Aisling and Maureen test the new portal early in the morning. They look around the house and can feel the protection Morrigan placed. Maureen never satisfied with only one layer of protection starts to weave a second. That way Shiro will always know when anyone has bad intentions. No one will be able to lie to him while in any room of the house. The ladies nod when the inside of the house is safe and head outside. They hear some birds calling and look up. There in the tree beside the front lawn is a few robins building a new nest. Waving they know Uktena is close by. Walking towards the market square they take in everything around them. Their amulets are reacting, looking about they try to find the fallen one when a hand grabs Maureen.
"Do not fear, I will not harm you or the fox. I have lived here in peace for many years. " a soft sweet voice whispers. They both turn to see an unassuming woman in what seems to be in her fifties is smiling at them .
"How was you able to know who we were?" Maureen asks.
"I am not your normal fallen one. I am Aria and I am a light barer. I got mixed up with the leader early in the rebellion but quickly realized that it was not for me. Since I wasn't ready to go back to the celestial realm the father allowed me to pick where I wanted to be. You are of Morrigan's line ?" Aria asks.
"How did you know?" Aisling looks at her curiously.
"You both look like her, I understand your concerns but you can rest assured that I am of no danger. You may even ask Morrigan and Uktena about me. Now the person you need to worry about is Kati, that woman has a few screws loose. She is human so I have never interfered in her dealings. She has her sights on the fox . He will be in danger if he lets her get too close. She has been the source of much evil in this place. Though I do not know how she is able to avoid detection . There is something supernatural about her. It's outside of my gifts so I am not able to see what it is. Hopefully you can since you have many of Morrigan's gifts. I'm sure it is an entity that is the source of her evil." Aria touches maureen and jumps back in shock.
Maureen looks at her confused.
"How is it possible that you have demon venom in your body?" Aria asks her. Maureen and Aisling look confused.
"Come with me I will show you." Aria has them follow her to her house. It is three doors down from Shiro's. It's is just like Aria unassuming,easily forgotten . Going inside Aria lays her hands on Maureen's head sending a ray of light through her body. Aisling is able to see every organ and vein that is inside as if her shin was removed with a glow emitting from her ankle. There is a small bead looking orb just above it. Aisling looks at Maureen then she remembered.
"When you were carrying Lilli to the house when she was a baby. You were bitten by a snake. You passed out for a short time then you made your way to the house. Morrigan told us that a fox spirit saved you and then disappeared. Do you not remember anything of the snake." Aisling asks Maureen.
"I always thought it was a copperhead but maybe not I don't remember much other than using my gift to make sure that Lilli was safe and unhurt before I blacked out." Maureen tells them.
"The fox that saved you is the one that lives here. The one you are close to. He was there to protect the baby. It looks like he got all of the poison except one drop which is still there. The demon is dormant but May I ask are you planning on having anymore children?" Aria looks at Maureen earnestly.
"No we are not young and I am close to the end of child bearing age it would be dangerous for me to do so. Why?" Maureen asks Aria.
"This demon is one that attacks mothers, as long as the woman only has one child and is a good mother it sleeps. If she becomes pregnant or something happens to her child it will awaken. It will drain the mothers life feeding off her guilt and exhaustion. I can remove it for you but I do not understand why it attacked you just to stay dormant." Aria looks at the two ladies wondering what they are thinking.
Aisling has a memory niggling in the back if her mind and then it dawns in her.
"When William went with Alex and Lilli to Japan years ago. Didn't they say that Shiro's mother was possessed by a snake demon. Remember Alex was burned by its venom. " Aisling asks Maureen.
"Yes they even said that the original Shiro's blood had been tainted by the demon. That was why he was so ill . " Maureen is starting to understand now why the snake attacked.
" could the demon have known that Lilli was to be Shiro's mate and that if she was to die then the father would not have allowed for the fox to become Shiro and allow the original shiro to be reborn as his sibling. That the mother would have died of guilt if that had not happened. Since Lilli could see spirits and was able to help the two get their wish granted by the father then it enabled Alex and William to vanquish it. Aww that little fox has been taking care of her since she was born. What I don't understand is why he has not showed us that he is the same fox that Morrigan brought when Lilli was a baby." Maureen asks the two ladies. Aria sits the ladies down to have a chat.
"You see I remember a story about a fox that saved a celestial thinking she was a mortal. He sacrificed his soul orb to save her and her child. The father granted the fox with two things. One was that his mate would not have to sacrifice her life for him to become human and that the father would grant him a wish. If your fox and that one is the same then his mate is blessed. I wonder if he is aware of the fact that his mate is safe from the fox's curse. If he doesn't know then that maybe why he is keeping it a secret. If it is then he may stay by her side but never declare his love for her in fear of the fox's curse. How old is Lilli ?" Aria asks Aisling.
"She is seventeen, she will be eighteen in four months. Why?" Aisling asks Aria.
"When her fox mark is complete and she is ready to become the fox's mate. She will be able to Chanel his powers. For some it can corrupt them. If the mate does not have gifts and know how to control them they can turn evil . That is why there is a fox's curse. It helps prevent a fox from becoming a human if their mate becomes evil. If their mate is willing to give their life and new powers up because of their love for their mate. Then the fox is granted humanity to care for their mate in their last days. If not then the fox goes to sleep for fifty years. Then when he awakens he can start a new life. Because of the chance of a mate becoming evil and the fact that they have powers to teleport many have been enslaved or murdered . Goddess Imari has tried to protect as many of her children as possible but she is only allowed to do so much. Many of her children are not what most think they are. Many have had very kind and giving personalities. Unfortunately because of the curse many have been killed especially after those that enslaved them have no other use for them. They all have a mischievous side to them but only a few have ever had true bad intentions. I get a loving and kind vibe from your little fox. He is a pure soul which is very hard to find these days. Now let's get that demon out of you so that you will have no worries of it awakening. I'm surprised that a light-bringer as yourself did not notice the venom. " Aria covers her hand over Maureen's ankle burning the venom up when she is done even the old scared bite marks disappeared. Maureen looks at her in surprise.
"My son is a light barer , I have had very little experience in wielding light. My gifts is more of water." Maureen tells her.
"A light bringer can wield all four elements as well as light and shadows. You are one you just have never explored it. You son is a one as well he is very timid like you with using his gifts. If you like I can train him. If I train him then he will not need to be with the other healer to wield his gift. In fact I would like to train them both if possible. That way they can be stronger apart and unbeatable together. Your daughter Lilli when she is able to Chanel the fox's powers bring her to me . I can help her balance her powers as well as his. She will become a force to reckon with between her powers and his. Place these gems in her room and in the fox's house. They will help balance them until they can control them on their own. They will also help keep the entity that is feeding Kati at bay. At least until we know what it is." Aria opens a door from her house to Aisling's effortlessly. Aisling is surprised and looks worried until she sees Morrigan in front of the doorway.