Facing ghost 3

Astila and Aisling get back to Shiro's house feeling much more at ease after their excursion with Shiro's parents.

"So how did things go with my brother?" Jiro asks Astila when he walks into the kitchen.

"I think you are going to find your brother and sister-in-law changed after our talk. They now know that they have a few misconceptions of our family . They thought that our parents were like yours, happy and loving. Both Aisling's and mine were not what you would expect. It was a shock for them." Astila tells Jiro not wanting to say anything about Jiro and Mizuki he will let Akio tell his brothers what he wants. Shiro comes into the kitchen and pulls Lilli back against his chest, in a back hug while she is washing dishes. Nuzzling her neck he asks her.

"Would you be willing to make me breakfast for dinner. I am craving pancakes and biscuits." Shiro's hand rubs her belly feeling it's roundness.