Secrets of the past 3

Kitori arrives back in his room overtired from using his powers. He isn't as strong now as it is getting closer to his long sleep. There is a knock on the door it's his manservant.

"Everyone has gone to their rooms. The boy is fed and sleeping. Sir Jiro will be here for dinner tomorrow. Master, I overheard the people you brought home with you. They are from a future time. The one-man is sir Jiro's son. They were sent here to learn something but I was not able to hear well enough to find out."His manservant informs him.

"It is no matter they came at the perfect time. Did anything else happen?" Kitori asks the older man.

"The goddess Morrigan came and she was not happy. She looked like she was ready to fight someone. Her wings and hair were ablaze with her anger. It seemed to be at Sir Jiro's son. Are you sure it's safe having them here?" The manservant asks concern in his tone worries Kitori.