Akio pleads for Miko

After a full night in jail, Akio is beside himself over his wife. He thinks of her as this fragile innocent woman who has little or no knowledge of the business. He calls Mori investments to speak to who is taking over for the former CFO.

"This is Yona how can I help you?" Yona speaks rushed and sternly knowing it's Akio. He doesn't feel as if Miko should be the only one to suffer for Lilli's mistreatment.

"Yona! I'm surprised that they sent me to you. This is Akio Kaji, I was calling because I wanted to ask if there was anything that I could say or do to help Miko." Akio explains.

"Well as a part-owner in Mori I decided that I would step in and review all the evidence. I'm sorry but it's pretty cut and dried against Miko and the former CFO. I will do what I can but right now it's with the authorities. They have not contacted us yet for any possible settlement. I will let you know as soon as they do. " Yona tells Akio wondering if he picked up on him being part owner.