Miko gets disgraced

Miko stays by Shiro every minute till time for her to go to the airport. She used her time trying to poison him against Lilli. Thinking now more than ever he needs to wake up and marry a rich daughter of a large company.

"Shiro mu sweet boy , I need you to listen closely to me. I know you are sleeping but I need you to wake up and come home right away. I need you to marry a good girl from a rich family so you can save us. You must forget about your attachment to Lilli and think of your family. " Miko begs Shiro throughout the night .

Shiro is playing with Lilli in his dream when he hears his mother's voice. He looks at his beautiful Lilli not wanting to be away from her for even a second.

"Why does the voice I hear always tell me to forget you?" Shiro asks Lilli.