Shiro is not sure if he is hallucinating or if Lilli is truly there. Reaching out for her he finds she is really there.
"Lilli why are you here ? How are you here?" Shiro asks her.
"I got permission to come. Morrigan helped me shimmer here without detection. I wanted to see you before your classes start. I promise I won't stay long. I have a favor to ask you. " Lilli looks at him hopefully he is not to angry with her.
"Are you kidding me, I have wanted to see you since I got here. I wanted to shimmer to your side but was afraid of putting you in danger. Is it really ok for you to be here now?" Shiro asks her as he pulls her into his arms.
"Yes but only for a few minutes. I want to ask you if you can come for harvest festival. My school is having a special dance for it. If I can't put down a partner then the organizer will give me a random partner. That girl hates me and who knows who she will pick for me. Please can you come. You will need to be there for a week of festivities. I know your father most likely will say no but Morrigan says if you agree she will shimmer you there. That way there is no need to fly or for anyone to really know you came. I know it's childish and a lot to ask but I do not want to go with anyone else." Lilli gives shiro s pouty look. Hoping he will say yes.
"Of course I will come, as long as I have no major tests or assignments to do I will come." Shiro hugs her and gives her a light kiss on her lips. Lilli looks at him in shock.
"That is the first real kiss you have ever given me. " Lilli looks dreamily into his eyes and Shiro laughs at her.
"That my dear is not a real kiss, you may have a real kiss when you are an adult. Which is less than four months away. On that day I will kiss for real." Shiro laughs at her hugging her tighter. Not wanting to let her go. Shiro gets a smirk on his face and asks Lilli.
"Do you think Morrigan can make a portal from my room here to your house. That way I can come and go as I need to. Just like in Japan . I know that my father wants us to have time apart so we can see if our feelings are real. I know they are , also if there is one then when I am needed for fallen angel duty I can be there faster. I don't like lying to my family but I do not want to not be able to be there when you need me. " Shiro looks down at Lilli wishing she could stay here with him.
Morrigan shimmers in just inside the door.
"Ok Lilli it's time for us to go. You have to get back before your mom gets home. As for your question it's already done. I have placed protections and a doorway to Lilli's house and the mountain mansion. That way you can move about without detection. I also did a little maneuvering so that you will not be able to move into the dorm. So your uncles house here is where you will be staying." Morrigan smiles at them as she takes Lilli into Shiro's room. Pushing the mirror in the walk-in closet opens. There on the other side is the sunroom at Lilli's house. Morrigan takes Lilli by the hand and they wave bye to Shiro. Walking through it they are back home. The mirror goes back in place. Shiro smiles into the mirror happiness filling his heart. Looking up at the ceiling Shiro mouths thank you to the celestial family. He has learned one thing over the years, Morrigan does nothing without the fathers permission. So he knows that he was blessed that he agreed. Going to get ready for bed he realizes that he has his first class in the morning. Getting his computer he looks at his schedule. Luckily he only has to arrive at eight and they will be giving each department a tour of the campus. Setting his alarm so he doesn't over sleep. Shiro falls asleep nearly immediately.
Lilli barely gets back before Aisling gets home.
"Lotus , Lili I'm back. "Aisling calls out. Lotus calls down to her while Lilli comes out of the sunroom.
"Hey mom, where did you go?" Lilli asks Aisling.
"Well , your uncle Yona needed me to sign something's for the companies. I never thought I would become a ceo such a large company. What he did was merge all the companies I own under one name. Those who run them will still run them but they will have to send monthly reports to me. Something I never asked them to do before. He found some shady accounts when he did the last audit so now he wants to keep closer tabs on them. One of the biggest offices is in Japan so when you graduate if you want to learn the ropes of that particular company it would be a good reason to go there." Aisling hints at Lilli .
"Hey mom I'm glad your back. Morrigan was here earlier but she left almost right away. I think she was wanting to talk to you." Lotus tells her mom as she grabs an apple from the table.
Aisling looks puzzled but knows if it's something important she will come back. Aisling heads upstairs to get changed into casual clothes. When she enters her room Morrigan is there.
"You are back, I want you to know that a new portal was added to the sunroom. I placed one there that leads to Shiro's home in England. He will need to be able to come for the festival and for his practices. That way if he is needed or Yona needs him for business he is close." Morrigan tells Aisling.
Aisling shakes her head and smiles she knows the real reason she put a new portal there .
"Really that good , I was worried that he would get behind if he couldn't practice his gifts in a safe place. Though his father is pretty determined to separate him from Lilli. " Aisling knows that Shiro's father does not know that they come with money and actually are doing business with them. She has a plan already in her mind to show him that her daughter is more than qualified to be a partner for Shiro. Just not yet, she wants him to finish his education while Lilli finishes hers. Then she will step in and make the way easier for the couple.
"Thank you Morrigan for making the portal. I was going to ask for one but was waiting for Shiro to get settled in England first. " Aisling tells her as she walks out of her closet. Morrigan smiles at her knowing that she realized the main reason she put the portal in the sunroom.
"You are more than welcome, I felt a fallen one near Shiro's house so I put protections in place as well. I will know if one comes to close to him. I will ask Uktena to send a few of the birds to nest nearby so that we can keep a close watch on him. " Morrigan tells Aisling knowing she will want to go to check it out herself.
"That sounds good, I will make a visit tomorrow to check myself. I want to know if he will be in danger or not. I assume you have his schedule so that I can slip in while the area will most likely be quiet." Aisling takes the paper from Morrigan. Looking at it she sees he will be out for most of the day. Before she finishes looking at his schedule Morrigan slips out just as the door opens.
"Aisling are you in your room." Maureen calls before coming in.
" good morning Maureen, how are you this morning?" Aisling asks her.
"I'm good , I just wanted to remind you that I'm taking the kids to the aquarium today. That we will have them home late. I also wanted to tell you there is a new door in the sunroom. I took a peek and saw Shiro's room with him sleeping." Maureen tells her.
"Yes I know Morrigan just told me about it. There is a fallen one close to where he is. We do not know the nature of the fallen one as of yet. So I will go tomorrow to check it out. Today is my classes field trip so I cannot take the day off. Luckily Yona can see me most anytime for the companies business. That way my life doesn't have to change much yet. " Aisling tells Maureen as she picks up her purse to get the girls to school .
"I can go with you tomorrow if you need to the men will have the kids tomorrow going fishing." Maureen offers to go with Aisling as she has not been to England in a long time and would like to see how much it's changed. Aisling nods ok and they will go together in the morning .