It's been nearly five years since the competition at the temple. Lilli and Shiro have been nearly inseparable. Lilli spends as much time at Shiro's family home helping tend to his little brother as she does at home. Haru is mischievous and keeps Miko on her toes. Shiro dotes on Haru , He is playful and fearless. Shiro's father has decided that Shiro will go to England to study. Lili hasn't finished high school yet so she cannot follow him there. While Shiro is there he will not be able to use any of his portals to sneak out to see Lili. His father is wants to test his relationship with Lilli. He knows they are close friends but as they have gotten older he noticed that Shiro's feelings have deepened. Though he loves Lilli as a daughter, she does not measure up as Shiro's mate. Shiro must marry into a family that is his equal. Akio is grateful to them for all they have done for his son but he needs to have the perfect match not just for himself but someone that can help him in business as well. Sending Shiro to study in England will give him the chance to meet other girls and get used Lilli not being around. Akio is torn by what he thinks is best. On one hand he likes Lilli on the other he needs someone who has connections in business.
Shiro starts packing for England, it will be his first trip without his parents except when he goes to Lilli's house. Not since he was sick as a young boy when he was in America. He has the list of what he will need that his father's secretary gave him. Looking at it he sighs. How is he going to get through four years without seeing her. Hearing a knock on his door Shiro calls out for them to enter.
"Shiro , I know you are not happy about going to England. It's the next step you need to take for your future. It's not that your mother and I won't miss you. We will terribly, we have not let you go anywhere that we were not able to keep close tabs on you. When you get there you will essentially be on your own. This experience will help you get ready for your military training as well. It's the duty of our family. " Akio explains to Shiro keeping his eyes on the floor.
"Father I understand and I am willing to do as you ask. Just promise me that if the time comes for me to choose my mate that I get to choose. I will not marry someone that I cannot love." Looking sternly into his fathers face shiro waits for his answer.
"I promise that the final decision will be yours but you will still need your mothers and I blessing. I know you love Lilli but it is not the love of an adult. Someday you will understand. " Akio stands and goes to leave the room. Shiro's heart sinks as he watches his fathers back.
"Father how are you so sure that I do not love Lilli as the one I wish to marry? I have thought of nothing else since the first moment I saw her. I do love her as an adult nothing can change that, not time apart or other girls. Lilli is my destined one. Do you know why uncle Jiro has never married. He told me years ago that he would only marry a woman that became more important Than us. When he met someone he wanted to protect more than he wanted to protect us then he would know they were his true love. Lilli is the only person that I would be willing to trade my soul for. The only person besides my family that I would lay my life down for. If that is not true adult love then tell me what is?" Shiro explains to Akio. Hoping that he will never make him choose between them. He waited so long to have a family and to find his love. He doesn't want to lose either of them. Akio did not know that was the reason his brother Jiro had never married. He thought he just worked to hard. He decides that he needs to help his brother get married so that he can know the joys of fatherhood. Taking his phone out he gives his secretary a call.
" I need you to find a few suitable women for blind dates. It's time my brother Jiro has something other than business to worry about." Akio tells his secretary what his brothers likes are not realizing that what he really is looking for is someone who is like Lilli only older. Akio hangs up smiling hoping his secretary will have a few dates lined up quickly. His brother is older than him if he waits much longer he will be to old to have children.
Going to talk to Miko about the arrangements he made for Jiro. Akio goes to their room.
"Miko what do you think of sending Jiro on blind dates?" Akio asks her.
" I think it's well past time. Though he has never shown an interest in going on them before." Miko looks at her husband curiously.
" I think that we need to start screening ladies for him to meet and when he finds the right one then it will show Shiro that it's ok . I'm worried that he will fixate on Lilli and won't give another girl a chance. If someone like Jiro can find someone to marry at such an age in this way then he will see that childish love is not for adults." Akio explains his thinking to her.
"Lilli is a wonderful girl and like our daughter already why do you object to her!" Miko asks.
"She has no business connections. How will she help him in the business world!" Akio tells his wife.
"True but business is not a basis for love. It's true that love can be found through a business match like ours. Not everyone is as lucky as we were. My sister for instance her husband has had countless affairs and she is even being forced to raise one of his sons by one of his mistresses. She doesn't even know exactly how many children he has. How can we ask our son to have a loveless marriage because it's a good match for business. We have three children and i would hope they all will find love like we did. If it is good for the business then that is a plus. I do not want us to force them to marry for the sake of the business. You three brothers are good at your jobs. I'm sure that at least one of our children will be as well. I hope that none of them will think of business before love. You know Hiroto has been waiting for Yona's daughter to graduate college to broach the subject of dating Crystal. He has had a thing for her ever since the first time he saw her on a video call. He was fascinated with the fact that she broke a boys nose for daring to touch her. He has been biding his time till he felt she was mature enough to know what love is. I'm worried he is going to get his heart broken. Jiro has never acted like anything other than his brothers and he business was important to him. Though he has mentioned on more than on occasion that Yona's sister in law is the perfect woman. I'm just happy that I met and married u you oh before we met that family or else I would look dull next to them." Miko smiles jokingly at her husband. She knows how devoted he is to her and their children. He loved their first born so much and yet he never blamed her. He knew that she blamed herself enough for the both of them. Yet he stayed by her side through all these years never miss treating her or finding solace in someone else's arms. For that she is very grateful.
Akio hugs his wife lovingly kissing her deeply.
"You are my other half without you I am lost and am missing the piece that completes me. When my parents told me that I was to marry you in an arranged marriage to benefit the company. I was resistant but was willing to do as my father told me. When you walked in and I saw that it was my secret crush . I was over joyed that I was going to spend the rest of my life with you. We had been slowly getting to know each other through mutual friends in college gatherings. I knew that it was my one shot to make sure that the other guys that had their sights on courting you out of the way. I agreed happily. Both my brothers were surprised by my choice. I told them that I had been trying to get up the courage to ask you out. That by our fathers making the choice for us made it easier for me." Akio tells his wife after so many years his secret. Miko bursts out laughing and tells him hers.
"When my father first came to me he had yours and Jiro's pictures. He wanted me to marry Jiro thinking your father was going to make him heir. I told him I would only agree if it was you. That I already liked you , I tiold him about our group gatherings. So he agreed. He did not care as long as he had a connection to your fathers company. " Miko smiles at him at the memory. Hoping that her children will find love like they did.