First day in England

Arriving at the apartment that his father arranged until his dorm is ready. Shiro is exhausted from the flight. Heads straight for the first bedroom he finds. Laying on the bed Shiro pulls out his phone. Debating if he should call Lilli or not. His phone begins to vibrate, it's Lilli.

"Hey , have you arrived? "Lilli asks.

"Yeah just now I was laying here wondering if I should call you or not. "Shiro reply's.

" I guess we both were thinking the same thing. I go home tomorrow and am not sure when I will be back. With you not here I don't have much of an excuse to hang around. Though Haru is upset that I am leaving tomorrow. I am going to miss you. You know you can call me anytime. If you need me for anything I will break the rules and come to you."Lilli tells him earnestly. Shiro smiles knowing she means what she says.

"I know and the same for you. Dont do anything to put yourself in danger. I will be by your side in a blink if you need me. "Shiro's eyes tear up thinking of her not being close by.

"You must take lots of pictures of the friends you make. That way it will seem like I am there and I will know you are not just hiding out in your room. "Lilli tells him as she looks across the lake watching the fireflies. Sighing she wishes she was with him.

";Lilli, I want you to know that I love you. I have since the first moment I met you. I don't know how I am going to get through the next four years without you."Shiro whispers into the phone, not knowing if she heard him or not.

"I know you do . I have known for a long time. I love you too I have been afraid to tell you because the last thing I want to do is break your heart. I know my destined love will appear someday. When that day comes I worry that I will hurt you if my feelings change. I cannot imagine my life with out your in it. Promise me that no matter what happens we will always be family." Lilli softly asks Shiro. Shiro smiles at the thought. He has never come clean to her about who he is . She is worried for nothing . Since he is her destined one.

"Shiro study hard and be careful, not everyone is who they seem. You know that you will be in a place where no one will suspect you are different. Don't get careless because of that. Dont try to show off either you don't need to do that make friends. You just be who you are and those worthy will become friends. I will be calling you at least once a week to check up on you." Lilli tells him just before hanging up.

Shiro Stares at the ceiling for a long while wondering what the next day is going to be like. He isn't sure if he will like being here. It's so different than home. When he finally falls asleep his dreams are filled with memories of the past. His past with Morrigan. It's been a long time since he thought about those times. Not since he redid the mountain mansions secret room. When Shiro is jolted awake his head is pounding almost like a warning of some kind. Closing his eyes shiro tries to go back to sleep. Unable to sleep, he decides to get up and explore . Leaving the apartment he walks around to be able to find his way around. After a short walk Shiro finds himself in market square. The stalls and shops seem to have everything. He notices an older woman watching him meandering about. Confused because he can't seem to get a read on her. His headache is stoping him from being able to determine what someone's intentions are. Thinking he made a mistake to come out Shiro goes to a food stall to grab something to eat. Walking back towards the apartment he feels as if someone is following him. Stoping on a bridge to look into the river . Shiro watches a couple in a boat drifting down the river. Closing his eyes he opens his third eye. Seeing the area around him ,Shiro sees the woman from the market. She is watching him. She is an Asian woman about the same age as Miko. Wondering why she is following him,Shiro tries to probe her. He isn't able to get a clear reading but she doesn't feel like she means him harm. Picking up his bags he had sat in the ground he walk towards the park near his room. The woman follows him. When he gets to the park he watches her walk towards the house next to where his rooms are. Shiro shakes his head and thinks to himself.

"Your so paranoid over not being in a familiar place. That woman is your neighbor she most likely was not following you. " walking into his building the woman comes out.

"Hi May I ask you something?" The lady asks him.

"Sure I can't promise to know the answer." Shiro replies.

"Are you Jiro Kaji 's son?" The woman reaches out her hand as if in a trance.

"No I am his nephew, May I ask who you are?" Shiro smiles at her now that he knows she knows his uncle.

"I am an old friend of his from college. I am Kati, I saw you at the market and thought I was looking at a young Jiro. It is nice to meet you by the way. How is your uncle doing." Kati asks Shiro's.

"He is doing well , he will be visiting me in a few weeks. Maybe I could let you know when he arrives. " Shiro tells Kati.

"I am not sure if he will remember me but it would be nice to catch up with him again. " Kati tells shiro before she waves bye. Shiro watches her enter house. He doesn't get a feeling that she is out to hurt him but something is off about her.

Shiro decides to call his uncle. Strange he doesn't answer wondering if something is wrong shiro calls his father.

"Hey dad, is everything ok? I called uncle Jiro but he didn't answer." Shiro can hear the hesitation in his fathers voice.

"Uncle Jiro is in the hospital at the moment. He is going to be fine he just had a minor accident. They have him down for X-ray at the moment . I will have him call you when he gets back to his room. How is England?" Akio asks Shiro.

"It's different but it's ok. I was calling Jiro because I met a lady today. She is my neighbor and she knows him. She even asked me if I was his son." Shiro tells his father.

"Oh really I didn't know that any of Jiro's friends still lived in the area. They had all graduated by the time I went there. " Akio is curious as to which friend shiro met. Jiro comes in while they are talking. Akio puts Shiro on speaker phone when the nurse leaves.

"Uncle how are you really feeling?" Shiro's asks Jiro.

"I'm fine I just have to stay overnight for observation. I am afraid that my car though is most likely totaled. So how is England. " Jiro asked

"I met one of your old friends today." Shiro's tells his uncle.

"Oh which one?" Jiro looks at his brother perplexed.

"My neighbor is Kati she asked me if I was your son and seemed relieved when I told her that I was your nephew." Shiro tells them. The two brothers looked at each other surprised.

"Shiro did she say anything strange?" Jiro asked him.

"No not really, though I did get a strange vibe from her. Is there something I should know about her?" Shiro asks hoping they will tell him.

"She dated one of my friends, when we were out drinking one night there was an accident. My friend died and Kati blamed me. After that she tried to have me kicked out of school and when anything would happen she would always try to find a way to blame me. Finally her parents came and took her back to Japan. I never thought she would be there. Shiro try to avoid her if you can. I would not want her to fixate on you to get back at me. " Jiro tells Shiro before hanging up .

Shiro's mind is full of thoughts about what his uncle said. If Kati is still suffering from from the trauma of the accident, then that might be why he was getting such a strange vibe from her. Shiro decides to cal Lilli to tell her about his first full day.

Instead of Lilli answering she shows up in front of him. Smiling at him Lilli runs and hugs him.