Inari asks a favor

Imari watches the couple from the shadows, smiling she asks the father for an audience.

"Yes my child what is it?" The father asks as he watches Imari .

"Father can I ask if they will be happy? " Imari asks without looking at him.

"They will have some trials like all couples but for the most part I think they will. It will depend on them. You know I try not to meddle to much in what decisions they make. Your child is a good spirit he thinks of others more than himself. I have promised him that in this lifetime he will be loved. Though I have not promised that this will be his last lifetime. That will depend on his actions and decisions. " the father tells her before slipping away. Sighing Imari calls Morrigan.

"My look at the two of them. They are sweet. I hope that they will be allowed to grow old together." Morrigan tells Imari.

"My sister I was just thinking the same thing. I know you know some of what is in store for them. Will they get through it?" Imari asks with worry in her voice.

"Have faith not just in the father but them as well. They are our blood after all do you think they are so weak. They are fighters and have good hearts. They will surprise you in what they can do." Morrigan watches them stand and still holding hands make their way back to the others. Sending a large family of fireflies to dance around them the two goddesses shimmer away.

"Wow look at the fireflies. Do you know that to see them like this is a sign of being blessed . They say if you watch them with someone you love then you are destined to be together . " Shiro's eyes light up as he watches the lights from the fireflies dance around Lilli.

"Shh don't say that if that's the case then I have a ton of destined loves. I have been catching fireflies all my life with all of the neighborhood boys. None of them are no more than friends . " Lilli laughed at the thought of some of them ever being more.

"Who do you see as your destined love?" Shiro's heart jumps and then falls to the out of his stomach at the thought of it not being him.

"I have already met him long ago. He is strong and kind. His hair flows like the silver moonlight. His eyes the color of a storm brewing. He makes my heart jump and my mouth go dry." Lilli tells him her voice has a softness that he had not heard before. Shiro looks at her awestruck. Thinking to himself. Did she just describe me? She was so small the last time I met her as myself. Looking at her dreamy expression he feels jealous that she doesn't look at him as he is now like that.

"You are so young could you have met him long ago?" Shiro asks.

"He came to see me when I was little. I then came to see him when someone close to him died. I wanted to stay with him but I was not allowed. When I am older I will meet him and I know he will love me back. I know he is the one who left the fox's mark on me. I'm not sure when he did but I know even if he did not I would still be his . I just have to find him. " Lilli smiles and waves bye to Shiro as they reach their cars. Shiro waves to her sadly and gets into the car. That night he cannot sleep. He keeps envisioning Lilli with someone other than him. How could she remember him from that other time. He sat and thought about the time he has spent with her. Ever since he left Japan and joined Shiro's class he did not look like himself. So she does not know that he is the person she met. Deciding that he cannot take the chance of her falling for someone else he must show her who he is. To do that before she is at the age of maturity though can put her at risk of corruption. He cannot do that to her. Laying down on the bed closing his eyes Shiro puts himself into a deep meditation. Once he is where he wants to be he looks around he is in the temple by the river. There is a man with his pregnant wife. Her hair is the color of fire, her skin as white as milk. When she smiles her green eyes twinkle. He is mesmerized by her. Out of no where a demon comes out and attacks them killing her husband. As he drained the life from the man the woman tries to run away. The demon stops her placing her throat in his hands. Jumping out of the shadow in the form of a fox he distracts the demon so that the woman can get away. Slipping away from the demon Kitori goes to find the woman. Shifting into human form for the first time Kitori takes care of her as she sleeps. Fearing she will die he joins his soul to her with his soul orb. Without it he shifts back into his fox form. When the woman awakens she has a warm furry head nestled in her neck. Smiling down at the fox

She kisses his head.

"Thank you Litte fox, though I do not think you know what you did. I am Morrigan , I am not mortal so the gift you gave me was not needed. Your selflessness will be rewarded in time. I promise that you will find the one that will love you unconditionally. She will be someone that can be your equal in every way." Morrigan picks him up and takes him with her to see the father.

When they enter the fathers garden she places the sleeping fox by the river.

"Father I am here, I am sorry I failed you . I was not able to stop the demon. I also lost my husband in the process. May I go back and bury him and prepare for my child. When the time comes I will return to do your will." Morrigan is kneeling on the ground refusing to look at the father.

"My daughter , you did not fail. The demon was vanquished. The little fox gave him quite a chase right into Uktena's trap. When the demon was taken away the fox ran back to your side and gave you his soul orb to save you. His generosity will be repaid when he knows what he wants. When that day comes I will grant him his wish. Go and when your child is grown come back to your duties. I may call o you from time to time but for most part you may be a mortal for one lifetime. Take the little one with you care for him and guide him for now." The father dismissed Morrigan and for Kitori's first life as a human he spent with Morrigan and her child. He left his orb in her safe keeping until he took Shiro's place. The father kept his promise to grant him his wish. Waking Shiro notices it is morning. He calls Yona .

"May I see you today alone?I have a few questions that I do not know how to figure out. You are the only person who knows who I truly am. " Shiro asks Yona.

"Of course I will be seeing the family off in a few hours how about after that." Yona tells him.

"Of course just let me know so I can get away." Shiro's voice is sad and unlike him. Yona wonders what is bothering him.

Remi walks into the room and sees the perplexed look on her husband's face.

"What is it?" Remi asks.

"It's Shiro he needs to see me this afternoon. So are you going to fly back or portal back." Yona asks his wife.

"Well I was actually thinking of staying a little longer. I want to visit the mansion in the mountains. I saw some plants there the last time we visited and would like to get a few to take back home. I was coming to ask you if you could ask the owner if it would be ok." Remi asks Yona .

"You could go with me this afternoon and ask him yourself." Yona grabs his suite jacket and takes her hand . They walk out together. Yona messages Shiro asking him to portal to the mountain mansion. That he will meet him there since he has business to take care of.

Hearing his phone ding Shiro sees Yona's message he wonders what business he has there. Shrugging he goes to make an excuse to disappear for the afternoon so that no one looks forward him. Knocking on Miko's door he hears her throwing up.

"Mother are you ok?" Shiro asks.

"I'm fine I have an appointment this afternoon so do you mind being on your own for awhile." Miko asks him.

"I was just coming to ask if it would be ok for me to go with Yona to the mountains." Shiro asks her.

"That would be perfect just have him bring you home early." Miko tells him as she lays down to rest before needing to get ready. Shiro leaves her with a smile. He knows that her illness is most likely his little brother .