt someone you do not understand maybe you should watch and learn about them. You will be surprised by how much good there is in the world. " Lilli tells him sincerely.
"You know I have never met anyone like you before. Except a man that was stationed here during the war. He cared fir everyone regardless of their status. He was an American also, I have met many over my lifetime but I have only met two people like that. " the master hears footsteps coming up behind him.
"Sargent Chyio is that you? It has been a long time my friend." John says as he walks to Lilli's side. The master looks at John in shock
"Sir John is that you what are you doing here?" Chyio stuttered.
"I came to Japan to watch my great niece and nephews compete today. It's been a long time , how have you been?" John asks the man. He knows that he is the one who gave Lilli a hard time before. Though John doesn't normally like to rub salt in peoples wounds this man has it coming. Just fir the fact that he gave his girl a hard time.
"I have been well , I did not know that these young people were your family . Now that I think about it I should have known since by their outlook on life." Chyio nods at John before turning away. John stops him .
"You know her mother is about to give the course a try would you like to watch as the older generation gives it a try?" John asks him. Lilli smiles brightly and grabs Chyio by the hand.
"Come see my mama and aunt are the best, I would also like you to meet my Auntie Jin. She is the one who taught me hand to hand. " Lilli enthusiastically drags the man to watch as Aisling rides through the course. John laughs at his old friends face as he is dragged around by Lilli. John now knows that she will have no more trouble with being accepted in training. As always she has made a new conquest. The rest of the evening is spent with the family taking turns running the course and showing off their skills. Jiro even got brave and rode through it as well. Akio was so impressed with his sons progress that he agreed that Shiro could return to America in the fall to train with Lilli and her cousins. Miko made them promise to video chat everyday so that she could see her son. By the nights end Shiro not only met his oldest sibling still living in Miyamoto he also met the one who connected with him during his meditation. It turned out to be the head monk of the temple. The happiness in Shiro's heart could not be contained at having a chance after so many centuries to be close with anyone from his fox family. Lilli sits with him on the wall of the temple watching the stars.
"You seem to be very happy tonight. Why is that?" Lilli asks Shiro.
"My kind are not able to be together much, fir so many centuries we were enslaved and hunter. For there to be three of us together at one time is very rare. Since I have met you and your uncle, I have had the privilege to meet three of my brothers. They all have had a happy life, that gives me hope for my own future. I have always protected those loyal to me out of selfishness, I took their punishments so that they could have a happy life out of fear of being discovered. By taking on their punishments I was able to be out of the light of society and able to hide until my time for sleep. That is why I do not know much about the world or people in it. It is because of your family that I ventured out and met the real Shiro. Now I have a family and soon I will have him back as well. Thank you for giving me hope and a reason to shine in this world." Shiro explains to Lilli . Smiling Lilli lays her head on his shoulder.
"You are most welcome, I think you would have found your way eventually. Though I'm glad you are beside me. I hope you will show me your true form someday . I would love to meet the real you." Sighing they stay close watching the stars not knowing that they are being watched.