Finding the Gaurdian

When everyone finally gets to sleep Shiro and Akio just spend time in the garden together. 

"can I ask why you came her to ask if the kids could stay?You could have called and why so late at night?" Shiro asks his Dad

"I have a meeting tomorrow close by and thought it would be a good chance for me to visit.Your mom and I both miss you. You spend so much of your time either working ,taking care of Lilli or with your uncles that we never get to see you. I've been getting great reports on the job your doing by the way. I thought if I just showed up that it would be a chance for us to just talk like old times."Akio tells his son. 

"I miss those fishing trips and just getting in the car and Driving. We used to talk for hours."Shiro replies. 

"Those days were not often enough and that is my fault.I let the business come before you guys to often at times. " Akio sighs with regret.