Finding the Guardian 2

Akio and Yona went through the motions of a meeting as they had tea at the tea house. They discussed most of the business the night before at Shiro's house. Yona was more concerned about how Akio was taking having a nine tail as a son. 

"So you now know and believe what Shiro is. I hope your not to angry over us all keeping secrets from you. Now that you know about him I guess it's ok that you know about us." Yona starts to tell Akio. 

"There is no need. I already know. I found out at my parents memorial. Miko and I went on a little journey with your brother and Aisling. I take it that Aria is like you as well." Akio broaches the subject of his brothers wife. 

"actually no she is an immortal and an angel of light. " Yona tells Akio with no more flair than saying hello. This make Akio smile. 

"What I don't understand is why the connection to my family. I understand Shiro but why the rest?" Akio asks Yona.